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Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Slingshot Infinity 65 - compared to the 76

Created by azymuth > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2019
WA, 2100 posts
9 Nov 2019 12:16PM
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Yeewww - crazy fun on the new wing

Cranks super-tight carving turns, changes direction with the slightest foot pressure and fast up & downwind.
Amazed how well flight's maintained downwinding de-powered and through the gybes.
Cruised at 21.5 knots in big chop without pushing it - with a 5m sail in 15 knots. My guess is it will do 25 knots in flat water easily, if that's your thing.

Surprising how easily it lifted in today's gusty lightish winds.
The center-of-lift is about the same as the 76 so B fuselage position works well for my 80kgs.

Who's the 65 for?
The Infinity 76 is a tough act to follow - it's such an awesome wing, excels at everything from beginner first flights, riding small waves and downwind carving big ocean windswells in 20-25 knots...but to ride bigger waves, carve even harder and crank upwind faster in big swells in stronger breezes, definitely add a 65 to your quiver

Perhaps not an ideal wing for beginners (even for lightweights) as it doesn't have the "side to side" stability of the 76 and you need more board speed and some technique to get it to lift.

Tested with Wizard 105, Simmer Tricera 5m, 15-18 knots.


Frothing !!

688 posts
10 Nov 2019 12:34AM
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Have you considered adding the I84 to your quiver as well? Or is it too close in size to the 76?

At what point would the 84cm be a better choice over the 76cm?

2407 posts
10 Nov 2019 10:26AM
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MagicRide said..
At what point would the 84cm be a better choice over the 76cm?

The 76 has such great range, I find I haven't used the 84 in months.

84 is good for big guys or guys that sail in really light wind, or people that cannot vigorously pump.

But if your board allows, the 99 may be a better overall light wind foil than the 84. I am yet to try. Obviously the 99 flys earlier, but I would love to know what the 99s top speed is, and how that compares to the 84.

688 posts
10 Nov 2019 12:26PM
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Wanting to foil in really light winds, so I guess the 84cm is the weapon of choice. Not sure if the 99cm will work on the Dialer or not. I do think the back wing would need to be larger with the 99cm.

2407 posts
10 Nov 2019 2:06PM
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MagicRide said..
Wanting to foil in really light winds, so I guess the 84cm is the weapon of choice. Not sure if the 99cm will work on the Dialer or not. I do think the back wing would need to be larger with the 99cm.

Yeah 84 would be good. I think the 99 is meant to be used with a track, but I have heard of people using it on the wizard.

575 posts
11 Nov 2019 4:11AM
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Azymuth, is the I-65 similar to the time code 68? Both seem like a great high wind wing. I've seen you had success with the time code 68.
What is the difference between the two wings(65 vs 68):
-carving abilities

Is the 65 too fast to foil down waves?
The time code 57 is even smaller then both wings.

With the price of the new 65. I'm looking to add either the TC 57 or 68. I already own the 76 just want something for high wind fun. Although I have used the 76 in close to 25 kts but the lift becomes a bit much for my 65 kgs going down a steep wave.

WA, 2100 posts
11 Nov 2019 7:25PM
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CAN17 said..
Azymuth, is the I-65 similar to the time code 68? Both seem like a great high wind wing. I've seen you had success with the time code 68.
What is the difference between the two wings(65 vs 68):
-carving abilities

Is the 65 too fast to foil down waves?
The time code 57 is even smaller then both wings.

With the price of the new 65. I'm looking to add either the TC 57 or 68. I already own the 76 just want something for high wind fun. Although I have used the 76 in close to 25 kts but the lift becomes a bit much for my 65 kgs going down a steep wave.

I-65 is a couple of knots faster in ocean chop than the TC-68 - perhaps 5 knots faster in flat water.

I-65 carves a smidgen harder but I think in 25 knot+ wind and swells/waves over 1.5m the TC-68 has the edge in controllability - for me, for now, might change with increasing skill.
The I-65 is less side-to-side stable but that makes it super fun

TC-68 thicker profile means it has slightly better low-speed lift but the I-65 is surprisingly powerful and once moving quickly generates heaps of lift.

I'm stoked with all 4 wings I have, I-84, I-76, TC-68, I-65 - covers winds of 10-35 knots, flat water to big ocean conditions. All are easy to gybe.
It's great fun adapting to the different performance characteristics of each wing

One more thing that's kinda cool is how quiet the I-65 is - because it's so thin it's noticeably quieter than the other wings.

I-65 cranks upwind even when under-powered - SSW 15-18 knots, Blacktip 4.5m

575 posts
12 Nov 2019 8:35AM
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azymuth said..

CAN17 said..
Azymuth, is the I-65 similar to the time code 68? Both seem like a great high wind wing. I've seen you had success with the time code 68.
What is the difference between the two wings(65 vs 68):
-carving abilities

Is the 65 too fast to foil down waves?
The time code 57 is even smaller then both wings.

With the price of the new 65. I'm looking to add either the TC 57 or 68. I already own the 76 just want something for high wind fun. Although I have used the 76 in close to 25 kts but the lift becomes a bit much for my 65 kgs going down a steep wave.

I-65 is a couple of knots faster in ocean chop than the TC-68 - perhaps 5 knots faster in flat water.

I-65 carves a smidgen harder but I think in 25 knot+ wind and swells/waves over 1.5m the TC-68 has the edge in controllability - for me, for now, might change with increasing skill.
The I-65 is less side-to-side stable but that makes it super fun

TC-68 thicker profile means it has slightly better low-speed lift but the I-65 is surprisingly powerful and once moving quickly generates heaps of lift.

I'm stoked with all 4 wings I have, I-84, I-76, TC-68, I-65 - covers winds of 10-35 knots, flat water to big ocean conditions. All are easy to gybe.
It's great fun adapting to the different performance characteristics of each wing

One more thing that's kinda cool is how quiet the I-65 is - because it's so thin it's noticeably quieter than the other wings.

I-65 cranks upwind even when under-powered - SSW 15-18 knots, Blacktip 4.5m

Have you tried the time code 57(H5) wing? It's one of the original wings from the H series wings but was also continued for 2019.
area: 707cm2
span: 57cm.
Chord: 14cm
Aspect ratio 1.3

I have read you can use similar sail sizes to windsurfing with this wing. But it seems like the TC 68 covers a good range for you along with the I-65.
In what condition do you prefer the TC 68 over the I-76(>15kts?).

Nice tracks btw
Love the variety of it; long straight up wind and then playful down wind fun.

WA, 2100 posts
12 Nov 2019 9:32AM
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CAN17 said..

azymuth said..

CAN17 said..
Azymuth, is the I-65 similar to the time code 68? Both seem like a great high wind wing. I've seen you had success with the time code 68.
What is the difference between the two wings(65 vs 68):
-carving abilities

Is the 65 too fast to foil down waves?
The time code 57 is even smaller then both wings.

With the price of the new 65. I'm looking to add either the TC 57 or 68. I already own the 76 just want something for high wind fun. Although I have used the 76 in close to 25 kts but the lift becomes a bit much for my 65 kgs going down a steep wave.

I-65 is a couple of knots faster in ocean chop than the TC-68 - perhaps 5 knots faster in flat water.

I-65 carves a smidgen harder but I think in 25 knot+ wind and swells/waves over 1.5m the TC-68 has the edge in controllability - for me, for now, might change with increasing skill.
The I-65 is less side-to-side stable but that makes it super fun

TC-68 thicker profile means it has slightly better low-speed lift but the I-65 is surprisingly powerful and once moving quickly generates heaps of lift.

I'm stoked with all 4 wings I have, I-84, I-76, TC-68, I-65 - covers winds of 10-35 knots, flat water to big ocean conditions. All are easy to gybe.
It's great fun adapting to the different performance characteristics of each wing

One more thing that's kinda cool is how quiet the I-65 is - because it's so thin it's noticeably quieter than the other wings.

I-65 cranks upwind even when under-powered - SSW 15-18 knots, Blacktip 4.5m

Have you tried the time code 57(H5) wing? It's one of the original wings from the H series wings but was also continued for 2019.
area: 707cm2
span: 57cm.
Chord: 14cm
Aspect ratio 1.3

I have read you can use similar sail sizes to windsurfing with this wing. But it seems like the TC 68 covers a good range for you along with the I-65.
In what condition do you prefer the TC 68 over the I-76(>15kts?).

Nice tracks btw
Love the variety of it; long straight up wind and then playful down wind fun.

I haven't tried the 57 - my guess is you don't want to go too small to carve downwind, occasionally even the TC-68 just drops when I lose speed/lift on a swell.

Smaller is great for fast-flying upwind but you don't always want to be at full speed (to maintain lift) downwind.
So if you're riding swells/waves go the TC-68 - flatter water fanging about maybe TC-57.

If the swell's small we tend to use similar size sails to wavesailors - if the swell's up 1-1.5m smaller.

I'd use the TC-68 over the I-76 in;
15+ knots and big swell
20+ knots and small swell/river

The more I use the 76 the more I appreciate what range it has, it really is a one wing solution for 80kg+ folk.
Although it's fun to have smaller wings too

As you're light I think you'll feel more secure and carve harder when the conditions are big, with the TC-68

575 posts
12 Nov 2019 6:31PM
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Awesome, thanks for the advice.

What is up with your wing cap on the 65 it looks camouflage?


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Slingshot Infinity 65 - compared to the 76" started by azymuth