Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Oahu west coast

Created by bobajob > 9 months ago, 27 Nov 2019
QLD, 1534 posts
27 Nov 2019 5:54AM
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Hi All,
Heading off to Oahu, Hawaii at the end of the week and was wondering what the west coast was like in terms of crowd factor and number of spots. According to what I can find online it looks like there are only about 5 or 6 locations, but I guess if you were to look at a surf map of the Goldie there would only be a few of the stand out spots.

Last time I was in Hawaii the kids were little and I just grovelled around Waikiki. The daughter is now a 16 yo frother, but she like me hates having to fight and hassle for a wave and I don't really want to mix it with the all the hotties on the north shore and around Waikiki I believe is a bit onshore this time of year and always super crowded.

So if I rented a car for a day or two are we likely to stumble across a fairly user friendly, not too busy spot somewhere on that side of the island?

Buster fin
WA, 2575 posts
27 Nov 2019 4:53AM
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Yes. Drive and you'll find plenty to keep you happy. Quality typically means crowds though.

NSW, 55 posts
27 Nov 2019 10:53AM
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If you're competent surfers, don't rule out the north shore. I had the same thoughts about crowds and aggro in December but was surprised to find plenty of good breaks along the entire stretch away from the contest venues. The vibe in the water was actually quite good and not what I was expecting. It does get crowded when the swell picks up as there are fewer breaks to surf. However, up to eight feet you'll find there are plenty of options and not too crowded. Worth looking at the north shore at the very least.

8266 posts
27 Nov 2019 9:40AM
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I was there last January & drove as far as Makaha. I saw a couple of empty breaks on the way between where the highway meets the coast at Kahe Pt & Makaha. I should have driven further up, I know there are a few more spots but I had fun waves out at Makaha on a 6'0 Hypto type board. Just overhead set waves were peaking out in front of the Condo's, but apparently previous days it was a lot bigger & breaking about 3 times further out. It was pretty busy with lots of longboarders. I specifically wanted to surf this spot so didn't stop & look anywhere else.

If your staying at Wikiki, Makapu'u Beach is a lot closer, picks up a lot more swell than Wikiki & had very few people out when I checked it (twice). Similar waves, light onshore, crumbly, but nice & warm. Beautiful place.

+1 on NTAA's comment though. There are heaps of uncrowded spots on the North shore. Everyone surfs, Pipe, Rocky Pt, Sunset, V-land. But you will still be able to get waves at Rocky lefts, V-land & if its smaller, Backyards, round behind Sunset towards V-land.

To get away from the crowds, check between Haleiwa & Waimea. There are heaps of uncrowded waves along that stretch. I surfed Alligators on my own for about an hour & then there was only 3 other people. A bloke & his 2 teenage rippers...hardest part is driving along looking at the waves & scanning for a park. Then getting out of that park back onto a road which is a constant slow moving traffic jam after 11am. Easily beat by doing a dawny & heading home before that starts.

Drive up the West its beautiful, but yeah. Best uncrowded & clean offshore waves will be along the North Shore.

8266 posts
27 Nov 2019 9:43AM
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The first 1:40 of this video is Makaha.

QLD, 1534 posts
27 Nov 2019 1:24PM
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Thanks all! Great tips, that gives me a bit of confidence to go check out the less well known (less raved about) spots. Being on the wrong side of fifty its hard to compete with the younger fit things as I guess some here will know too well, and I find myself more cautious these days. But the daughter who can out surf me by a mile still looks up to me to take her surfing, which adds to the pressure of finding somewhere that suits us both.
Would be nice if she could meet a nice young local bloke - I did say nice, who would play tour guide. I would have to keep an eye on him though.

QLD, 1534 posts
5 Dec 2019 5:47PM
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Well we're here and We Caught a bus to the north shore to watch the sunset pro on Tuesday and good to see n Aussie 1st and third. Surf was solid 8 plus and some great surf action particularly where it counted in the final! Didn't worry about boards as it was a bit bigger than we knew what to do with especially on our first time, and so it seemed for anyone else as no one else was surfing from where we could see.
We hired a car today and and surfed Sunset for a bit with a couple of others until the "look at me I'm hot crew" paddled out and snaked and chest beat.Where were they on the day of the finals? We paddled in.
And then we paddled straight out to the reef next door where the crew there were calling my daughter on to waves and friendly as. Over all it was about 4 -5 ft with plenty of punch and turned to be a fantastic session.
So thanks to @NTAA for the suggestion to try the north shore. At least we can say we've surfed Sunset but had more fun at the reef next door( don't even know the name).
And @Mick PC...we even went to Makaha and it was pretty flat but looks like it would be the goods on the day. Some advice someone gave us though, take your valuables out of the car and leave it unlocked so you don't cop broken windows which we saw evidence of.
Friday looks like the next swell and will be back up the north coast for more then!

8266 posts
7 Dec 2019 2:45PM
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Awesome, share some pics with us when you get back m8

QLD, 1534 posts
8 Dec 2019 6:27PM
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Wow! Check the Wednesday forecast. This is Makaha. The pipe masters should be good viewing!!! Too bad I'm home Monday, or maybe a good thing.....


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Oahu west coast" started by bobajob