Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Gumtree instructors strikes again

Created by Surfstarved > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2015
78 posts
15 Jan 2015 9:04PM
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Wow, really sinking that low?

78 posts
16 Jan 2015 12:13PM
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Had a squizz on GT this morning and guess who's paid for themselves to be on front page titled directly to belittle that chick offering lessons. I don't see the main Surfing WA body posting anything here in objection. All I deduce is a business throwing a 3 year old temper tantrum at competition to their over priced business. A mature thing to do would be to report the said post to a governing body and let them deal with it. Not get back on gumtree like this... Or maybe they have and said governing body finds nothing wrong with it and hence they cannot accept this?

JB I think it just infuriates me that the beach has become a commodity to these businesses where it should be shared to all (whats the difference between her and say PT's using local parks?). It should not just be controlled by some who think by having a licence they own the whole place and can set themselves up where ever they want!

And no, I do not know this chick offering lessons. I just simply prefer a beach where my banks are not engulfed by fleuro rashies and instructors who probably don't know how to surf properly (I know having done the course in my younger years where to pass you simply need to be able to catch a wave on a softboard). Even better, just a beginner getting out who I'm more than welcomed to pass on pointers to because lets face it, thats how you really learn and not paying $60 to hear someone shouting 'yew!' at you as you flounder about.

WA, 6913 posts
16 Jan 2015 1:59PM
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Glasssssy said..
Had a squizz on GT this morning and guess who's paid for themselves to be on front page titled directly to belittle that chick offering lessons. I don't see the main Surfing WA body posting anything here in objection. All I deduce is a business throwing a 3 year old temper tantrum at competition to their over priced business. A mature thing to do would be to report the said post to a governing body and let them deal with it. Not get back on gumtree like this... Or maybe they have and said governing body finds nothing wrong with it and hence they cannot accept this?

JB I think it just infuriates me that the beach has become a commodity to these businesses where it should be shared to all (whats the difference between her and say PT's using local parks?). It should not just be controlled by some who think by having a licence they own the whole place and can set themselves up where ever they want!

And no, I do not know this chick offering lessons. I just simply prefer a beach where my banks are not engulfed by fleuro rashies and instructors who probably don't know how to surf properly (I know having done the course in my younger years where to pass you simply need to be able to catch a wave on a softboard). Even better, just a beginner getting out who I'm more than welcomed to pass on pointers to because lets face it, thats how you really learn and not paying $60 to hear someone shouting 'yew!' at you as you flounder about.

Thanks for that, i also noticed on the original add the girls add pops up on the bottom of his page, so i guess he's just helping share her business . For the record i couldn't agree more with you. I have heard of reports from a surf school saying that people are not allowed to teach there own friends even at said beaches.
I would prefer to share the surf with a small maybe one on one type of teaching/lesson than with 20 students.

You hit a point for me with the parks. Some councils will let PT's run on them for free, as long as they have the relevant insurance/qualifications but many councils will charge them. I find that wrong when you consider that i already pay fees to the council to maintain it. I understand that a limit needs to be set, like up to 10 or 15 people IMHO should be free. Over that could be considered okay to contribute to overall costs.

The same being said is that the surf schools who are fully registered, will love to tell you how they pay for beach access and therefore they have a right of way to use the beach over me

oz surf
WA, 407 posts
16 Jan 2015 3:43PM
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Glasssssy said..
Had a squizz on GT this morning and guess who's paid for themselves to be on front page titled directly to belittle that chick offering lessons. I don't see the main Surfing WA body posting anything here in objection. All I deduce is a business throwing a 3 year old temper tantrum at competition to their over priced business. A mature thing to do would be to report the said post to a governing body and let them deal with it. Not get back on gumtree like this... Or maybe they have and said governing body finds nothing wrong with it and hence they cannot accept this?

JB I think it just infuriates me that the beach has become a commodity to these businesses where it should be shared to all (whats the difference between her and say PT's using local parks?). It should not just be controlled by some who think by having a licence they own the whole place and can set themselves up where ever they want!

And no, I do not know this chick offering lessons. I just simply prefer a beach where my banks are not engulfed by fleuro rashies and instructors who probably don't know how to surf properly (I know having done the course in my younger years where to pass you simply need to be able to catch a wave on a softboard). Even better, just a beginner getting out who I'm more than welcomed to pass on pointers to because lets face it, thats how you really learn and not paying $60 to hear someone shouting 'yew!' at you as you flounder about.

Well said

332 posts
16 Jan 2015 4:10PM
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oz surf said..

Glasssssy said..
Had a squizz on GT this morning and guess who's paid for themselves to be on front page titled directly to belittle that chick offering lessons. I don't see the main Surfing WA body posting anything here in objection. All I deduce is a business throwing a 3 year old temper tantrum at competition to their over priced business. A mature thing to do would be to report the said post to a governing body and let them deal with it. Not get back on gumtree like this... Or maybe they have and said governing body finds nothing wrong with it and hence they cannot accept this?

JB I think it just infuriates me that the beach has become a commodity to these businesses where it should be shared to all (whats the difference between her and say PT's using local parks?). It should not just be controlled by some who think by having a licence they own the whole place and can set themselves up where ever they want!

And no, I do not know this chick offering lessons. I just simply prefer a beach where my banks are not engulfed by fleuro rashies and instructors who probably don't know how to surf properly (I know having done the course in my younger years where to pass you simply need to be able to catch a wave on a softboard). Even better, just a beginner getting out who I'm more than welcomed to pass on pointers to because lets face it, thats how you really learn and not paying $60 to hear someone shouting 'yew!' at you as you flounder about.

Well said

+1 would they really stop someone giving one on one lessons? Thats crazy???

WA, 589 posts
16 Jan 2015 4:26PM
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This is extremely poor form from the Surf School, and obviously an immature way of dealing with a perceived threat to their monopoly of selling surf lessons on Scarborough beach.

They carried out similar nonsense not so long ago when taking out a paid ad on gumtree to discredit a 'competitor' offering lessons at Brighton Beach.

You have to wonder if they go to such lengths to protect their financial interests and misguided sense of entitlement, what sort of attitude are they projecting onto their students...

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
16 Jan 2015 4:27PM
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How could they stop people teaching friends/family?

Surely they could politely be told to get f*****

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
16 Jan 2015 7:56PM
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In my experience of seeing surf schools I can not recall ever being interested in surfing the spot that they are on - maybe we are just lucky over east Plenty of times the flags have been raised in front of a good bank though !

WA, 9675 posts
16 Jan 2015 5:29PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
In my experience of seeing surf schools I can not recall ever being interested in surfing the spot that they are on - maybe we are just lucky over east Plenty of times the flags have been raised in front of a good bank though !

we have some ****ter surf schools where i am...BUT i will give a plug to Reagan at FIRST WAVE surf school at main beach. this bloke is huge on the rules side of things,as in how to stop pissing crew of and you will have a good time. he just drums it into them which us regulars really appreciate

cant comment on the WA side of it,but our surf schools pay fees to the council and need insurance,plus a current first aid,bronze medallion and have accreditation from surfing queensland.

i wont start a rant on pt using our beaches and facilities for free while club owners pay rent and dont piss the general public off

QLD, 21893 posts
16 Jan 2015 9:14PM
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chrispy said..

FIRST WAVE surf school at main beach. this bloke is huge on the rules side of things,as in how to stop pissing crew of and you will have a good time. he just drums it into them

You need to attend class more often

QLD, 515 posts
16 Jan 2015 9:19PM
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Ted the Kiwi said.. Plenty of times the flags have been raised in front of a good bank though !

Plenty of times ......PFFTTT.... Nearly every bloody day up this way

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
16 Jan 2015 10:49PM
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Macaha said..

chrispy said..

FIRST WAVE surf school at main beach. this bloke is huge on the rules side of things,as in how to stop pissing crew of and you will have a good time. he just drums it into them

You need to attend class more often


Buster fin
WA, 2576 posts
16 Jan 2015 7:50PM
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jbshack said..
Glasssssy said..
Wow, really sinking that low?

What do you think is low? The fact that she is operating of the books, or the warning from the competition

Either way surf schools always seem to send all their patrons out in front me for some reason

Then you must be the guy who comes and sits next to me before the kooks come.

NSW, 282 posts
17 Jan 2015 12:57PM
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Dawn Patrol said..
How could they stop people teaching friends/family?

Surely they could politely be told to get f*****

I'm with you and I can also understand if a school has done the right thing with the local authorities and got approvals insurance etc and someone else rocks up in there area doing I guess cashies with no insurance etc they'd be pissed
but if ya teaching your own family or friends I don't think anyone can stop u from doing that

WA, 2153 posts
17 Jan 2015 10:23AM
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The ad is down....what did I miss.

QLD, 1332 posts
17 Jan 2015 4:38PM
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A pox on all surf schools!

I doubt any of us learnt to surf with one and we all turned out alright.

WA, 9675 posts
17 Jan 2015 4:16PM
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Cuttlefish said...
A pox on all surf schools!

I doubt any of us learnt to surf with one and we all turned out alright.

That's so true....I said to the person I mentioned above how many crew he teaches will keep on surfing. He said about 5% would. In saying that a lot of the clients up here would be tourists

752 posts
18 Jan 2015 2:48PM
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We need a school to unteach people how to surf
Now that's a surf school i'd support

WA, 589 posts
18 Jan 2015 7:38PM
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I'd support a surf school that only offers golf lessons

WA, 6913 posts
19 Jan 2015 10:49AM
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TimKay said..
We need a school to unteach people how to surf
Now that's a surf school i'd support

Really un teach? Can you imagine Perth's Super Bank, if the ability of surfers was lowered even further

QLD, 1332 posts
19 Jan 2015 4:30PM
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I used to have a bumper sticker on my car that I had made up by friends with a sticker read, "Surfing sucks, don't try it."

WA, 1259 posts
20 Jan 2015 2:04PM
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If no money was exchanged, just beer, would that be deemed an official surf school??

"Surf lessons - 1 hour/6pack of beer"

That would be my ad.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Jan 2015 6:45PM
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Souwester said...

"Surf lessons - 1 hour/6pack of beer"

That would be my ad.

Then you would have to work until lunchtime for a box - put ur rates up I reckon

WA, 1259 posts
20 Jan 2015 4:01PM
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Whoops, yeah in the fine print, min. allowance is a carton of beer.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Gumtree instructors strikes again" started by Surfstarved