Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

Wizard 125 Stance and Harness

Created by marc5 > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2020
162 posts
4 Jun 2020 7:36PM
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Really loving the foil--what a feeling of flying. 15 sessions, most recent 5 on 2018 Wizard 125. Previous 10 on Dialer which was very difficult to control. Wizard so much easier to manage height. Getting long flights now, no flying jibes yet. Haven't uphauled this much since 1981! Got to get myself a pair of knee pads. 6'-1", 180 lbs/82k. Would all you wonderful contributors here please offer some tips on stance, railing board, and harness use. Yesterday on Retro 7.0 in 14-17 mph with some 20+ gusts (according to nearby airport). i76 wing, 90cm mast, sail in middle of track. Using only Dakine half straps on front which are working.

When I'm flying I'm really sheeted in because there isn't much apparent wind. I'm going fast, board mostly level. Sail is straight up. I can't seem to get balanced if I try to get the windward rail down and lean sail to windward as in azymuth and can17 avatars. Maybe it's just light wind. A little railing and the board really screams upwind, which is amazing. I also can't get my harness lines right. Since I'm sheeted in and my arms are bent, arms getting tired. I straighten my arms which is more comfortable, sort of like a slogging stance on a fin board when the wind is very light. I've had to move my harness lines way forward because the pull from the booms is way forward. Can't get comfortable in the harness. Is my setup wrong or maybe I will just figure things out over time?

Thanks for any tips. Thanks to all who contribute here. I read every post.

490 posts
5 Jun 2020 2:17AM
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I'd just try moving things around and see where it gets you. There's so much conflicting advice out there. Another thread is talking about moving harness lines forwards for best performance. I've been moving mine back lately and it's made a big difference. It's all relative. I recently also moved my mast base forwards on my Wizard by about an inch and it has helped flatten my board on the water and get it flying sooner. Prior to that I thought the only reason I'd move it forwards was to get weight forwards when overpowered in high winds. Depending on the wind, foil wing sail size, and riding style, there are so many variables, part of the fun is making the small tweaks to get a setup you're happy with. Good luck!

2301 posts
5 Jun 2020 3:22AM
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Windbot said..
I'd just try moving things around and see where it gets you. There's so much conflicting advice out there. Another thread is talking about moving harness lines forwards for best performance. I've been moving mine back lately and it's made a big difference. It's all relative. I recently also moved my mast base forwards on my Wizard by about an inch and it has helped flatten my board on the water and get it flying sooner. Prior to that I thought the only reason I'd move it forwards was to get weight forwards when overpowered in high winds. Depending on the wind, foil wing sail size, and riding style, there are so many variables, part of the fun is making the small tweaks to get a setup you're happy with. Good luck!

Yeah, it does require experimentation. On that gear you probably want an upright stand with relatively straight legs and your weight over your front foot. 7.0 does seem like a lot of sail for 20+ though

I also went through the harness lines forward for learning and then moved em back as I got better.

Can and Azy avatars may be photos from turns. Generally I sail with about a 5% railing to windward, more while turning obviously.

NSW, 325 posts
5 Jun 2020 8:56AM
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i have same set up exactly - minor differences - newer wizard 125 and i am 5' 8 and about 80 kg.

unfortunately i have same amount of experience - so haven't got expert advice.

sail seems on bigger side for those higher gust, maybe mast base forward a touch, what height is your boom ?

are harness lines right length - maybe need a bit longer ? even though we are more upright

308 posts
5 Jun 2020 8:54AM
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You may have too much sail for those conditions. You should be fine on a 5.7 or even 5.0 for the 20mph gusts, especially at your weight. Also go with long harness lines like 32 or more. Gives a lot more flexibility. Also I prefer the wiz 125 strapless front and back, feels like I've got more deck to play on. Have fun!


907 posts
6 Jun 2020 12:37AM
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Hey Marc5

You're not overly heavy and a 7.0 is quite big for that wind speed!

I Have probably put 500+ hours on the 2018 W125 and from all the boards I have tested, I feel its one of the best overall go to boards on the market. I can go to the beach with one board, variety of wings and sails and know I will be foiling, its awesome.

At 200/92kg, my go to sail last year was the Naish sprint 6.4 with adjustable outhaul on the i84 wing, then when the i99 came out the biggest sail I use is the 5.8 Sprint. If the wind is less than 10 knots It does require some pretty physical pumping.

The 7.0 can make the board unbalanced! I actually rigged a 7.0 last Sunday to see if it had any benefits that maybe I had forgot? but all it did was put unnecessary mast base pressure on the board, made it a pig to uphaul and made my lower back twist when schlogging, so back to the 5.8 I go

-First suggestion is, try the W125 with a smaller sail if you have one and practice pumping skills to get foiling
-Foil with more of a upright stance and experiment with different back foot positions (I only use back strap for upwind work)
-I had moved my boom up 2" from normal windsurfing height
-Shortened my harness lines from 30" to 27", I also moved the harness lines so they are only 2" apart that way I can position my hands and feel the center of the draft more.
- try to relax the arms, keep hips in and lean the upper back when going through lulls.

In the pics I am using Naish 5.8 and a 1997 Sailworks Revo 5.8 (the draft is perfect in the sail) both pics I am on the i84 wing/42 rear in position B

316 posts
7 Jun 2020 2:38AM
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All i ride right now is wizard 125 & 76 wing 90cm mast,But I do foil in about six different spots from a small lake to a shipping channel with tide swings to just now going in the ocean and 14 to 17 with gusts to 20 is not the same from spot to spot. Right now the biggest sail i use is a 4 batten 5.0 wave sail its kinda windy were I live.
Straps are the way to go front n back they allow you to carve the foil upwind and downwind if you are worried about hurting yourself just make sure you set them like the freestyle guys do narrow and loose so your feet come out quick the original slingshot straps are not that good replace with dakine or some other brand.Lots of guys don't use the back straps for downwind work just put your foot in front.Myself I don't see the point of half straps but to each their own. Have fun remember the more you go the more you know.

92 posts
7 Jun 2020 5:51AM
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Perhaps I can give some hints of trimm...but all depends also on conditions, weight and what you used to surf.
I was flashed away from my first flights with the wizard, BUT also I felt that it's much more sensitive. The Wizard 125 out of my point of view is not a beginner board...means: Be pacient you will learn to fly it controlled !

The Wizard is famous but not plug and more experience you get as more fun you will have on the baord.

I can also not speak for the Wizard 125 from 2018. I had the 2019 and I just will hear the voices "it's the same"....I would agree I wouldn't have now the 2020 and who hasn't compared the boards directly: The 2020 is just a complete new Board !!!
- DEEP V in the Bottom
- 600 gramm heavier
- More Carbon forced - you see it under the color
- 5mm thicker in the back
When 2019 was sticked to the water after pumping the 2020 is much more looser...and I use a bit a different trim on it:
- Straps I have in the second hole from the front
- For me it helped to get it more stable (a part from 30 training days)
1) Windsurf Mast more forward
2) Harnes Straps more forward
3) Hip Harnes
4) Sail always trimmed with good loose leech and less outhaul at the boom
...and last thing I' trying on is the length of the Harnes lines:
Until now I was used in 24 I'm training on 28...longer harnes lines will bring much more stability...

Take more courses concrete upwind and more downwind when gusts are coming ....Hands more in the front to the mast when wind grows up...more in the middel when pressure is good controlled...

The back leg before the the middle....when everything is stable and good controlled you can try to hold the stable fly with using the back straps.

To get more experience: Go out with the foil in every manageable condition for you. Go out also with 4,0 ...

I'm with 90 KG / 182cm and using 4,0 / 4,6 / 5,7 / 6,9 mostly freemove / Powerwave Sails.

Also I'm using Carbon Booms (not the most expensive ones) ...but don't know if this essnetial.....

So keep flying and don't stop to push your level....share the passion and have look for a "sparing foiler" that enables you to push you each other more and more...

WA, 2296 posts
7 Jun 2020 8:29AM
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thedoor said..

Windbot said..
I'd just try moving things around and see where it gets you. There's so much conflicting advice out there. Another thread is talking about moving harness lines forwards for best performance. I've been moving mine back lately and it's made a big difference. It's all relative. I recently also moved my mast base forwards on my Wizard by about an inch and it has helped flatten my board on the water and get it flying sooner. Prior to that I thought the only reason I'd move it forwards was to get weight forwards when overpowered in high winds. Depending on the wind, foil wing sail size, and riding style, there are so many variables, part of the fun is making the small tweaks to get a setup you're happy with. Good luck!

Yeah, it does require experimentation. On that gear you probably want an upright stand with relatively straight legs and your weight over your front foot. 7.0 does seem like a lot of sail for 20+ though

Can and Azy avatars may be photos from turns. Generally I sail with about a 5% railing to windward, more while turning obviously.

Yeah 7.0 seems huge for a SS setup. Im on a SSDialer130 i76 and 6.0,5.7,5.0,4.5 are my sails (88kg)

Dialer130 is great ATM but a Wizard or something is on the cards sometime.

Azy avatar pix is prob a 4.x size sail. Those guys use tiny boards & rigs and big swells.

7 Jun 2020 6:22PM
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marc5 said..
Really loving the foil--what a feeling of flying. 15 sessions, most recent 5 on 2018 Wizard 125. Previous 10 on Dialer which was very difficult to control. Wizard so much easier to manage height. Getting long flights now, no flying jibes yet. Haven't uphauled this much since 1981! Got to get myself a pair of knee pads. 6'-1", 180 lbs/82k. Would all you wonderful contributors here please offer some tips on stance, railing board, and harness use. Yesterday on Retro 7.0 in 14-17 mph with some 20+ gusts (according to nearby airport). i76 wing, 90cm mast, sail in middle of track. Using only Dakine half straps on front which are working.

When I'm flying I'm really sheeted in because there isn't much apparent wind. I'm going fast, board mostly level. Sail is straight up. I can't seem to get balanced if I try to get the windward rail down and lean sail to windward as in azymuth and can17 avatars. Maybe it's just light wind. A little railing and the board really screams upwind, which is amazing. I also can't get my harness lines right. Since I'm sheeted in and my arms are bent, arms getting tired. I straighten my arms which is more comfortable, sort of like a slogging stance on a fin board when the wind is very light. I've had to move my harness lines way forward because the pull from the booms is way forward. Can't get comfortable in the harness. Is my setup wrong or maybe I will just figure things out over time?

Thanks for any tips. Thanks to all who contribute here. I read every post.

Hi Marc

There is some good tips from the other guys.
(sorry if I repeat some of the points,)

You will defiantly improve over time and everything will fall in place.
This Slingshot combo set is one of the best and most balanced ones, - just give it a little time and tuning :)

I did remember the first times that my arms / wrists got more sore then normal windsurfing and I was over sheeting the sail.

To move the lines forward an inch helped a lot.
Boom a little higher than normal
Little less downhaul (have a slightly tighter leach, so you can also then use smaller sails)
Mats base around middle position
If you got 2 eyelets in the clew, then use the top one (as you get a bit more 'power', to get the foil going)

I would not say the half strap is wrong. But the position of the front straps on the Wizard is spot on. Inside on the board and easy to get into and out off. I would recommend the full strap here, as you get a lot of control from this position.

7.0 do sounds 'big'. But it is fully possible to use on the Wizard 125L.
But from 6.5 and down is a much better balance.

When you get better on the foil, you might find yourself using the 6.0 in the same wind as you now using the 7.0.
Your skills just progress and you get more efficient.

Do you use the back strap? Everybody is different, but if you do use it then try to take them off and just place your feets where it feels comfortable. This would be in many cases a little more inside the board and slightly in front of the back strap

You can always put the back straps back later if you want.

If you focus to much to get the back foot in the straps, then this could force you more upwind than you wanted.

What ever harness you use, is just personal preference (waist or seat).

Aim to foil this set up 'flat'. Meaning that you don't have to rail it over to work
Like you said with the upright position and most pressure on the front foot.
When you get better you will 'automatically' rail the board over a touch. (but nowhere near as a full race foil board)

I use the same board by the way (Wizard 125L), but biggest sail is a wave / freeride 5.9. I'm 85kg, but has some ok experience from wave sailing.
This gets me foiling down to 8-10 knots. If I could not pump efficient etc. Then a 6.5 might have been the go, just to get going

I hope some of the thing above make sense.

439 posts
8 Jun 2020 3:30AM
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Hi Sail Repair WA - great tips thank you!

BTW - is the a new wizard/replacement on the horizon?

WA, 2031 posts
8 Jun 2020 4:58PM
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BSN101 said..Azy avatar pix is prob a 4.x size sail. Those guys use tiny boards & rigs and big swells.

Carving the board quickly upwind.
Can't foil in straight lines at that angle - a pity because it would be fun

4m and W105 (my big board)


Forums > Windsurfing Foiling

"Wizard 125 Stance and Harness" started by marc5