Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Lighthouse beach again

Created by qwerty > 9 months ago, 26 Sep 2016
Andy T
WA, 325 posts
1 Nov 2016 5:07PM
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jbshack said...
Cobra said..

roodney said...

Cobra said...

IFocus said...

jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

Yep better than nothing I guess.
I'm So glad We don't need tornos ,we have shark drums instead. I prefer shark drums than parting with my limbs.

It takes a special kind of human to celebrate the death and destruction of the ocean around him

JB don't you do that everyday selling boats so that last jewie or snapper can be caught?

WA, 6913 posts
2 Nov 2016 1:02PM
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Andy T said..

JB don't you do that everyday selling boats so that last jewie or snapper can be caught?

I don't see how, i have no issue with fishing sustainably.. Your example of Dhu fish and snapper are hardly an endangered species. Thats why you can legally catch them, with in bag limits and size restrictions..

Obviously you feel boats are contributing to the death of oceans, (as you have raised the connection) I find that curious how can you have a problem with fishing and boating but agree with culling sharks

Im not sure your fully across the subject as you may not know that not all boats are used for fishing, many people use them to drive around and scuba dive from, some pull skiers and wake boards, even a few just like to enjoy the sunshine and eat bickies and drink wine on them, I'm not sure how any of those people would be killing the ocean either..

But i like that your thinking about me

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
2 Nov 2016 2:51PM
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Noise pollution

9106 posts
2 Nov 2016 3:05PM
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jbshack said...
Cobra said..

roodney said...

Cobra said...

IFocus said...

jbshack said..
For face book users today a really great video was shared by Terra Australis. I cant seem to share it another way then by FB though. If anyone can post directly would be cool..

Must watch for WA guys.

The game changer is the torniquete applied in the water immediately after the attack.

A lot of our breaks are reef and relatively a fair way out.

You have 2 to 4 mins to get that torniquete on for a missing leg so carrying one in the water is critical.

I carry and hand out the one below but any thing you can apply and tie off easily is good. (x 10 much cheaper)

The idea of using a leg rope is a last desperate measure, if you have sets rolling over the top of you then you will have to chose to stay with the victim and swim (the shark will likely follow you) or hold your board and lose the patient who will likely be unconscious.

PS Mick I have yours in my car waiting for you whenever I can catch up.

What's your torno going to do when they've had their guts ripped out or their cock & balls chewed on .truly you are my hero.

Better than nothing at all I guess. If it helps one person it's done it's job.

Yep better than nothing I guess.
I'm So glad We don't need tornos ,we have shark drums instead. I prefer shark drums than parting with my limbs.

It takes a special kind of human to celebrate the death and destruction of the ocean around him

I celebrate human life and the small amount of sharks killed by bait drums to achieve that, is worth it.
again I get dragged into replying to unproven overdramatise statements by you.

Mate the destruction and death of our ocean is very real for me, it's in my backyard.its the worlds biggest coral reef .
It has coral bleaching the size of small country's
That's a real world ocean problem JB not a few sharks taken to save a human life.
But before you point the finger at other people being the problem.
Think about your footprint/impact on the ocean
From jetting around the worlds oceans to selling boats that are responsible for death of fish and their habitat .
The amount of dead sea life I see washed up from propeller cuts fish net by catch and pollution ,yes pollution, turtles are killed by plastics everyday . But None of that plastic come from a boat hey.

9106 posts
2 Nov 2016 3:18PM
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Jb Tells us about two stroke boat motors and
The environmental impact.
I remember a 2stroke ban in some US states.

AND Diesel motors are so good for environment
All those recreational boaters doing nothing to water environments hey.

WA, 582 posts
2 Nov 2016 6:34PM
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We are really breaking new ground here raising the bar to new .....low a shark thread moralising over selling boats in a state with population of 3 million with a coastline of 20,000 km plus.

Plus 2 stroke sales LOL were huge in 1974.

JB hang your head in shame

An actual mature conversation re sharks here for anyone interested on the East Coast.

Do appreciate the torniquete image being shown repeatedly but

9106 posts
3 Nov 2016 5:08AM
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Now a carbon footprint has nothing to do with sharks , ffs but a shark coffee van has only facts and unbiased information to peddle're killing me

Only to happy to share your torno pic around.

LOL How's sales in QLD going?

10979 posts
3 Nov 2016 6:49AM
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The comments under that black coffee post are interesting, the article offered nothing.

Read these last week and thought they outlined the options etc in a well balanced way.

9106 posts
3 Nov 2016 8:06AM
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i remember reading on seabreeze that drums don't catch GWS thats why they will never work in WA.

they must have different GWS in NSW.

Premier Mike Baird said 31 great white and five bull sharks had already been successfully tagged and relocated since May 2016.


9106 posts
3 Nov 2016 8:33AM
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IFocus said..

Plus 2 stroke sales LOL were huge in 1974.

JB hang your head in shame

so what happened in the 80s 90s 2000 no 2stroke cab sales. Pfffffffft tripping.

BTW for anyone interested.

752 posts
3 Nov 2016 9:45AM
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jbshack said..

m00chy said..

IFocus said..

Thanks another hand grenade, just joking bloke

He has a nice go at Shark Shield check it out Dave

Tom Carroll (I always knew his was a good bloke) said this

“It makes sense to our fear to go and kill something,” Carroll told ­Inquirer after the Shark Shield launch. “It’s just a shortsighted view of how to deal with something. But there’s got to be something better than just going out and killing, and I’d just call upon people’s patience and willingness to try and work on the research to understand shark behaviour.”

When you get a famous surfer on your payroll and tell him to say things, those things must never be taken as a personal opinion. He's a good guy, but he could just as much think this as the exact opposite.

I feel similar, but then you also have to think they are professional sports people and earn dollars from sponsorship. So would he have supported the product with out the endorsement, probably not..

Sharks are a hugely contested topic and you'll find the majority of surfers will sit on the fence when it comes to voicing an opinion. To actually endorse a product would take it even further. TBH thats how i like it also. I know i would see one of them differently if they took a attitude that was different than mine, and for that id prefer they said nothing..

If someone had an opinion different to mine I would respect it and move on.
You really need to re read this and have a good hard look at yourself.
That is probably the most self righteous statement I've heard for a while.

WA, 6913 posts
3 Nov 2016 4:44PM
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Cobra said..

IFocus said..

Plus 2 stroke sales LOL were huge in 1974.

JB hang your head in shame

so what happened in the 80s 90s 2000 no 2stroke cab sales. Pfffffffft tripping.

BTW for anyone interested.

A complete side point but if you think two stroke sales will ever be banned, that makes me laugh.

Oh and can you please name me ANY state in the USA that they are banned..

WA, 582 posts
3 Nov 2016 6:48PM
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SP said..
More stuff..

Thanks SP

The poll may have needed to be state specific as the viability is quite significant for each jurisdiction.

Our discussion (argument) here is mostly / really at cross purposes as a result.

Queensland / NSW have controls to kill sharks inshore WA currently have none.

For those who don't know that situation in WA regardless off these pages of kill / don't kill isn't going to change any time soon as there are no votes in it for the current Liberal/Nats government with a March election / Labor have a no kill shark policy so here in WA its a pointless discussion.

Queensland has a relatively short surf coast line and NSW has large population concentrations (relatively) over its surf coast line WA has a extensive coast line and relatively low population concentration except for Perth (which has absolutely rubbish surf).

In WA unless you go down the Razz line and commercially wipe out the Whites drum lines / mesh nets would be hard to manage, I doubt you would see them off Lefties / The womb / un-named breaks north of Perth etc, what about the south coast around to Esperance etc it just ant going to happen any time soon.

The options for WA guys is radically different to the East Coast.

What I trying to say is in WA right now nothing is going to happen to reduce the risk (which is real) unless you buy a deterrent and carry a torniquete or ride a longboard (I don't believe anyone has been taken from one).

Now guys from the East Coast may chip in saying how wonderful drum lines etc are don't do what I am suggesting.

Well FU(K OFF right now there is no other option.

WA, 598 posts
4 Nov 2016 9:07AM
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Nice article in today's West IFocus.

10979 posts
4 Nov 2016 10:29AM
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IFocus said...
SP said..
More stuff..

Thanks SP

The poll may have needed to be state specific as the viability is quite significant for each jurisdiction.

Our discussion (argument) here is mostly / really at cross purposes as a result.

Queensland / NSW have controls to kill sharks inshore WA currently have none.

For those who don't know that situation in WA regardless off these pages of kill / don't kill isn't going to change any time soon as there are no votes in it for the current Liberal/Nats government with a March election / Labor have a no kill shark policy so here in WA its a pointless discussion.

Queensland has a relatively short surf coast line and NSW has large population concentrations (relatively) over its surf coast line WA has a extensive coast line and relatively low population concentration except for Perth (which has absolutely rubbish surf).

In WA unless you go down the Razz line and commercially wipe out the Whites drum lines / mesh nets would be hard to manage, I doubt you would see them off Lefties / The womb / un-named breaks north of Perth etc, what about the south coast around to Esperance etc it just ant going to happen any time soon.

The options for WA guys is radically different to the East Coast.

What I trying to say is in WA right now nothing is going to happen to reduce the risk (which is real) unless you buy a deterrent and carry a torniquete or ride a longboard (I don't believe anyone has been taken from one).

Now guys from the East Coast may chip in saying how wonderful drum lines etc are don't do what I am suggesting.

Well FU(K OFF right now there is no other option.

I agree different coast require different solutions.

The DPI survey on nets is very specific.

On your other point Why do WA guys keep commenting on Ballina like they know then?
By your logic they should not comment but we have a thread full of WA resident telling us the east coast solution is wrong??

Even used a Bond Uni study into WA as proof nets wouldn't be effective. It's WA specific and the opposite of what the east coast scientist say..

So can all WA residents please **** off before commenting on the east coast.. Thanks, your cooperation is appreciated.

8266 posts
4 Nov 2016 3:16PM
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Our local Liberal bloke was talking up doing something effective about sharks, I might email him & get him to start talking about it again.

Was always a Labor voter, but when Labor was talking about stopping the so called Cull. I voted Liberal for the first time in my life & would do so again given the same circumstances. Labor don't appear to have any good leadership locally or federally anyway, possibly the worst leadership ever.

It really sux that the East coast has something in place to control shark numbers full time & we have a little trial at the wrong time of year with the wrong equipment & its called ineffective without having any chance of success.

But to state that it is no longer an option for the future I do not agree with. Given time, people will wake up to the lie's being told by the vocal minority & perpetuated by the simple minded & gullible in favor of a glorified fish.

VIC, 1040 posts
6 Nov 2016 3:47PM
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" Oh, those Russians.."

the Kremlin fish and chips suppliers

199 posts
13 Nov 2016 1:56AM
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It would also be great to discuss the indirect attraction we induce on sharks.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't the cray pots scattered around Gracetown WA all contain dead fish etc?

I've also heard stories of boats dumping bait and dead fish around these areas near the coastline. Some even said they saw mulitple sharks following the boat like seagulls ..

Surely there should be some regulation on how close cray pots can be to surfbreaks especially around the South End where there was a fatal attack 3 years ago.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Lighthouse beach again" started by qwerty