Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Lighthouse beach again

Created by qwerty > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2016
9106 posts
28 Oct 2016 8:44PM
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IFocus said...
jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

WA, 9675 posts
29 Oct 2016 2:11AM
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jbshack said...
chrispy said..

IFocus said...

chrispy said..
Where is that Nick Carroll piece you keep avoiding.....

I'll handle this JB

Nick make the inference that the offshore shark fishing / by catch is a huge number of tonnes so bumping off a few more or the remainder inshore will make no difference to the environment.

I wonder if he understood the irony of what he said......

One thing that did surprise me was the low numbers of bycatch from mesh nets just didn't add up to me.

To be fair to Nick he did say the reporting of by catch from other fishing maybe iffy

The eager appreciate dapper always at the ready...are you going to delete this post..... give him a good pat on the belly jb

People like me and even Ifocus, we post for a reason, we want some genuine change to water safety and people need to start to think outside of the box for that to be achieved. Thanks to people like you, we get to share our ideas. As you just said all this is to you is big laugh.. For some people though, its not so funny, maybe you should remove yourself from the discussion if you cant be constructive..

Farkwit....a big laugh....words in context....


You dismiss what anybody else has to say and you even have the audacity to think you know more than a fishing family... to lecture people or even your righteous responses sums you up entirely...some of those to mickpc were laughable but very much you.....

You are part of the problem not the solution jb. You are all about hypotheticals and scaring people, or the best is when you find one line from a thousand that will back your theory,but the other 999 lines from that report is just because you say so......

Damn you sucked me in again....also if you are going to use my words ,use them in the context they were used and in the tone that it was used in....

Love bernie

QLD, 21900 posts
29 Oct 2016 5:23AM
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Some light reading gents and welcome back from your forced time out Doggie,do try to behave this time

WA, 306 posts
29 Oct 2016 6:39AM
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chrispy said...
jbshack said...
chrispy said..

IFocus said...

chrispy said..
Where is that Nick Carroll piece you keep avoiding.....

I'll handle this JB

Nick make the inference that the offshore shark fishing / by catch is a huge number of tonnes so bumping off a few more or the remainder inshore will make no difference to the environment.

I wonder if he understood the irony of what he said......

One thing that did surprise me was the low numbers of bycatch from mesh nets just didn't add up to me.

To be fair to Nick he did say the reporting of by catch from other fishing maybe iffy

The eager appreciate dapper always at the ready...are you going to delete this post..... give him a good pat on the belly jb

People like me and even Ifocus, we post for a reason, we want some genuine change to water safety and people need to start to think outside of the box for that to be achieved. Thanks to people like you, we get to share our ideas. As you just said all this is to you is big laugh.. For some people though, its not so funny, maybe you should remove yourself from the discussion if you cant be constructive..

Farkwit....a big laugh....words in context....


You dismiss what anybody else has to say and you even have the audacity to think you know more than a fishing family... to lecture people or even your righteous responses sums you up entirely...some of those to mickpc were laughable but very much you.....

You are part of the problem not the solution jb. You are all about hypotheticals and scaring people, or the best is when you find one line from a thousand that will back your theory,but the other 999 lines from that report is just because you say so......

Damn you sucked me in again....also if you are going to use my words ,use them in the context they were used and in the tone that it was used in....

Love bernie

Good work Chrispy Thought I was the only one tiring with the "selective science", really is starting to get a bit long in the tooth, almost like listening to a politician dance around all the facts except the ones that suite their agenda ..............The only thing to work out is what exactly is the agenda here..........

WA, 582 posts
29 Oct 2016 7:21AM
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What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

About 1/2 of the deaths from attacks in WA occurred from a missing limb as the Ad diver pointed out a lot of the attacks are from adolescents around 3 metres so they go for legs and arms due to mouth size.

The survival rate in WA from this type of injury is really poor as most bleed to death in the water unlike the East coast where survivors generally catch the next wave to the beach and are treated there in a short period of time.

More than 1/2 the waves Mick and I surf you cannot get 1 wave straight to the beach at least not in 2 to 4 mins if you could there won't be surf lifesavers to treat you ever.

Your comment applies to bigger whites (5 meters) where the wound is at the torso due to the mouth size the last person taken in this manner in WA was a female diver a highly respected member of the community, the young bloke at Wedge also suffered the same fate but the white also took the body.

As for being your hero...........Pfffft............I don't have to be anything to anyone...........ever

WA, 582 posts
29 Oct 2016 7:24AM
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Macaha said..
Some light reading gents and welcome back from your forced time out Doggie,do try to behave this time

The biggest white taken in Queensland was 2.5 meters I am not sure we have had a fatality from a white over here that small.

WA, 2354 posts
29 Oct 2016 7:46AM
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2.5 metres?

I shuck those little fellas under the chin, give them a wink as the swim past and tell them to remember who the friend was when they grow up. Their all playful and cuddly at that size.

WA, 598 posts
29 Oct 2016 10:06AM
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Discuss ...

145 posts
29 Oct 2016 10:22AM
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Cobra said...
IFocus said...
jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

WA, 582 posts
29 Oct 2016 10:59AM
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Thanks another hand grenade, just joking bloke

He has a nice go at Shark Shield check it out Dave

Tom Carroll (I always knew his was a good bloke) said this

“It makes sense to our fear to go and kill something,” Carroll told ­Inquirer after the Shark Shield launch. “It’s just a shortsighted view of how to deal with something. But there’s got to be something better than just going out and killing, and I’d just call upon people’s patience and willingness to try and work on the research to understand shark behaviour.”

8266 posts
29 Oct 2016 3:51PM
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jbshack said..

MickPC said..
I'm a bit short on time today, so I will try & address points made some time over the weekend.

I'll just let you ponder this;

A logical assumption is an assumption that follows sound logic and supporting evidence. It also acknowledges that variables which may make the assumption false do not exist.

This is what scientists used to protect great whites.

JB you said, "i haven't made the simple assumption that they are in over populated numbers and when i research i find that everyone who is anyone really says numbers can not have breed up to be a problem, not even close, many still believe that numbers are still critically low to sustain a healthy breeding diversity".

I will let you think about that statement in that you mention your research & current numbers not yet coming close to being a problem...I guess I can make the simple assumption your "research" is regurgitating information obtained from people of like mind. That's cool, I prefer to do some thinking for myself based on what I have seen, read & heard from a variety of sources...but what concerns me is you say you feel numbers have not yet reached a level of concern.

Why are we seeing more great whites attacking boats & hanging closer to shore? Firstly coz there are more of them, even you yourself admit this & so do the almighty scientists who need to conduct more research coz after all this time they still know so little about great whites. And I don't disagree more research needs to be done. However this does not mean we can not have a system in place to act more swiftly in the event of attack without red tape hampering operations.

There was a global protection of great whites. Shark tourism needs to be shut down globally as this is associating humans with food. People need to stop throwing stuff off boats, however this is incredibly hard to stop. And what about people researching sharks? They're chumming up the water to attract sharks in order to tag sharks or test stuff. Very difficult situation there isn't it. Surfboard floating in the water with electronic devices being tested to see if they fark the sharks off. I'm very reluctant to even bring it up as I see it as far more beneficial than any other study I've heard about...

I've always said I don't support a cull. I just want great white sharks taken off the protected list in order to enable quicker reaction of response & prevention of attacks. As I feel numbers are way past being a problem, that for me is supported by factual statistics of recent scientific data.

Its so simple, there is no supportive evidence of more Great White sharks in population numbers..All there is supportive evidence that more Great White sharks are being seen close to shore. There not the same thing..More likely the answer will be something like Great White sharks have moved closer to shore because thats were their food source has moved..

Hypothetically Thats like saying theres 10 surfers per square km of land in Scarborough. SO if you multiple that number of surfers by each square km in Australia thats the total number of surfer population.

Whether they are inshore or offshore is not the point when talking numbers of great whites. If a species of fish was protected due to logical assumption considering it to be endangered. A huge increase in sightings be it inshore or offshore nullifies that assumption making it no longer valid & therefore changes made by the previous logical assumption need to be revised

If the great white species is more concentrated in the Perth metro area giving off the false impression of a huge resurgence in great white numbers from the few tagged sharks & tagged shark receivers, then that should make it easier to protect them. If they are no longer protected & fishing regulations specifying what is & what is not allowed has been put in its place, it will be easier to administer the regulations. As unlikely as this is in regard to great white sharks being concentrated in the Perth metro area, a very small portion of the Southern to Mid Western ocean of Western Australia.

The ocean's vast & a lot of this tagging/tracking is being done within the metro area which is a very small slice in consideration of the WA coast, yet alone our vast Southern Ocean's. If sharks were running away from boats in the past & now attracted by them, we're probably getting a much better idea of what is around locally. And you only really hear of the local stories don't you. You don't hear about people being killed & injured overseas most of the time.

We're never going to know how many there are from scientific studies, not in our lifetime, the job is just way too big...unless you have heard of global sonar station being developed with the ability to identify & count great white sharks.

So for me it comes down to how many great whites do we need to make the logical assumption they are no longer endangered & therefore, no longer in need of protection. Coz this is the best we have to go on for now & was good enough in the past to help make decisions. Obviously they are breeding, there have been at least a couple of reports on new breeding zones being discovered within Australian waters in the last few years.

We need to start considering effective fishing regulations to sustain the species & reduce the frequency of attack. Prolonged protection of an apex predator is madness.

8266 posts
29 Oct 2016 3:59PM
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IFocus said..

Thanks another hand grenade, just joking bloke

He has a nice go at Shark Shield check it out Dave

Tom Carroll (I always knew his was a good bloke) said this

“It makes sense to our fear to go and kill something,” Carroll told ­Inquirer after the Shark Shield launch. “It’s just a shortsighted view of how to deal with something. But there’s got to be something better than just going out and killing, and I’d just call upon people’s patience and willingness to try and work on the research to understand shark behaviour.”

I was in chat with Tom the other week when his bro hosted the online live disscussion. His stance is we need to not give in to our fear & hey the blokes obviously got balls of steel. Heaps of respect for him...but I don't agree

Unfortunately I can't read the link, they want me to subscibe...will be down at the local tomorrow mate, probably on a yellow CW with a switchfooting fetish

9106 posts
29 Oct 2016 4:09PM
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I'm proud of the fact that my local has the biggest white caught on drum lines in Qld history,,, ummmm and the biggest tiger

WA, 6913 posts
29 Oct 2016 4:14PM
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chrispy said..

jbshack said...

chrispy said..

IFocus said...

chrispy said..
Where is that Nick Carroll piece you keep avoiding.....

I'll handle this JB

Nick make the inference that the offshore shark fishing / by catch is a huge number of tonnes so bumping off a few more or the remainder inshore will make no difference to the environment.

I wonder if he understood the irony of what he said......

One thing that did surprise me was the low numbers of bycatch from mesh nets just didn't add up to me.

To be fair to Nick he did say the reporting of by catch from other fishing maybe iffy

The eager appreciate dapper always at the ready...are you going to delete this post..... give him a good pat on the belly jb

People like me and even Ifocus, we post for a reason, we want some genuine change to water safety and people need to start to think outside of the box for that to be achieved. Thanks to people like you, we get to share our ideas. As you just said all this is to you is big laugh.. For some people though, its not so funny, maybe you should remove yourself from the discussion if you cant be constructive..

Farkwit....a big laugh....words in context....


You dismiss what anybody else has to say and you even have the audacity to think you know more than a fishing family... to lecture people or even your righteous responses sums you up entirely...some of those to mickpc were laughable but very much you.....

You are part of the problem not the solution jb. You are all about hypotheticals and scaring people, or the best is when you find one line from a thousand that will back your theory,but the other 999 lines from that report is just because you say so......

Damn you sucked me in again....also if you are going to use my words ,use them in the context they were used and in the tone that it was used in....

Love bernie

I don't think that and never even said so. Sorry to be clear, its you i don't believe..How about naming this family, that way i can research what fishing they have done so i can then decide weather or not there opinion may be valid to me..

WA, 6913 posts
29 Oct 2016 4:22PM
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Why not copy and paste the story..

A quick google though of "Research failing" to find answers to many things, I'm not sure why its so news worthy when they don't have a answer to protection from the largest wild environment on the planet..

Especially when you consider just how little amount of funding they get..Add that together with the many different groups working completely independent of each other, its a wonder that we have any clue..

WA, 9675 posts
29 Oct 2016 4:43PM
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jbshack said..

Why not copy and paste the story..

A quick google though of "Research failing" to find answers to many things, I'm not sure why its so news worthy when they don't have a answer to protection from the largest wild environment on the planet..

Especially when you consider just how little amount of funding they get..Add that together with the many different groups working completely independent of each other, its a wonder that we have any clue..

The funding iis so little compared to what jb? I'm sure there would be a zillion dying people that would argue with that... so what is it little compared to? Entertain the millions of dying people who cannot afford medication

And do you even have a summed it up nicely right there

WA, 6913 posts
29 Oct 2016 6:32PM
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chrispy said..

jbshack said..

Why not copy and paste the story..

A quick google though of "Research failing" to find answers to many things, I'm not sure why its so news worthy when they don't have a answer to protection from the largest wild environment on the planet..

Especially when you consider just how little amount of funding they get..Add that together with the many different groups working completely independent of each other, its a wonder that we have any clue..

The funding iis so little compared to what jb? I'm sure there would be a zillion dying people that would argue with that... so what is it little compared to? Entertain the millions of dying people who cannot afford medication

And do you even have a summed it up nicely right there

SO you have an issue with people struggling to get money for medications, but you have no problem spending millions to kill wild life for no result..Sorry, other than your own fear of the ocean..

WA, 9675 posts
29 Oct 2016 6:36PM
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jbshack said..

chrispy said..

jbshack said..

Why not copy and paste the story..

A quick google though of "Research failing" to find answers to many things, I'm not sure why its so news worthy when they don't have a answer to protection from the largest wild environment on the planet..

Especially when you consider just how little amount of funding they get..Add that together with the many different groups working completely independent of each other, its a wonder that we have any clue..

The funding iis so little compared to what jb? I'm sure there would be a zillion dying people that would argue with that... so what is it little compared to? Entertain the millions of dying people who cannot afford medication

And do you even have a summed it up nicely right there

SO you have an issue with people struggling to get money for medications, but you have no problem spending millions to kill wild life for no result..Sorry, other than your own fear of the ocean..

that's what Donald trump would say..., and once again learn to read and comprehend in one will make you look less stupid

mr politician answer the original question before you mutated it with your arrogant mentality...

so how little is the funding compared to what ? answer that before you try to get all lubed up again just cause you like em

WA, 9675 posts
29 Oct 2016 6:44PM
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the more I read your reply jb the more I realise why some people are just ****ing ****s

and for the sake of science,could you please explain how you came up with that response...there is a Darwin award in it for you

WA, 1403 posts
29 Oct 2016 9:02PM
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In the words of trump

WA, 582 posts
30 Oct 2016 10:07AM
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MickPC said..

will be down at the local tomorrow mate, probably on a yellow CW with a switchfooting fetish

Unfortunately didn't see you paddling out ended up three breaks south of you Mick........had a Travis coffee with a mate after I got out watching a bloke styling on a yellow board right side of the peak from the look out

Hung around but looked like you were set for the day

Need to talk long boards with you as you have been a short board rider I have never surfed one, mate is always asking when I am going to start riding a longboard I always say when I start wearing dresses..............then there is always a awkward silence don't know why .

8266 posts
30 Oct 2016 10:52AM
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IFocus said..

MickPC said..

will be down at the local tomorrow mate, probably on a yellow CW with a switchfooting fetish

Unfortunately didn't see you paddling out ended up three breaks south of you Mick........had a Travis coffee with a mate after I got out watching a bloke styling on a yellow board right side of the peak from the look out

Hung around but looked like you were set for the day

Need to talk long boards with you as you have been a short board rider I have never surfed one, mate is always asking when I am going to start riding a longboard I always say when I start wearing dresses..............then there is always a awkward silence don't know why .

lol...just got in mate...yeah I have 4 boards I surf regularly depending on conditions & numbers in the water. Would of surfed a shortboard in those conditions today if it wasn't a Sunday. Happy to try & help you with any questions you might have in the longboard room or I'm down there most mornings. Otherwise Ryan in that new CW shop is good to talk to as well

QLD, 21900 posts
31 Oct 2016 6:52PM
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WA, 2354 posts
31 Oct 2016 4:59PM
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Frame grab from the Jaws remake?

QLD, 21900 posts
31 Oct 2016 7:28PM
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thedrip said..
Frame grab from the Jaws remake?

Call it a human cull

9106 posts
31 Oct 2016 8:40PM
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roodney said...
Cobra said...
IFocus said...
jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

Yep better than nothing I guess.
I'm So glad We don't need tornos ,we have shark drums instead. I prefer shark drums than parting with my limbs.

9106 posts
31 Oct 2016 9:28PM
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roodney said...
Cobra said...
IFocus said...
jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

Yep better than nothing I guess.
I'm So glad We don't need tornos ,we have shark drums instead. I prefer shark drums than parting with my limbs.

WA, 77 posts
31 Oct 2016 11:01PM
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IFocus said..

Thanks another hand grenade, just joking bloke

He has a nice go at Shark Shield check it out Dave

Tom Carroll (I always knew his was a good bloke) said this

“It makes sense to our fear to go and kill something,” Carroll told ­Inquirer after the Shark Shield launch. “It’s just a shortsighted view of how to deal with something. But there’s got to be something better than just going out and killing, and I’d just call upon people’s patience and willingness to try and work on the research to understand shark behaviour.”

When you get a famous surfer on your payroll and tell him to say things, those things must never be taken as a personal opinion. He's a good guy, but he could just as much think this as the exact opposite.

WA, 6913 posts
1 Nov 2016 2:26PM
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m00chy said..

IFocus said..

Thanks another hand grenade, just joking bloke

He has a nice go at Shark Shield check it out Dave

Tom Carroll (I always knew his was a good bloke) said this

“It makes sense to our fear to go and kill something,” Carroll told ­Inquirer after the Shark Shield launch. “It’s just a shortsighted view of how to deal with something. But there’s got to be something better than just going out and killing, and I’d just call upon people’s patience and willingness to try and work on the research to understand shark behaviour.”

When you get a famous surfer on your payroll and tell him to say things, those things must never be taken as a personal opinion. He's a good guy, but he could just as much think this as the exact opposite.

I feel similar, but then you also have to think they are professional sports people and earn dollars from sponsorship. So would he have supported the product with out the endorsement, probably not..

Sharks are a hugely contested topic and you'll find the majority of surfers will sit on the fence when it comes to voicing an opinion. To actually endorse a product would take it even further. TBH thats how i like it also. I know i would see one of them differently if they took a attitude that was different than mine, and for that id prefer they said nothing..

Who would have thought, money talks..

WA, 6913 posts
1 Nov 2016 2:29PM
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Cobra said..

roodney said...

Cobra said...

IFocus said...

jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

Yep better than nothing I guess.
I'm So glad We don't need tornos ,we have shark drums instead. I prefer shark drums than parting with my limbs.

It takes a special kind of human to celebrate the death and destruction of the ocean around him


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Lighthouse beach again" started by qwerty