I just picked up a set of NP Glide foils S/M/L in a set with the shorter surf fuse and mast (pictured LHS).
I have previously been using the Large NP Glide foil, with small rear wing (with washer under the front bolt) as my standard setup, on longer mast(2018 pinkie)/ NP Glide windfoil fuselage (also pictured RHS). This was suggested by Bludga and has served me well to date. Noting also that I had the fuselage machined to provide additional mast/foil locations (effectively 75mm adjustment).
My question is whether there is any setup advice (rear wing) for the small and medium front wings, which I also intend to use on this same setup for higher winds. JP 135 on 4.2m-5.8m wavesails generally.
My current setup which I use in all winds (up to 25 knots/30) is slim medium front wing and small stab with no washers.
Sails from 7m to 4.5. But this is on an isonic 124 so your trim will be a little different on the JP. But then again if you're heavier than me, trim could be similar. Footstrap positioning on the JP is a lot further back than on my 124.
Hi there, I am interested in using a Neil Pryde Glide Wind foil on a 2013 RRD Firestorm Freeride board (66cm wide) with a powerbox fin setup not designed for foils. I realise its a million dollar question but am I likely to encounter structural issues running this combination? I weigh 70kg and intend to use it in light to moderate conditions.. I realise its a difficult question to answer but any thoughts on this appreciated. Thanks
Powerbox is generally not recommended for foiling since it is risky in the fore and aft cantilevering forces exerted by the foil wing.
That said, some people use Powerbox successfully. YMMV
Be sure to mount a leash to catch the foil if something breaks.
You CAN learn on smaller boards, but it makes the process harder.
70 kg bud learned on 86 liter board, up to foiling jibes now. Maybe 17 days.
Me, 75 kg., second day on 95 liter, 62 wide board. Wind died to 1 mph gusts, paddled in. No problem getting up in 15 mph gusts.
Retrospect....give me a 140 liter board..for light wind foiling.
Thanks all, much appreciate the Frank advice. Will probably look to pickup a foil board abd do the job properly for once, cheers
Hey Mort, are you still using your fuselage extension at the rear ?
I am about to machine one for mine.
S size on 80 mast and fuselage, on iSonic 117.
As noted many times, several riders under 80 kg. have logged over 100 foil days with no damage to PB.
Plate and smaller foils.
It's the deck width as much as your weight that increases the sideways leverage on the fin box. Power box boards are generally narrower. Pumping on a wide board must put huge dynamic loads on the box. The bending moment is maximum at the box, the point at greatest distance from the line between your feet and the water reacting down at the foil end.
Wide boards are like using water pipes to extend the handles of your bolt cutters, somethings going to give.