Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Greg Laurenson surfboard

Created by Benjiansell > 9 months ago, 28 Sep 2019
3 posts
28 Sep 2019 5:11PM
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I'm wondering if anyone knows of where I can find a Greg Laurenson surfboard for sale? My dad is a huge fan of the WA surfing icon and I wanted to surprise him with a GL board.

I'm based in Perth.

Many thanks,

WA, 1403 posts
28 Sep 2019 9:12PM
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Don't have one mate but have good memories of custom Rusty's of Greg in the 90s

3 posts
29 Sep 2019 6:46AM
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Ah yes with Santosha. I used to have a Rusty, but not a custom GL one, that would have been awesome!

WA, 582 posts
29 Sep 2019 4:37PM
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My 2nd board was a GL (bright red 7') I used to have a crack at main break at size with it late 70's great board ended up at the back of my brothers farm shed...........20 years ago he asked me if I still wanted it I said nah you can throw it out.......bummer

WA, 2223 posts
29 Sep 2019 9:07PM
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I've got one but I aint letting it go. It surfs do good 6'6"x20 single fin Cordingly GL Model

3 posts
1 Oct 2019 6:22PM
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What a ripper, looks awesome!

WA, 644 posts
2 Oct 2019 11:39AM
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Benjiansell said..
I'm wondering if anyone knows of where I can find a Greg Laurenson surfboard for sale? My dad is a huge fan of the WA surfing icon and I wanted to surprise him with a GL board.

I'm based in Perth.

Many thanks,

hey ben try vintage surfboard collectors WA they buy and sell those boards all the time
ive got a classic GL single on the roof but also not for sale

WA, 169 posts
8 Oct 2019 6:21AM
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I had a "610" gl was a classic looking board Sold it for 200 bucks a few years ago and have regretted letting it go since. Good luck mate hope u find a nice one

1 posts
2 Dec 2019 4:28AM
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Hi, we have a 9foot 6inch Santosha for sale. Unfortunately we are in Tauranga,NZ. It's on Trade Me, auction closes Sunday 8th Cheers, Lisa. Put reply on Trademe

752 posts
2 Dec 2019 7:39AM
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Give Colin Earle a shout
Hes got a truck load of collectibles in the cupboard
Dont mention my name though ha ha

76 posts
4 Dec 2019 9:31AM
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As katana said this is the facebook group you want to be a part of......

Vintage Surfboard Collectors West Oz

I bet your dad probably knows a few of the guys in the group and you won't get him off there

1 posts
20 Jul 2020 1:17PM
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Hi mate I've got a 6'3 triple fin Greg laurenson surf board if ur interested

8266 posts
20 Jul 2020 5:08PM
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That looks like it would clean up real nice, mostly dust & chinese wax job

I've got my circa 1988 Mark Ogram in for a bit of a restore atm

8266 posts
21 Jul 2020 4:10PM
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Private Message sent Willzo


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Greg Laurenson surfboard" started by Benjiansell