Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Vintage Surfboard Swap Meet 2022

Created by ScottyO > 9 months ago, 2 Sep 2022
6 posts
2 Sep 2022 9:28PM
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The Annual

The free event provides an opportunity for collectors to display vintage surfboards to trade or sell, but also to show and discuss classic examples of surfboard evolution and history with like-minded collectors and enthusiasts. The event is also a lesson in the history of Western Australian surfboard shaping.

This year we will have Phil Usher, Nev and Bruce Smith from Odyssey Surfboards talking story from the shaping room. If you have an Odyssey surfboard shaped by these legends, bring it down on the day.

Special thanks to our sponsors Surfing Western Australia and The Surf Gallery for supporting such a great community event.

The Surf Gallery is providing a $500 voucher for restoration work to the "Best Exhibitor" at the Swap Meet. The "Best Board in Show" will take home a Surf Gallery promo pack (T-shirt, cap, car stickers, stubbie holder and 2 free entries to the gallery), valued at $100.

Matt the surfing barista will be back in the GypsySoul caravan supplying the coffee.

Under the trees at Perry Lakes Reserve Floreat, Sunday 23rd October 2022 10:00am - 2:00pm

Those with boards to display please arrive between 9:30-10am to park on the reserve.

Get them out of the garage!

Check out the website for more information or email

WA, 933 posts
4 Sep 2022 1:56PM
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Was really good last year, some siiiiiiiik old boards and some truly trippy designs to

WA, 902 posts
11 Sep 2022 6:47AM
Thumbs Up

Always a good day. I'll be looking for and old mercer.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Vintage Surfboard Swap Meet 2022" started by ScottyO