It's seems everyone is getting their knickers in a twist over there ...
how about posting a pic and a bit of a story to go with it.
Me. My mate's mrs, then my mrs (ish), then my mate mrs again, took this photo ( pre digital cameras )
ah crazy days ...
Still the biggest i've seen this place, we all made pathetic excuses ( i'm a bit under gunned, feeling a bit hung over etc), and scurried off to the back beach
Just returned yesterday from buenos aires, spent about ten days driving round uraguay.
Found some great sandy points. Water was so cold between 8-10'C, being from Sydney I only had a 3/2! Had to buy booties and a hood?
Heaps of inquisitive sea lions trying to work out what you were, they kept surprising you from behind.
Didn't get heaps of shots, this day was about 4-6 ft an barrelling on the beach.
Great to search and surf different places
Just read a bit of the agro surf thread and thought I'd add this...
One day I checked one of the more popular points breaks up north in Uruguay. There were three locals blokes ripping it up.
I jumped in and joined them. They were surfing right of the take off rock while I sat further wide giving a bit of respect and catch the left overs.
All three caught waves to the beach and were walking back out to the point, too cold to paddle! So I went inside a little more hoping a set would pop up in the mean time.
Nothing came through by the time they had jumped off the rocks and back in the line up inside me again. One of the guys started speaking to me but due to my lack of Spanish wasn't getting the drift?? After a while I worked out he was telling me I had priority because I was waiting and they had jumped of the rocks.
Don't recon too many Aussie rippers would be that decent to a blow in foreigner.
Ended up getting heaps of wave and only coming in because my organs were hurting from the cold.....:)
Spent 4 weeks camped here on the Nullabor & had this fun right to ourselves except one day a booger joined us.
Getting bazzed here in a strong was usually like this below clean head height with an inside barrel.
We made spaghetti bolonaise with kangaroo mince on a campfire high up on the hill overlooking this spot. Had some fun waves
These last couple of waves on the West side of Vic were some of the biggest I've seen in my life. My little instamatic film camera didn't do them justice, they're like 20-30 foot bombs. Possibly bigger, there was no way we were going too watch though
Ireland from a few years ago. Had an epic session at the b+w right. 4 lads - 2 Irish Micks, 1 WA Mick and one other. Irish Micks were letting WA Mick have all the best sets. Gotta love the Irish.
Just got back from a great trip that a few breezers gave over some handy tips on. Best part was the days around head high were empty, we did score some swell for the last couple days to top it off.
I took my regular short board which is a little 5'8 semi fish thing. A 6'5 & 6'8. I rode the 5'8 except on the big days and took out the 6'8. I tried the 6'5, but hated it so stuck with the 5'8 most of the time. On the bigger days, a big board doesnt go astray.