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Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Starboard wave foil for windfoiling?

Created by TJay > 9 months ago, 5 Sep 2018
2 posts
5 Sep 2018 3:41AM
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Hey: I'm currently using the Starboard GT alum foil for windsurfing on the Hypernut 4in1 and everything is working great. But...I'd like to go a bit slower, get going in lighter winds and start to turn on the swells. Any comments on windfoiling with the new SB Wave or Wave Pro foils with a 67cm fuselage and the 75 cm alum mast for windfoiling ? Any suggestions on which foil and size: Wave or Wave Pro 1300 - 1700 and 230-370? It's unlikely that anyone has tried one for windfoiling, but any guesses?

I could get a GoFoil IWA/Maliko200 but I'd really like to stay with the Starboard setup.

Here's the info on the Wave Foils:


297 posts
15 Sep 2018 3:54AM
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I like you're school of thought. Have you asked the SB guys their thoughts on running that configuration?

I too have the GT, and recently added the longer fuse with the smaller stabilizer. I'm getting up in lighter wind already. However, I have the 1100cm front wing coming to add to my collection, the goal is similar to what you want to do. When I get the 1100 (It's been back ordered), I'll let you know how it goes.

30 posts
25 Sep 2018 6:38PM
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Really interested in this also. What size hypernut 4in1 you got Tjay and how heavy are you? I'm thinking of getting one and would like to windoil and SUP downwind with it. Downwind is small here so i would need powerful foil. I would windfoil in lighter wind but with as small as possible sail. I haven't foiled before but comfortable on windsurf equipment and SUP. Not much info about the wave foils. Would like to also use the board as SUP in small waves.


2 posts
26 Sep 2018 11:22PM
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Hi FIN555:
I have the 2018 7-4 HN 4in1 and use it mostly for windfoiling with the GT alum foil. It works well, although I'm sure a foil board would get going quicker. I'm 70kg.

I've used the board for light wind sup sailing too and it works great. For surf sup, it is a bit big for me and I think I'll switch to the 2019 6-10 4in1. I haven't done any downwind foiling and from what I've heard when I was in Hood River, the box is further back (too far?) compared to the regular 2in1. It would probably work for downwinding, but it wouldn't be ideal.

So I'd say, if you plan to do lots of downwinding the better option is a dedicated foil board like the SB 122 and then the 2in1 SB Hypernut for sup/downwind.

30 posts
27 Sep 2018 1:40PM
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Thanks for the comments Tjay. We don't get downwind conditions that often so i would mainly use it for windfoiling. But really keen to try downwinding and in surf. Would plate mount give enough adjustment between windfoiling and downwind. Satarboard offers the HN with plate mount also.

419 posts
1 Oct 2018 3:51PM
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I just got the 2018 Hypernut 7'4 with the Go Foil Maliko wings. Good to hear the Hypernut works with the Starboard alu foil as I have the GT and Slalom wings which I use on a F2 Formula and Carbon Art slalom board. I am hoping the Hypernut 4 in 1 lives up to the claims but it sounds promising - I will report back on how that Go Foil set up works for light wind wave foiling as that is what I am going to try out as well as SUP foiling.

I saw this clip awhile ago and it blew my mind the angles he can ride with speed with the rig just luffing and making light winds look effortless! Using the Go Foil

Keen to be like this guy:

30 posts
3 Oct 2018 3:39PM
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That look's like lot's of fun StevO!
Might pull the trigger on 2019 Hypernut 7'4"x30".
I have seen some info about starboard wave foils but they are not in their site.
Anybody heard anything about them. Would like to stay with one brand so i could just switch the wings.

419 posts
4 Oct 2018 6:20AM
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FIN555 said..
That look's like lot's of fun StevO!
Might pull the trigger on 2019 Hypernut 7'4"x30".
I have seen some info about starboard wave foils but they are not in their site.
Anybody heard anything about them. Would like to stay with one brand so i could just switch the wings.

Yeah - looks sooooo much fun to fly around in crappy waves in light wind with "no effort" seems amazing! That clip is with the Go Foil Maliko 200 which is what I have now so great to see it works for wave wind foiling!

There is a good blog about Wave Wind Foiling here from the guy in the video:

Here is a link to the 2019 Starboard foils which has the wave foils:

I was going to go for the Starboard wave foil as I have the GT set up but they are not available here right now so went Go Foil as I had just got the Hypernut so no point waiting around eh.

419 posts
4 Oct 2018 6:20AM
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Select to expand quote
FIN555 said..
That look's like lot's of fun StevO!
Might pull the trigger on 2019 Hypernut 7'4"x30".
I have seen some info about starboard wave foils but they are not in their site.
Anybody heard anything about them. Would like to stay with one brand so i could just switch the wings.

Yeah - looks sooooo much fun to fly around in crappy waves in light wind with "no effort" seems amazing! That clip is with the Go Foil Maliko 200 which is what I have now so great to see it works for wave wind foiling!

There is a good blog about Wave Wind Foiling here from the guy in the video:

Here is a link to the 2019 Starboard foils which has the wave foils:

I was going to go for the Starboard wave foil as I have the GT set up but they are not available here right now so went Go Foil as I had just got the Hypernut so no point waiting around eh.

30 posts
4 Oct 2018 7:34PM
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Importer here did not have prices etc. for the SB Wave foils but his getting information on them.
Thanks for the SB foil catalogue. We have to make our preorder quite soon and don't want to order the board without knowing
how much more cash i have to put to the foil.

419 posts
7 Oct 2018 6:12PM
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Got to windfoil the Starboard Hypernut 7'4 with the Go Foil Maliko. I had put the footsteps in which are outboard and went SUP foiling for the first time. The onshore wind picked up to about 12 knots so rigged 6.2 wave sail and took the Hypernut and Go Foil for a windfoil to test how the Go Foil Maliko went from SUP foil mode to wind foil mode. First run I couldn't get in the back strap and did an almighty catapult and smashed the nose of my new board on the the first run of its maiden voyage! Feck. Anyway, the set up work amazingly well as had loads of low speed lift and felt easy to ride. I stopped using the back strap as it made the foil a bit "squirrelly" and planted my back foot over the foil in the middle of the board which made the ride more stable. I will take off the back straps and maybe try strapless next time - but reckon the front straps only might be best option. I got some good speed up and had control so started bearing away on some swells. Pretty stoked with the Starboard 7'4 Hypernut 4-in-1 as it does SUP surf, SUP foil and Windfoil! Not sure if I would windsurf it as I got it for foiling but maybe for float'n'ride conditions. I was amazed at how could fly on a 104L SUP with a 6.2 wavesail in conditions I would normally rig a 7.0 and still be grovelly - in fact conditions I wouldn't bother sailing in! I might have rigged a 7.0 on my Starboard GT foil and 150L formula board but there was a bit of swell and chop so that setup would be a handful so this session proved that an 83kg guy in a winter wetsuit using big wings (Maliko 200) on a small board (104L) with a small sail (6.2 Blade) in light to moderate winds (10-15knots) with swell is actually a thing!

30 posts
1 Jul 2019 4:33PM
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Getting back to this. Skipped the foil thing this season but next season for sure. I think i'm going to go with the hypernut 4in1 with wave foil.
Not sure about the size maybe the 7'4. I'm 73kg and would like to windfoil the board with around 6m2 sail. Does this make sense?


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Starboard wave foil for windfoiling?" started by TJay