I got my PD AI Hybrid 91 yesterday - a very impressive piece of techique. Wunderful flat thin nose.
All the new PD Hybrid and pure foil boards offer an extensive long row of positions for the straps.
Any advice where to start for searching the best position (I'm 75 kg)? Middle position and than working to the back positions? Back foot more front position?
with my best regards, Boris
Thank you very much!!!
It will be the new Phantom X with the 100 cm/950 sqm and 90 cm/800 sqm foil.
Sails will be the new Phantom 8.0 RF and 6.3 Avanti Tempest.
I used last year the Jp Hydrofoil 135 Pro/NP AL Flight 2019/Avanti M7 7.0 and Tempest 6.3 qm.
thank you very much, Boris
The 2020 PD AI Hybrid 91 is around 1,5 kg lighter as the 2019 PD AI Formula Foil 91.
160 to 190 ltr.
Very thin nose vs. Formula nose
I hope, that the 2020 PD AI Hybrid 91 will be a good low wind slalom board, too. with my best regards, Boris
I have sailed a 140 litre Patrik airinside board with a 50 cm Z fin and the feel was similar to a regular sized board albeit a good bit lighter.
My very limited experience of sailing table tops is not a pleasant one.