Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Boost Fin

Created by CYVRWoody > 9 months ago, 4 Sep 2020
133 posts
4 Sep 2020 2:12AM
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i wonder will this help with taking off in low winds.

3939 posts
4 Sep 2020 3:08AM
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Add more drag?
Is that really a good idea?
I guess if your main fin is too small...

2536 posts
4 Sep 2020 3:14AM
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Well, at first blush it seemed silly but I must say I'm intrigued, especially if they can pull off the $300 price. It would be huge for wingdingers, I'd think.

3939 posts
4 Sep 2020 3:42AM
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Just drive a power boat!

133 posts
4 Sep 2020 3:57AM
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This would be used for low winds. I'm thinking if they redesign the plastic housing so it can be attached to a foil mast at the top, just under the board. The boost would get you flying and after that it'll be up to the foil and wind to keep you going. The unit is programable as to the duration of the boost, for windfoilers maybe a 10 second boost would be all you need. Once flying it'll be just air drag on the unit.

How many meters of sail is required to get you flying vs how many meters of sail to keep you going. Or for the wing how many square cm is need to lift and once flying how many square cm to keep you flying? So instead of buying a larger wing or a larger sail you slap this on an fly away. If you have a big wing and big sail it could lower the sailing threshold by 1 mph or 1 knot?

It would also help if you're not into pumping. Thinking out of the box.

WA, 2029 posts
4 Sep 2020 6:57AM
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CYVRWoody said..
This would be used for low winds. I'm thinking if they redesign the plastic housing so it can be attached to a foil mast at the top, just under the board. The boost would get you flying and after that it'll be up to the foil and wind to keep you going. The unit is programable as to the duration of the boost, for windfoilers maybe a 10 second boost would be all you need. Once flying it'll be just air drag on the unit.

How many meters of sail is required to get you flying vs how many meters of sail to keep you going. Or for the wing how many square cm is need to lift and once flying how many square cm to keep you flying? So instead of buying a larger wing or a larger sail you slap this on an fly away. If you have a big wing and big sail it could lower the sailing threshold by 1 mph or 1 knot?

It would also help if you're not into pumping. Thinking out of the box.

Makes sense - electric pump-assist

Simple to buy one, cut out the fin and epoxy the motor to a spare foil mast that you keep for super light winds.

Who's going to be first?

209 posts
4 Sep 2020 8:44AM
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azymuth said..
Makes sense - electric pump-assist

Simple to buy one, cut out the fin and epoxy the motor to a spare foil mast that you keep for super light winds.

Who's going to be first?

Buy two, epoxy one to each side of the mast!


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Boost Fin" started by CYVRWoody