Hi All,
Just fishing for some info on when the 2019 Nationals is being / was held? And if its done for this year, the info for the 2020 event? I'm super keen to come up from Tas and get into it for some proper racing.
If there is a website specific for the foiling stuff that is being updated regularly a link to that would be sweet.
The 2018/19 nationals/oceanics were at foiling week in Sydney mid last December. There was talk of the 19/20 nats being in QLD but I don't think any decisions have been made yet, I imagine we'll find out over the next few months and I'd expect they'll be Dec/jan sometime.
The 'Australian foilers' group on Facebook usually has all the info but it's winter so I doubt there will be much Aus content... And Facebook is basically useless as a long term info sharing platform.
Thank you for that information! I guess I'll sit tight, do a bit more training and wait for more info.
What rules are the events being run by? Is it PWA rules, or slightly more open? Ie, max sail size, max board width, front wing size, foil mast length, etc etc.
Also, if people would come to a nationals in Tas then it wouldn't be that hard to organise! Sandy Bay Sailing Club would be PERFECT for it, nice grassy rigging area, big beach, very experienced race committee. Late Jan would be best time of year, most reliable seabreeze.
Here's the thread from the 2018-2019 event last December:
I forgot I had made a thread
Rules are fairly open. No restriction for the rig and formula board are ok.
See picture below for the last national:
Formula board rule was introduced to allow people converting over from the formula class to race in the foil division without having to buy a new board as obviously formula boards don't meet the PWA 91cm rule if strictly adopted.
Formula boards make a good foiling platform but arguably the new generation of foil boards are better, wider at the tail and much more volume at the tail for super efficient light wind pumping.
Thanks for all of the above info, I really cant wait to get in amongst it all this summer! I'll be trying to get some local racing in Hobart off the ground (or water, in this case, hahaha puns) towards the end of winter, so I'll try and get some pics of that happening and report back with some stories.