Just seeking some feedback on the best softboard for a kid 4-5 years old. Looking at getting my young lad a board for xmas, something I can push him into so he can start learning to surf.
Seen the below online, anyone have these for their kids or other brands? any opinions welcome, cheers!www.rebelsport.com.au/Product/Raw-Shredder-48-Surfboard/383510http://www.sideways.com.au/maddog-5f8-softboard/
Both of my kids learnt on El Nino's. They loved them and had good stability. My mates kids same age learnt on Star soft boards of the same size. ( maybe a local thing for WA only sorry) but they were a lot thicker and seemed to paddle a lot better than ElNino. So maybe something a bit thicker may be of interest.
The big issue my kids found with soft boards was they were a bit slow to react or turn, so often my son would triming down the line try and turn of the lip but just surf of the back of the wave.
Either way a soft board to learn is really a great idea, for safety, they tend to drag them around on the beach and kids in the water are like magnets to each other..
Either way you'll have a ball..Enjoy
I bought 5'5 foamie for my boy when he was 6, but I found it was to small for him to learn, even though he could skateboard by that edge. I should've bought something about 7'0 so we could take turns
We used an ocean n earth ezy rider 7 foot for our kids which was good... The boardriding club I'm in just got a few tom Carroll foamies and they are great... They actually have a nice rail!!... Defo worth checking them out...
Thanks for all the comments. Agree the TC Softech looks the goods but I think that would be the next step up as a bit pricey for my 4 1/2 year old to start out on. All so much easier when I was his age, "here is a hunk of foam go surf on it"
Shame your on the other side of the country. Got a board you could have for free but it's ugly.
I have a 4.5yr old too and we pick up a couple soft boards (110cm) off gumtree, figured they will be trashed, not only in the water but on the sand dunes also.
The biggest thing is that he can pick the board up by himself, catch white water near the shore. I have managed to stand him up on it, so the float is there.
I've take the fins off, they won't make it as he washes up onto the beach.
Just my two cents
My 3 kids all had the same old pink El Nino.it was handed down through the family and did the trick. its got good stability which is most important to start. We got them fibre glass boards once they progressed to turning.