Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Surfboard loan etiquette?

Created by Salty Sea Dog > 9 months ago, 12 May 2016
Salty Sea Dog
VIC, 346 posts
12 May 2016 11:49AM
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Hey guys, what is the general etiquette if you loan a board to a mate and they ding it so that it requires repair, or even worse snap the board?

Do you let them repair the board, or do you ask them to pay for it to be done professionally, or just stump up yourself to get it fixed?

Does a snapped board equal new board?


WA, 1347 posts
12 May 2016 10:08AM
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If you've got decent mates it's never a problem. Always works itself out.

Eg. a mate snapped one of mine and he offered to buy it but instead we called it quits after he took me out surfing/fishing on his boat, and I think he paid for the tickets to a gig at the island pub, plus maybe a couple of rounds.

WA, 9675 posts
12 May 2016 11:16AM
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they ding they fix it....they snap it you discuss a sale price.

circumstance and who has done the damage also play a part i think....

so what happened to your board champ? or are you drawing up a contract for your friends who borrow boards?

WA, 589 posts
12 May 2016 12:11PM
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You break it you buy it.

Salty Sea Dog
VIC, 346 posts
12 May 2016 2:33PM
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Hey Chrispy,

One of my mates borrow a board and took a huge chunk out of it on the reef. Not his fault in the slightest, just one of those things. I've taken it to my local shaper to sort out as I'm cool with it, what goes around comes around you know.

Some of my other mates said I was off my head and should have got him to pay, so I was just curious about what the go is with others. I might have thought a bit differently if it was a favorite board though

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 May 2016 3:04PM
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One would think if he was a good mate he would offer to pay for the fix. If it has done huge damage and will affect the resale then maybe a broader discussion needs to take place. But these things are always fine with good friends. My chicks friend back over her paddle board a while back. Honest accident. We did not bother taking any cashola from her (despite repeated offerings) as she had been so good to us in the past - so it was not required.

WA, 1261 posts
12 May 2016 4:05PM
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You break it you offer to either fix it yourself or get it fixed.

If you are the bloke who now has the broken board and the mate does not offer some sort of a deal its a bit of a deal breaker and poor form to me but seems there is diff. opinions on that which is fine, not saying other opinions are wrong.

I have dinged a mates board and offered to have it fixed or fix it myself, mate said I can fix it, talk about pressure! I think I did a good job and so did he..I think ha ha.

That particular mate hates dealing with money, his currency is a cooked breakfast after a surf, bottle of red, a fin, a surf movie etc...which is pretty cool, taking actual money out of the equation makes it a little less awkward.

8266 posts
12 May 2016 4:23PM
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I'd repair the ding myself, but yeah "break it you buy it"...I have no use for a broken board, not even worth repairing imo.

WA, 6913 posts
12 May 2016 4:32PM
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I work on the principle if it would effect your relationship than say no using the board in the first place. If you do lend one out, **** happens and id just wear it. I guess the attitude showed from the person if it was damaged and they had no intention of offering may upset me a little, but i guess id just remember for next time they ask to use one again

If i used someones gear id feel 100% responsible for any damage and would stump up no problems..

WA, 1321 posts
12 May 2016 8:54PM
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I accidentally reversed over one of my boards a few years ago whilst reversing out of my garage and ended up claiming it under my home and contents insurance...... Just saying

WA, 2355 posts
12 May 2016 9:59PM
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Before lending my boards - and I do quite a bit - I make it very clear if it's dinged it's a professional repair (I know how ugly my home jobs are even if I am pretty good at getting nose, swallow and rail shapes back), and if it's snapped then it's replaced. None of this market price rubbish. Most of my boards are customs so it's not like getting a similar sized second hand Hypto.

WA, 2154 posts
13 May 2016 7:54AM
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Was surfing in the Irish Sea over Christmas and a local shop lent me a 6mm wettie,hood, boots and gloves amd a of charge for a few days. Imagine my dismay when I snapped the board on the last day

Immediately offered to pay the purchase price for the board and all was good. Lucky for me he reduced the price for me...because with the conversion to pounds it was a lot of money for a **** board. You bend you mend.

WA, 3028 posts
13 May 2016 8:09AM
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subasurf said..
Was surfing in the Irish Sea over Christmas and a local shop lent me a 6mm wettie,hood, boots and gloves amd a of charge for a few days. Imagine my dismay when I snapped the board on the last day

Immediately offered to pay the purchase price for the board and all was good. Lucky for me he reduced the price for me...because with the conversion to pounds it was a lot of money for a **** board. You bend you mend.

WTF are you doing to these poor boards!!

WA, 6913 posts
13 May 2016 9:58AM
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KEARNSY said..
I accidentally reversed over one of my boards a few years ago whilst reversing out of my garage and ended up claiming it under my home and contents insurance...... Just saying

I think it cost me $12 bucks a month to have all my sports gear covered. As i store them all outside, (all still locked up,) i wanted to make sure they were covered. I think from memory they are even covered if I'm on holidays and they are lost or damaged.

WA, 437 posts
13 May 2016 4:50PM
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The prostitute theory.. You fark it you pay

NSW, 1317 posts
14 May 2016 9:14AM
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At Ulu in the late 80's and early 90's old wayan from the end warung used to sell me a board for the big swells and then offer to buy it back (for a reduced price of course) at the end of my trips although it was effectively worthless if it snapped ...
Only got caught out with a snapped board once in 1990, ..........and 91 ,and 92 and 94 !


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Surfboard loan etiquette?" started by Salty Sea Dog