i checked this last year
emailed a few places after googling boats/fiji
longish haul to outer atolls
about 1hr I think, exxy too
did it a few months ago.. cost wasn't too bad $$ try surffijico
40 min drive frrom coral coast
20 mins in the boat and you are surfing cloudbreak!
Great shots.. How close did you get to the bloke in the third shot
Wow really cool.. well out of my depth
Any more to the story you want to share, other spots surfed
Boats cost $120fj which = $70au
Accom $30/night for private room you can get it cheaper or more if you like
Surfed cloudy, restaurants, swimming pools, wilkes
Kited cloudy and Namotu lefts
Number of Brazos….. 0
Full dragon breath seq
Vanguard 5'6" as quad for tubes is almost cheating
Boats cost $120fj which = $70au
Accom $30/night for private room you can get it cheaper or more if you like
Surfed cloudy, restaurants, swimming pools, wilkes
Kited cloudy and Namotu lefts
Number of Brazos….. 0
Full dragon breath seq
Vanguard 5'6" as quad for tubes is almost cheating
Thats a rediculous sequence....you must be happy with that!!
Yeeeweeee what did you end up paying for a boat?
Look at the photos....
It doesnt matter