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Forums > Surfing Shortboards


Created by EnglishCraig > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2013
NSW, 406 posts
19 Aug 2013 10:54PM
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Just for anyone interested after asking for recommendations I went with grant miller for my new board - pics below - cant wait to get out on it!!

NSW, 406 posts
19 Aug 2013 10:57PM
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EnglishCraig said...
[br]Just for anyone interested after asking for recommendations I went with grant miller for my new board - pics below - cant wait to get out on it!!

Mmh pics failed

NSW, 406 posts
19 Aug 2013 10:58PM
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161 posts
19 Aug 2013 10:35PM
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Looks awesome!! What are the dimentions?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
20 Aug 2013 6:26AM
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I had a Waterskate of his many yrs ago and loved it. He makes nice boards.

NSW, 406 posts
20 Aug 2013 10:08AM
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Boothie88 said...
Looks awesome!! What are the dimentions?

It's 6'10" x 21 1/2" x 2 7/8

Obviously only time will tell but quality of it as of right now looks immaculate

WA, 9675 posts
20 Aug 2013 10:18AM
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Miller makes.great boards. Great buy and I hope it helps you progress

NSW, 406 posts
5 Sep 2013 11:29PM
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Now had around 6 hours on the board, it's a custom size so not much point me saying what it does well/badly etc but I am extremely pleased with it and would highly recommend working with grant to anyone in the market for a quality board

WA, 2503 posts
5 Sep 2013 10:01PM
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Geeez there's some toe in on those fins!

NSW, 406 posts
6 Sep 2013 11:41AM
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smicko said...
Geeez there's some toe in on those fins!

Sorry kook alert but don't know what that expression means?

WA, 2222 posts
6 Sep 2013 10:19AM
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EnglishCraig said..

Now had around 6 hours on the board

In three weeks? I've had well over double that this week.

Toe in means if you drew a straight line along the fin base (or fin box), the angle they point towards the stringer line from parallel. Crappy explanation, but normally (I think) the line drawn would point a couple/few inches past the nose of the board. My layman's interpretation is that if they're more parallel they suit more speed/bigger waves. If they're more toed in, they suit smaller waves and a more pivoty approach.

WA, 2154 posts
6 Sep 2013 10:31AM
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subasurf said..

EnglishCraig said..

smicko said...
Geeez there's some toe in on those fins!

Sorry kook alert but don't know what that expression means?


t's like toe in on your car wheels. Think about if you were looking down at your feet and both your big toes were kind of pointing slightly inwards at each other. Now look at the fin orientation on the board.

EDIT: Ignore me...listen to Legion. ^^^

147 posts
6 Sep 2013 10:47AM
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Not this kind

NSW, 406 posts
6 Sep 2013 1:33PM
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Thanks, yeah I thought the angle looked kind of extreme but does kinda make sense - I'm intermediate so not chasing giants just yet and told him the board was for sydney conditions so should be ok.. Sure he knew what he was doing

As for the time yep sounds poor but at the age of 28 I had 2 slipped discs in my lower back less than 2 months ago so I am easing back into it gradually as paddling position puts a fair bit of load on it

WA, 16 posts
24 Sep 2013 9:03AM
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Nice board mate - I also have a Miller V-Skate, although alot bigger.

I contacted Grant to come down off a mal (after buying a Firewire Addvance that I hated) and he shaped me a V-Skate (8'0" X 22 1/2" X 3 3/16).

Board doesnt feel like as long as 8ft and feels like a shorter board than what it is. When I originally ordered this I was alot larger - 124kgs. Thank god I have now trimmed down a bit (110kgs and dropping).

Grant is a great bloke and I highly recommend his services. He spent over an hour and a half chatting to me in the initial design of the V-Skate assessing what it is I was wanting etc... You definetly cant complain about that level of service at all...

I have another Miller on order now - F-Skate - 7'2" x 23" x 3 1/2.

Ill post some pics of both boards once I get a chance...

382 posts
25 Sep 2013 5:22AM
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Molly, just curious, what didn't you like about the addvance. The paddle?, too corky?, didn't turn well? or something else?.

WA, 16 posts
25 Sep 2013 6:51AM
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I got the addvance as I am/was a larger lad. The addvance provided what I needed at the time, lots of volume. To be honest I fell into the trap of buying off the rack and believing the marketing.

I had it set up as a quad mostly and found this to be sluggish, when changed to a thruster it was slower.
The turn was not responsive (definitely worse as a quad), found that I was waiting for it to respond to what it is I was wanting to do - most likely rider error, but what can you do? If it doesnt work it is surely the boards fault and not mine

Paddle was ok, no mal but definitely no HPSB to paddle. Duck diving was easy but again I was a big bopper when riding this.

I will give the board this though - it held up very very well. Cant fault the construction of the board thats for sure.

For the price I paid for the Addvance (over the $1000 mark new, inc fins and leash) I believe I have received a far superior service and product from a shaper. Grants boards are not cheap, however they are in line with the Firewire prices and far out perform them in every way.

382 posts
12 Oct 2013 5:38AM
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Molly,have you seen grants new model the subx single fin? Looks pretty good after reading his info on it.

1011 posts
12 Oct 2013 12:56PM
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unclethirsty said..

Molly,have you seen grants new model the subx single fin? Looks pretty good after reading his info on it.

i want one

It it was interesting to read this...

"The SUBX is so much more than the components which follow. Although they are all individually important, it's the intentional and cumulative synergy between the design variables, often quite subtle and unseen, which ultimately creates it's character. This is a board which is inherently very difficult to copy.

However I'm not going to provide really fine grain detail here. I'm not going to make it any easier for the thieves from Asia who copy our boards to do their dirty work. I'm very serious. This is part of what's going on in our industry at present. The dark side of the surfboard industry. And not all the theft of intellectual property originates in Asia either. Australia's East Coast also has it's fair share of participants. These parasites copy, pure and simple. Part of their 'business model' also includes the exploitation of websites like Realsurf and Seabreeze, where they flagrantly promote their offerings under the guise of helping people, thereby avoiding paid advertising. A story for another day."

fear not Grant, I will never buy cheap copy's of your or other shaper boards.

NSW, 406 posts
15 Oct 2013 5:19PM
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Firstly I have no association with grant, I don't get a discount and he has not asked me to write anything on here

Honestly before you buy another Asian made off the rack board - give him a call

Before I ordered my board I was so concerned about whether my level of surfing warranted a board of the quality he produces I.e I'm pretty crap - am I really going to notice any difference between this and a cheap board...

Thing is a good surfer can make a plank look awesome

For the other 99% of people we need all the help we can get!!

The rate at which I have improved on my v-skate is insane compared to the cheap mass production board I bought off the peg in bondi and struggled with for 18 months

Most importantly I'm enjoying surfing more and that's gotta be worth the investment!

This post is credit where it's due and nothing more

WA, 1382 posts
15 Oct 2013 2:26PM
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^^ Nice one Craig, mate as long as you are getting the most out of thats the important thing

QLD, 1332 posts
21 Oct 2013 4:58AM
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surferstu said..
unclethirsty said.. Molly,have you seen grants new model the subx single fin? Looks pretty good after reading his info on it. i want one It it was interesting to read this... "The SUBX is so much more than the components which follow. Although they are all individually important, it's the intentional and cumulative synergy between the design variables, often quite subtle and unseen, which ultimately creates it's character. This is a board which is inherently very difficult to copy. However I'm not going to provide really fine grain detail here. I'm not going to make it any easier for the thieves from Asia who copy our boards to do their dirty work. I'm very serious. This is part of what's going on in our industry at present. The dark side of the surfboard industry. And not all the theft of intellectual property originates in Asia either. Australia's East Coast also has it's fair share of participants. These parasites copy, pure and simple. Part of their 'business model' also includes the exploitation of websites like Realsurf and Seabreeze, where they flagrantly promote their offerings under the guise of helping people, thereby avoiding paid advertising. A story for another day." fear not Grant, I will never buy cheap copy's of your or other shaper boards.

Grant is a very affable guy and great shaper.
Where once people would discuss Millers and McCoys as their best option for higher volumed shorties there is now a wide, wide range of options from both local and OS board manufacturers.
SubX looks like my kind of board.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Miller" started by EnglishCraig