Ive been playing around with "Side Cut" surfboards for over 2 years now; and was mucking around with the idea of an asymmetrical version.
this is the first draft - 5'8" for (currumbin) alley - just thought id share for something different!.
ill post pics as the build progresses
stuck for a model name though??
Fark the model name just make it already!
i get the feeling it might paddle funny but maybe keeping the deck quite flat or trying the keep the volumes of each side similar might help to keep the board sit level while paddling thus keep the paddle speed high. Just a thought.
Well LL, like the rest I will watch with interest! For your outline will you be mixing templates of previous boards or are you going full experimental and developing your own?, and if so, what outline will you be 'channeling?'
The Bent peanut.
It looks like a miss shaped peanut and I reckon you may have been bent when you thought of it
Keep us updated on the build and how it goes.
This is an asym that I shaped a couple of years ago. I love it! Its so much fun to ride, super fast down the line then super tight in the pocket! Ryan burch and Carl Eckstrom are 2 of the biggest proponents of asymetrics, Both of them hve blogs that are pretty cool.
Yep, My one is a fish on the toe side and a quad on the heels. designed with some of the right hand reefs we have locally. The hard part is that it is like surfing 2 boards at once.....takes a little getting used to.
So you got a computer cut!
how about u rub those cutter lines off and take some nice pics under the side lights without all the silly image filters!!!!
I gather ur glassing it this weekend?
Board shaped 5'5 1/2" x 18 1/2 x 2 5/8. Approx 35 L
hopefully will glass next week. Couldn't get any good bay shots. For some reason the down lights caused green lines ( bottom shot)