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Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Foiling injury - lis franc beware !

Created by Adam555 > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2018
WA, 162 posts
12 Jun 2018 6:15PM
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Ok not trying to introduce anegative topic more so to give others a bit of a heads up..and avoid my recent pain!

i fell off the foil board two + weeks ago and the pain has now subsided after having the 5 screws and two plates put in last Friday to correct what the doctors are calling a lis-franc injury X-ray's below to tell the story !!

Net result is 6-8 weeks before I can put any weight on the foot plus plates etc required in my foot for 4-6 months.

Key Positives is that it's happened in the winter months !! Plus I really really appreciated help from Mike/ Jo / Luke / guy with the beard!!....When I couldn't actually get out of the water, pack my gear up or drive home !!

Cause was I think the gusty conditions 15-25++ knots combined with a fair bit of over confidence! plus straps that were a bit too tight.. ! I had been getting in my mind quite good at this foiling thing but a big gust and a fall over the front when the foil broke out of the water has changed things for a little while ... ! As those that have fallen know the foil board doesn't roll over when you fall like a traditional windsurfer so your foot does get trapped ...

so my clear advise is not to have those front straps too tight!

Mike sent me a link to the slingshot half straps as a good option for when am back on my feet and I've ordered some just because ...not much else to do windsurfing wise (see slingshot foot hooks)! .casting around though they're doesn't seem to be any real straps out there that tackle the issue in fact thinking about straps really they have changed since I started windsurfing 20+ years ago have they?

Anyone seen anything that prevents/ limits foot hang up ?

WA, 1731 posts
12 Jun 2018 6:30PM
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Adam555 said..
Ok not trying to introduce anegative topic more so to give others a bit of a heads up..and avoid my recent pain!

i fell off the foil board two + weeks ago and the pain has now subsided after having the 5 screws and two plates put in last Friday to correct what the doctors are calling a lis-franc injury X-ray's below to tell the story !!

Net result is 6-8 weeks before I can put any weight on the foot plus plates etc required in my foot for 4-6 months.

Key Positives is that it's happened in the winter months !! Plus I really really appreciated help from Mike/ Jo / Luke / guy with the beard!!....When I couldn't actually get out of the water, pack my gear up or drive home !!

Cause was I think the gusty conditions 15-25++ knots combined with a fair bit of over confidence! plus straps that were a bit too tight.. ! I had been getting in my mind quite good at this foiling thing but a big gust and a fall over the front when the foil broke out of the water has changed things for a little while ... ! As those that have fallen know the foil board doesn't roll over when you fall like a traditional windsurfer so your foot does get trapped ...

so my clear advise is not to have those front straps too tight!

Mike sent me a link to the slingshot half straps as a good option for when am back on my feet and I've ordered some just because ...not much else to do windsurfing wise (see slingshot foot hooks)! .casting around though they're doesn't seem to be any real straps out there that tackle the issue in fact thinking about straps really they have changed since I started windsurfing 20+ years ago have they?

Anyone seen anything that prevents/ limits foot hang up ?

Gees that Sux mate
i was wondering where you got to.
hoping you have a quick recovery ready for the new season!

WA, 734 posts
12 Jun 2018 6:43PM
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Onwards and upwards Adam for a speedy recovery on a positive note I've broken mine a couple of times and have healed up I found soft beach sand walking in bare feet was great rehab when your up to it

WA, 162 posts
12 Jun 2018 7:00PM
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Thanks gents ! Beach sand walks sounds like the go ...Physio/ doctor really laid it on pretty thick the other day I was initially a bit concerned Id struggle to walk again... onwards and upwards and back foiling in time for summer months

WA, 3226 posts
12 Jun 2018 8:54PM
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Sorry to hear it was that bad Adam, but glad to hear you are on the mend.

Be interesting to see the half straps if/when Mike gets a set. After your accident, dont plan on going tight on the footstraps at all. Loosey goosey sounds like the plan. Leave tight straps to the professionals.

Hope for a speedy as possible recovery for you.

2636 posts
12 Jun 2018 10:13PM
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Sorry that you got hurt. Best wishes for your recovery. This is a pretty common windsurfing injury so the strap warning applies to non-foilers as well.

SA, 2890 posts
13 Jun 2018 12:30PM
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The foot hooks are fragile and of doubtful value.
looser straps and bailout before crash helps, ie: when things start to go pear shaped don't fight it just bail.

WA, 898 posts
13 Jun 2018 11:11AM
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I've loosened my foot straps considerably for foiling because i was worried about exactly this. Hope you recover soon Adam.

QLD, 3424 posts
13 Jun 2018 2:29PM
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same here, a few crashes showed me there was a risk there... so large straps it is !
actually a "no strap" trend is emerging locally. I'm just not good enough to go fast strapless.... (yet ??)

hope you recover fast and well !

WA, 162 posts
13 Jun 2018 12:37PM
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Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
13 Jun 2018 2:51PM
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I remember someone had a prototype safety release footstrap decades ago.

There's two theories on the safest settings for footstraps. I go by the tight one, as was the wisdom 3 decades ago. Only a little more than half of your big toe should poke out the other side. They'll feel tight, but if you pitch over them the ball of your foot is able to lever out backwards. I've had lots of crashes windsurfing and quite a few foiling. So far so good but maybe even >3 decades is not statistically significant?

There's a video somewhere of Peter Hart showing how to test them on the beach. Jam your foot in as hard as you can and Slowly do the pitch forward to make sure the insertion is not too great. You should be able to leave the board flat on the sand.

As far as I can reason your foot is tapered, so it can slip in until tight for a wide range of settings. And if the ball of your foot is way forward under the strap it can't be levered out if you pitch forwards. Rather than tight or loose the two options should be labelled deep or shallow insertion.

But most how to videos recommend loose! This is way too loose for me. If I can even lift my toes off the deck I feel out of control. I'd be straight back in to tighten them.

WA, 2333 posts
13 Jun 2018 8:32PM
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Adam555 said..
Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

And the 'fuse' will give way at 35.2knts and over the handle bars you'll go... safe toes but broken ribs and peeing blood for a week.

On a a bright note. Recovery will probably be quicker.

Seriously tho, can you foil without the need for straps or is it really only in the light wind that that's only possible.

Adam and Gina will be seen frequently doing sunset beach walks when it warms up. Getting brownie points bro.

WA, 2333 posts
13 Jun 2018 8:32PM
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Adam555 said..
Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

And the 'fuse' will give way at 35.2knts and over the handle bars you'll go... safe toes but broken ribs and peeing blood for a week.

On a a bright note. Recovery will probably be quicker.

Seriously tho, can you foil without the need for straps or is it really only in the light wind that that's only possible.

Adam and Gina will be seen frequently doing sunset beach walks when it warms up. Getting brownie points bro.

QLD, 3424 posts
14 Jun 2018 7:42AM
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new cal style

WA, 162 posts
14 Jun 2018 6:59PM
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Like it !! Simple solution to making a problem not exist!

WA, 162 posts
14 Jun 2018 7:02PM
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BSN101 said..

Adam555 said..
Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

And the 'fuse' will give way at 35.2knts and over the handle bars you'll go... safe toes but broken ribs and peeing blood for a week.

On a a bright note. Recovery will probably be quicker.

Seriously tho, can you foil without the need for straps or is it really only in the light wind that that's only possible.

Adam and Gina will be seen frequently doing sunset beach walks when it warms up. Getting brownie points bro.

Agreed Dave no straps a real option .. feels better with them but can't be out of action again way to frustrating !

Not getting many brownie points .. she wants me out of the house - upsetting the routine apparently!

WA, 456 posts
14 Jun 2018 8:33PM
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Adam555 said..

BSN101 said..

Adam555 said..
Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

And the 'fuse' will give way at 35.2knts and over the handle bars you'll go... safe toes but broken ribs and peeing blood for a week.

On a a bright note. Recovery will probably be quicker.

Seriously tho, can you foil without the need for straps or is it really only in the light wind that that's only possible.

Adam and Gina will be seen frequently doing sunset beach walks when it warms up. Getting brownie points bro.

Agreed Dave no straps a real option .. feels better with them but can't be out of action again way to frustrating !

Not getting many brownie points .. she wants me out of the house - upsetting the routine apparently!

Brownie points, no but ammunition, yes. Next time you get moaned at for sailing too much.

WA, 2333 posts
14 Jun 2018 9:56PM
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Swindy said..

Adam555 said..

BSN101 said..

Adam555 said..
Thanks guys for positive thoughts .. good to know there plenty of life post this lis - franc saga but it's not something I think anyone else needs to explore !

The Engineer in me is thinking about designing some new foot straps whilst am waiting to sail again perhaps with a breakable link ( like a fuse) ???? but certainly loose straps are a must

And the 'fuse' will give way at 35.2knts and over the handle bars you'll go... safe toes but broken ribs and peeing blood for a week.

On a a bright note. Recovery will probably be quicker.

Seriously tho, can you foil without the need for straps or is it really only in the light wind that that's only possible.

Adam and Gina will be seen frequently doing sunset beach walks when it warms up. Getting brownie points bro.

Agreed Dave no straps a real option .. feels better with them but can't be out of action again way to frustrating !

Not getting many brownie points .. she wants me out of the house - upsetting the routine apparently!

Brownie points, no but ammunition, yes. Next time you get moaned at for sailing too much.

Swindy, we are never meant to win. Stretchy say asking for forgiveness is easier than permission.

2636 posts
15 Jun 2018 1:44AM
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seanhogan said..

new cal style

I don't know about that. Where I live: No shirt, no straps, no service.

WA, 70 posts
25 Jun 2018 2:24PM
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Yo Adam!! I heard about your unfortunate incident just recently. You seem to like making a habit out of such things...rally car....foil board!

WA, 162 posts
27 Jun 2018 4:52AM
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I'm not sure what to say other than I wouldnt wish this one on anyone!

647 posts
5 Jul 2018 6:53AM
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You don't need straps. I foiled a full season without straps. Straps helped me drive upwind harder, but no straps was way more fun and the freedom was awesome.

Ian K
WA, 4122 posts
5 Jul 2018 7:25AM
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Electromagnetic. Activate them with a button on the boom.

QLD, 28 posts
5 Jul 2018 10:06AM
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hi guys

ive been foiling for about 10months now and have had my share of crashes, a couple on rotation with the body falling in opposite direction,. The best solution so far for me is using footstraps Dakine Contours and setting them up loose. Contours are made from predominately rubber and will flex significantly more than traditional footstraps, allowing the foot to release and/or flex during falls. Impressed me that much that Now I use a set a little tighter on my Slalom Board and they work brilliantly....

Also noticed a lot of Freedride Foilers riding swell are sailing footstrap free, makes sense. For me the footstraps play a big roll in going up wind...

hope this helps...

WA, 20 posts
10 Jul 2018 10:14PM
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I have some skiff racing experience and what we did after seeing a lot of ankle injuries from feet stuck in foot straps during big wipe outs was :
1) Velcro straps that could break out. These didn't work well because the straps were not made well, but the concept of less velcro could be tested further.
2) Used plastic bolts that would sheer off under load

27 posts
25 Oct 2018 4:36PM
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I think I'm going for no or very loose straps too when I start again this week. All 5 metatarsals healed fine in a moonboot but too much time off water...

WA, 1635 posts
29 Nov 2018 3:39AM
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I agree with you guys. Two weeks ago I injured a foot while foiling in Florida. It was a forward crash in very loose footstraps, but my foot did not come out. It hobbled me for ten days, but nothing was broken. Lucky.

That might sound good, but with really loose footstraps you tend to stick your foot all they way in, right up to the ankle. Not good.

When I remember to keep my foot just barely in the strap, everything is fine when I crash. But that's the point: ya gotta remember.

Foiling without footstraps altogether is a great idea. Since our stance is upright and we use smaller sails, we can get by just fine without straps.

Up here in the USA Pacific Northwest it is turning to winter, so my foiling has to slow down. Looking forward to spring.

Rick M
Richland, WA (as in Washington state)

SA, 2890 posts
29 Nov 2018 9:45AM
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RAL INN said..
The foot hooks are fragile and of doubtful value.
looser straps and bailout before crash helps, ie: when things start to go pear shaped don't fight it just bail.

I'm now revising my opinion on foot straps and going back to the theory of correct fit.
toes just out so ball of foot can rotate out.

WA, 162 posts
1 Dec 2018 11:12AM
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Kernowboy said..
I think I'm going for no or very loose straps too when I start again this week. All 5 metatarsals healed fine in a moonboot but too much time off water...

Mate I hear you the shear frustration of waiting for the bones to heal over 4-5months nearly did my head in plus the Physio/gym now to enable the correct walk and the muscles effected in my leg all the way through to my hip has certainly surprised me !!
ive been doing a lot of experimenting though with various straps/ no straps in the last few weeks since starting to sail again as had a lot of time to think about it but I'll post something seperately on this later


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Foiling injury - lis franc beware !" started by Adam555