Azymuth,do you think there would be a benefit to using the 115 vs the Wizard 105 for the kind of foiling you do.
Or is the 115 for pure freestyle junkies??
What I'm getting at is, which board would be more fun for heading up wind then going on long down wind swell rides & cranking turns
Great photo Gwarn. Where did you find it?
i noticed that some of the wings have the slot for the mast in the A position and some don't. is the blue mast alloy? It seems to fit the new fuselage. longer fuse on the right than the others that look quite short. mast on the floor has a ghost whisperer type Tuttle fitting and mast on the left front has a fixed plate type head
lots to take in.
I found it in a surf foiling facebook group it was dated June of 2018. So that's the reason for the short mast and fuselage.
If you check some kiteboarding vendors you can find interesting bits like an adapter to marry Slingshot mast to Moses fuselage for example.
Liqud Force wings are the same as SlingShot but painted turquoise color.
These fuselages on the pic all seem to fit the new carbon masts. It looks a lot like at the Moses foils.