Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Slingshot Apollo 60: a brilliant wing

Created by thedoor > 9 months ago, 31 Aug 2020
2219 posts
31 Aug 2020 2:14PM
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After 4 sessions on this wing it is my favorite so far. More lift than the infinity 65 and slightly more speed than the infinity 76 and holds a carve on swell better than both.

The infinity 76 is still the best hover glide wing, with it's unique combination of high top speed and low stall speed, but if conditions allow I will be using the Apollo 60.

WA, 2012 posts
31 Aug 2020 5:35PM
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thedoor said..After 4 sessions on this wing it is my favorite so far. More lift than the infinity 65 and slightly more speed than the infinity 76 and holds a carve on swell better than both.
The infinity 76 is still the best hover glide wing, with it's unique combination of high top speed and low stall speed, but if conditions allow I will be using the Apollo 60.

Nice, thanks for the info - looking forward to the video

Infinity 65 is my clear favourite.
I haven't tried the Apollo, there are a few kiters here that use it - might ask for a lend.

2219 posts
1 Sep 2020 1:00AM
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azymuth said..

thedoor said..After 4 sessions on this wing it is my favorite so far. More lift than the infinity 65 and slightly more speed than the infinity 76 and holds a carve on swell better than both.
The infinity 76 is still the best hover glide wing, with it's unique combination of high top speed and low stall speed, but if conditions allow I will be using the Apollo 60.

Nice, thanks for the info - looking forward to the video

Infinity 65 is my clear favourite.
I haven't tried the Apollo, there are a few kiters here that use it - might ask for a lend.

That's the beauty of the hoverglide system, so many wings to try. Let us know what you think.

2219 posts
1 Sep 2020 1:31AM
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Apollo 60 seems like a shaved down infinity 76.

84 posts
1 Sep 2020 2:53AM
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Look like a nice option in between when you have to much power with I76 and not enough with the I65 as the gap between both is large with nearly half size

2219 posts
1 Sep 2020 3:23AM
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Yeah, I think the relatively big jump from the 76 to the 65 is what motivated to try it.

The shape is kind of interesting with the low aspect ratio, but it is plenty fast enough.

NSW, 318 posts
1 Sep 2020 8:47AM
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is this a new model ?

2219 posts
1 Sep 2020 7:52AM
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No I think it came out last year but it is marketed primarily to kiters

820 posts
1 Sep 2020 11:25AM
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Nothing but good things to say about the Apollo 60 in this video (kite boarders). It's basically the same wing as the Moses 633.

2219 posts
1 Sep 2020 11:48PM
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just leaving this comparison of the infinity 65 and 76

WA, 2012 posts
2 Sep 2020 6:58AM
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thedoor said..
just leaving this comparison of the infinity 65 and 76

The 65 is just over 50% the surface area of the 76 but I reckon it has about 75% of the lift, maybe because we're always faster on the smaller wing.
Mostly using the 65 when the wind exceeds 15 knots - to 35+

The 76 is awesome from 10-15 knots or if it's super gusty 10-25 knots.

Ocean speeds
76 - 21 knots
65 - 24 knots
Both carve super well for wave riding and downwinders

84 posts
27 Nov 2020 2:40AM
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Hello did you get more time to ride the apollo 60? What your feedback? I really thinking adding it to my quiver thank you for any feedback

2219 posts
27 Nov 2020 9:30AM
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Samkyo said..
Hello did you get more time to ride the apollo 60? What your feedback? I really thinking adding it to my quiver thank you for any feedback

Whenever I can, I ride the apollo 60. It is my favorite wing so far. It's a little faster than the 76 and has a lower stall speed than the i65. If the conditions are a little up and down I will take the i76, but my preference is to take the apollo 60 and a 1/2m bigger sail compared to what I would be on for the 76.

84 posts
27 Nov 2020 2:37PM
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Hello The Door thank you for the feedback I just order one as I find a good deal waiting to test it

2219 posts
28 Nov 2020 12:39AM
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Samkyo said..
Hello The Door thank you for the feedback I just order one as I find a good deal waiting to test it

Very cool. Let us know what you think

881 posts
28 Nov 2020 8:37AM
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thedoor said..

Samkyo said..
Hello did you get more time to ride the apollo 60? What your feedback? I really thinking adding it to my quiver thank you for any feedback

Whenever I can, I ride the apollo 60. It is my favorite wing so far. It's a little faster than the 76 and has a lower stall speed than the i65. If the conditions are a little up and down I will take the i76, but my preference is to take the apollo 60 and a 1/2m bigger sail compared to what I would be on for the 76.

That's really interesting never heard of someone wind foiling the Apollo wing, might have to try that wing myself now

3939 posts
29 Nov 2020 3:10AM
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Well, Apollo 60 is much bigger than NP Glide S, so it's plenty.
Bud of mine around 70kg mostly uses a custom 450 sq cm front wing to complement his original blue 65.

274 posts
1 Dec 2020 2:43AM
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How fast would you think an Infinity 65 can go?
Someone posted a 29+ knots top speed in our local fun speed contest. I would never have thought a shovel-shaped freeride foil could go that fast. Impressive!

307 posts
1 Dec 2020 3:10AM
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I think the Kite foil Wings are worth a closer look. I wouldn't mind trying out the Apollo or the i65. Right now my high wind wing is the SpaceSkate (H4) and I LOVE this wing, even though it's primarily for kiters, I have a blast on this thing.


2219 posts
1 Dec 2020 3:10AM
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ZeeGerman said..
How fast would you think an Infinity 65 can go?
Someone posted a 29+ knots top speed in our local fun speed contest. I would never have thought a shovel-shaped freeride foil could go that fast. Impressive!

29 knots seems incredibly fast for an infinity 65

Apparently the fastest documented speed on windfoil so far is 36knots on pretty insane race gear


QLD, 496 posts
1 Dec 2020 6:06AM
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thedoor said..
Apollo 60 seems like a shaved down infinity 76.

The Apollo is actually a reduced version of the carbon 633. The AP 60 is a popular kite wing too.

QLD, 496 posts
1 Dec 2020 6:06AM
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thedoor said..
Apollo 60 seems like a shaved down infinity 76.

The Apollo is actually a reduced version of the carbon 633. The AP 60 is a popular kite wing too.

QLD, 496 posts
1 Dec 2020 6:06AM
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thedoor said..
Apollo 60 seems like a shaved down infinity 76.

The Apollo is actually a reduced version of the carbon 633. The AP 60 is a popular kite wing too.

274 posts
2 Dec 2020 1:32AM
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thedoor said..

ZeeGerman said..
How fast would you think an Infinity 65 can go?
Someone posted a 29+ knots top speed in our local fun speed contest. I would never have thought a shovel-shaped freeride foil could go that fast. Impressive!

29 knots seems incredibly fast for an infinity 65

Apparently the fastest documented speed on windfoil so far is 36knots on pretty insane race gear


It seems very fast to me, too. All the other foilers with a top speed of 29 or more I know of use sophisticated race gear. Can't say much to it myself though as I'm not limited by my foil, but my justified lack of trust in my own foiling skills.

2501 posts
2 Dec 2020 5:52AM
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thedoor said..

ZeeGerman said..
How fast would you think an Infinity 65 can go?
Someone posted a 29+ knots top speed in our local fun speed contest. I would never have thought a shovel-shaped freeride foil could go that fast. Impressive!

29 knots seems incredibly fast for an infinity 65

Apparently the fastest documented speed on windfoil so far is 36knots on pretty insane race gear


Now: 37.75

"The IRIS X gear is officially the fastest foiling gear on the market with a top speed of 37,75 kts! New record for Nico with the new IRIS X mk2 5.0 sail / IRIS X83 Pro board / IRIS R foil with 350 wing, 100 EVO fuselage, 200 rear" The foil is small race but the Iris X sail and board is their freerace line.

2219 posts
14 Dec 2020 8:39AM
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According to my new garmin, it looks like the apollo 60 is only about 1 knot at best faster than infinity 76. For most people the lower stall speed of the 76 offsets this slight speed advantage. I do think the apollo 60 feels better with carving though

Fastest 10 seconds in similar conditions.
Apollo 60/5.3 SFME 17.6 knots
Infinity 76/5.3 SFME 16.9 knots

For some reason the app did not give me fastest 10 seconds when I had the apollo 60 out with a bigger sail (6.5 speedfreak) in the same or windier conditions but it is saying my maximum speed was 18.1 knots, so I am pretty sure the apollo 60 was maxing out at 18 knots. The same stat for the infinity 76/5.3 was 17.2 knots.

As a reference the fastest speed I have gotten on my infinity 99 is 14knots. Its funny how 3 knots extra feels twice as fast.

NSW, 318 posts
14 Dec 2020 12:26PM
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does the smaller wing feel more comfortable ? even though you only got an extra knot out of it ?

WA, 2270 posts
14 Dec 2020 9:44AM
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thedoor said..
Its funny how 3 knots extra feels twice as fast.

Funny you mention that. I remember thinking the same when I started speedsurfing. For foiling on SS foils, it's still true.

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thedoor said..
Fastest 10 seconds in similar conditions.
Apollo 60/5.3 SFME 17.6 knots
Infinity 76/5.3 SFME 16.9 knots

Thanks for posting 10 second speeds. Some watches sometimes get a bit too exited for shorter runs.

My top 10 sec on the i84 is 17.2 knots. But that was overpowered on very flat water when going for speed. Typical sessions tend to me more around 15 knots. Seems some other brands can go a bit faster - like the SuperCruiser 1300 getting mid-20s.

My bet for the 29 knots on the i65 is a nice spike :-), with 10 second speeds quite a few knots lower.

2219 posts
14 Dec 2020 9:59AM
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normster said..

does the smaller wing feel more comfortable ? even though you only got an extra knot out of it ?

I guess one knot faster is a noticable difference, but that might be psychological. I like how direct it feels in the turns/carves. It feels more locked in and stable when railing the board over.

84 posts
14 Dec 2020 1:55PM
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Paducah said..

thedoor said..

ZeeGerman said..
How fast would you think an Infinity 65 can go?
Someone posted a 29+ knots top speed in our local fun speed contest. I would never have thought a shovel-shaped freeride foil could go that fast. Impressive!

29 knots seems incredibly fast for an infinity 65

Apparently the fastest documented speed on windfoil so far is 36knots on pretty insane race gear


Now: 37.75

"The IRIS X gear is officially the fastest foiling gear on the market with a top speed of 37,75 kts! New record for Nico with the new IRIS X mk2 5.0 sail / IRIS X83 Pro board / IRIS R foil with 350 wing, 100 EVO fuselage, 200 rear" The foil is small race but the Iris X sail and board is their freerace line.

I do have an issue on this communication from Phantom, ok gear are super, rider is excellent but they just claim a speed records without showing track record or registration of speed record with WSSRC as it is for AA miles Record at 43,04 and during this competitions AA only reach 30,76kts on foil. Feel like a big maker ting advert


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Slingshot Apollo 60: a brilliant wing" started by thedoor