Here's our new shark alarm just installed after the last encounter at that other place north of the boarder.
Inji is about a 25 minute drive from my place. Haven't been there in years. In fact I don't remember the last time I surfed it? 20 years ago?
The boarder for me is Moses Rock and that's pushing it.
The other border is Booji and I don't even surf there. Usually beach fishing if I go that far. Why would you drive 25 minutes for a surf when in 10 I'm already getting my wetty on
just got back from o/s to here reports of three GW encounters in one week 1 inji 1 Esperance and 1 at rotto ,that's hectic
and 2 confirmed attacks 1 reunion 1 NewCalidonia
I've never seen anything like that on the East coast …. what is it.
a bell or some sort of cone speaker?
I used it yesterday to get all the blow in's out of the water. Picked it up and yelled "SHARK! THERE'S A FKN SHARK! GET OUTTA THE WATER!"
Off they went to the bakery and out I paddled for some empty bliss