A lot of comments about how difficult it is to foil gybe...
I reckon there's no need for foil newbies to be unduly discouraged
It's a steep learning curve for sure but once you can do it, it's easier than gybing a slalom board or wave board in similar conditions - I'm sure Jesper and Simon would agree.
It's possible to sail a couple of hours in ocean swells foiling through every gybe using the swell to turn.
Have I mentioned how epic ocean downwinding is?
Here's Simon from 6 months ago - he's faster and even smoother now
Nice gybes. Thanks for posting, encouragement is needed.
Not easy in flat water for this 70 year old.
Planing thru on slalom, freeride, or wave boards is easy. Been windsurfing for 36 years in SF Bay area.
I have to agree with you JJ. You have to get your head around a few different balance points but once it clicks they become effortless. There is nothing better than gliding thru a gybe with hardly any loss of speed.
very smooth Simon
Nice video.
It is really not as hard it seems. Just pulled off my first couple yesterday. The infinity 76 is very forgiving and let's you mess up the footwork a little(sometimes).
Yep, agree JJ
Foil gibing is easy??
Of course there is a learning curve but I find that part so much fun. For anyone that can competently windsurf and picks up the right foiling gear they will be flying through gybes in no time.
Here's a video of Wyatt Miller foil gybing. What he says to do and what he actually does is slightly different. It appears to me that he takes two steps to get his front foot moved to the back of the centre of the board.
Wyatt is an above average windsurfer.
He was throwing front and back loops within 30 days of foiling his first season.
No doubt Wyatt is an exceptional foiler but the actual technique he uses in the video is slightly more complicated than his on land demo instructions. Take a look at his actual gybing foot positioning and compare it to his on land explanation.
I'm certainly not criticizing his technique just noticing a slight discrepancy between what he says to do and what he's actually doing -- he appears to have added an extra small front foot movement before moving the front foot to the back of the board, which isn't noted in his on land demo and verbal instructions.
Good catch!
The 2 best jibing foilers here both move their front foot out of front strap before starting the sail flip.
Both vary a bit, and sometimes finish the feet before starting to flip.
Awesome sailing
Only a Freeride Foiler knows how much fun that dudes having
Obviously windy, but am intrigued which wing he has combined with such a small sail
Lake Mohave is the Colorado river below Las Vegas its a winter time spot and when it blows its always that windy.I met the guy in the video last summer in the gorge he is more than likely riding the new phantasm wings,the wing he was using most last summer was very similar to the inf.76. Don't know the sail size but my guess would be 3.0 board is probably custom 85lit. Looks fun if you have the right gear!
Another video of his confirms that the duck gybe is having a big comeback in the windsurfing world due to foiling. The bloke really makes it look a piece of cake!
I have to agree that Foilers do not need to be overly concerned about learning to Jibe. Although I am a bit bias because I posted the video "Windfoil JIbe the Easy Way". Oh thanks for the repost.
As an update I have talked a few people into trying Jibing without foot straps, on wider boards, and they are all Jibing now. Its not like I foil much (most of the footage is with less that 40 total sessions ) and I am 60 plus.
I have to add,I believe Windfoiling is safer without footstraps as a couple of my friends have gotten hurt when falling with their foot stuck in the strap.
Give it a fair try and I hope it helps
If I manage to jibe while flying, it's purely accidental. LOL
Most of the time I just come down off the wing, jibe, then sheet/pump on the new tack to get flying again. It works. Not as elegant as these guys that keep their board dry all day, but--Hey!--it's still tons of fun.