Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Maldives exclusive resort only waves

Created by surferstu > 9 months ago, 16 Aug 2012
1011 posts
16 Aug 2012 11:53AM
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Two of the most popular waves in the Maldives will soon be off limits to most travelling surfers and Maldivian locals. Sultans and Honkys, which both break off the southern tip of Thanburudhoo Island, will only be available to the paying customers of a boutique surf resort selling "hospitality offerings and eco-green ambience". And exclusive surf access too.

At present Thanburudhoo Island is owned by the Maldivian Ministry of Defence. It was originally slated for combat practice but the establishment of nearby resorts stopped that and it's remained undeveloped. By selling a fifty year lease on Thanburudhoo the Ministry of Defence plan to raise revenue for various defence projects around the country.

The company purchasing the lease is Telos Investments, a Singaporean registered company, who will make a $5,000,000 USD cash payment to acquire the lease. In their proposal, Telos states Thanburudhoo Island "does not have the physical attributes of a high end luxury resort on par with other offerings in the Maldives

Although the Thanburudhoo resort will have exclusive access to the waves the proposal states they will grant Maldivian surfers a "special surfing session" twice per month. This is not enough says Hussain Salah, spokesperson for the Maldivian Surfing Association, "We believe the waves should not be owned and should be accessible to all locals and visitors."

Exclusive wave rights are an increasingly contentious issue in the Maldives. Nearby Pasta Point, often considered the best left in the Maldives, is strictly limited to guests staying at Dhonveli Resort. Exclusivity has been claimed by other resorts although it's been contested by local surfers as the lease agreements only give them ownership up to reef line. The resorts in turn have been lobbying the Maldivian government to extend the typical lease by 300 feet seaward which would encompass the breaking waves.

Telos Investments are attempting to appease the local surfing community with plans for an international surf contest that "will aid the development of Maldivian surfers who get to watch and compete against the world's elite surfers." Other claimed benefits from hosting such contests will be "additional exposure of the Maldives as a sports tourism destination."

The Maldivian Surfing Association aren't persuaded by this and have begun a campaign against the resort. One of the points they are pressing is the mystery surrounding the proposal and its awarding. The President of Telos Investments is Gunnar Lee-Millar who, aside from running a venture capital firm, was recently appointed Senior Advisor to the Maldives National Sports Council. He's also been serving the Maldivian Ministry of Youth and Sport.

Sultans and Honkys are important to the local surfing community due to their accessibility. They are two of just four waves in their main surf zone. They're also breaks that have played a crucial role in the history and development of surfing in the Maldives. Says Hussain Salah, "We want the waves to be free for all and managed in a way that they can be enjoyed by generations to come."

Here we go again, greedy Americans Filling their wallets and dividing communities

WA, 15849 posts
16 Aug 2012 12:21PM
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So what will they do if ya paddle out and you arnt staying there?

10979 posts
16 Aug 2012 12:27PM
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doggie said...

So what will they do if ya paddle out and you arnt staying there?

If I was staying there I'd start off with a big mouthful of cheek , then get a larger gent to make threats of physical violence...

Not sure what they'd do, I'd guess only option is the po po, I doubt the maldivians would knuckle on but saying that the new owners may have security and surf guides etc who would make threats I'm sure, could they back them up? Who knows.

Basically if it goes through I'd avoid it as a surf destination, sultans is a great wave... Go before you can't.

Sultans is the right honkys is the left.

1011 posts
16 Aug 2012 2:25PM
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Well over the last couple years there's been plenty of coverage on the 2 main Aussie tabloid surf websites swellnet and coastalwatch. The message coming out is no crowds great waves and everything is positive. if that's the case why would they need exclusive access? Something smells fishy. Swellnet is pretending to be outraged, in reality they don't give a crap it just gets them more hits on the site.

Why can't surfing just be about fun and not about how much money it can make me

WA, 902 posts
16 Aug 2012 4:19PM
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The island looks like a crock. Might not be the only preditor in the region by the sounds. I cant see how a bunch of visiting corporate surfers are going to improve things for the locals. Not much of a trade. Yeah mate you can have the best two breaks for miles and we get to watch the sponos surf them for four days. Maybee the visiting surfer has more to answer for as the years pass. Its all about footprints in the sand.

WA, 201 posts
16 Aug 2012 5:37PM
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I stayed at a resort that advertised a private break (Lohis) on my honeymoon. At the time I thought it was mint, never really thought about the impact on locals but after reading that I feel like a bit of a dick. Surfed Sultan's a couple of times while we were there as well and it is a great wave but when more than 1 or 2 boatloads rock up at the same time it did fairly well ruin it.

Kind of find it funny that the company is pimping it as an 'eco-resort' and then trying to claim ownership of the ocean. The 2 ideas don't seem to gel in my mind. It's like seeing those McMansions with outdoor feature lights that are on all night and 60inch plasmas in every second room but the wife drives a hybrid and there's a solar panel on the roof so they can still feel smug about doing their bit for the environment.

WA, 902 posts
17 Aug 2012 3:39PM
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It sounds like a dud deal for the locals. Having said that if I was forkin out my hard earned cash for a surf trip I would like the idea of having a break attached to the resort that did not have easy access for the hoards or had it sown up like these blokes are offering.

WA, 401 posts
17 Aug 2012 5:52PM
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That's it! I'm claiming surf beach as my exclusive wave! As punishment Anyone who tries to surf it will be forced to wear db's or uggies with a pair of trackies 6 sizes to small and a flanno (rocko local uniform)

WA, 6913 posts
18 Aug 2012 10:40AM
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swalkington said...

That's it! I'm claiming surf beach as my exclusive wave! As punishment Anyone who tries to surf it will be forced to wear db's or uggies with a pair of trackies 6 sizes to small and a flanno (rocko local uniform)

I used to surf there when it was just dunes and beach for as far as you can see

I wish i had used a camera more as a youngen..

Has anyone got picks of it how it used to be

Reflex Films
WA, 1445 posts
18 Aug 2012 12:42PM
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pics in my head -circa - 91 - 96 banks used to be nothing short of epic - even in late summer

then the developers moved in - the sand stopped shifting - and now it sucks!

maybe 20% of the banks it used to get.

I suspect similar issues at Scabs as the banks used to get amazing - and now they just kind of happen every now and then.

WA, 6913 posts
18 Aug 2012 1:38PM
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Reflex Films said...

pics in my head -circa - 91 - 96 banks used to be nothing short of epic - even in late summer

then the developers moved in - the sand stopped shifting - and now it sucks!

maybe 20% of the banks it used to get.

I suspect similar issues at Scabs as the banks used to get amazing - and now they just kind of happen every now and then.

I surfed it they day after they broke through to the beach with their dozers and scrapers. With a light offshore the sand in the air was so fine it coated your lungs to a point i could almost not breathe

A small piece of paradise lost IMHO

WA, 401 posts
20 Aug 2012 1:02PM
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circa 1989???
my good mate Paul old school pig dog.
(sorry Paul hope you don't mind I uploaded these).

NSW, 639 posts
21 Aug 2012 10:09PM
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SP said...

doggie said...

So what will they do if ya paddle out and you arnt staying there?

If I was staying there I'd start off with a big mouthful of cheek , then get a larger gent to make threats of physical violence...

Not sure what they'd do, I'd guess only option is the po po, I doubt the maldivians would knuckle on but saying that the new owners may have security and surf guides etc who would make threats I'm sure, could they back them up? Who knows.

Basically if it goes through I'd avoid it as a surf destination, sultans is a great wave... Go before you can't.

Sultans is the right honkys is the left.

Tony will turn over in his grave


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Maldives exclusive resort only waves" started by surferstu