My idea is this. I want one Board. For strong wind on the fin and for light wind on the Foil. Because the boards have a narrow stern. Want to do a plywood platform and put it in the second loop. And when the normal wind took off the pad and ride on the fin.
If using less than a 5m sail I don't see a need for the wide tail. I use a regular freeride board with single rear strap and inboard fronts.
Might make it slower by far by eliminating your ability to unmet once planing on the platform...or might increase surface area too much to really plane.
Your idea has merit, but is the opposite idea of cutouts.
No you can't.
80+ cm race foils don't match with narrow, sub 78cm boards with narrow tails.
Just like 69cm wings don't match with 91 or 100 cm wide boards.
Mow you can.
OP didn't mention which foil, sail size or board he's talking about, so making any conclusions is assumption. Except in this case it's only making an ass of u, not me.
Just saw this on the ifoil website: Optional heel extenders
On my last board I made my own heel extenders out of a yoga block that I shaved down and glued on with rubber cement. On their own they were slippery so I I attached some deckpad EVA. They made quite a difference for driving the board upwind. The board was 72cm wide. You'll also notice that under the front straps I put an old pair of kiting footpads to help get my front feet a bit farther from the board's center too. These didn't make as much difference as the yoga blocks, but still helped a little bit.
The idea is very good. But I want to make M6 threaded stainless steel mortgages. Thread M6 will help to quickly remove and put the Board plus you can press the bolts, which are screwed into the head of deep tuttle.
I like that the reinvent(write on forum raceyou not d so as there there is idiot which believes themselves king, not one race not won). I don't understand why manufacturers don't understand this, that most non-athletes want different equipment.
Go for it mate it is not going to hurt the board so give it a try. Be prepared for a challenge getting into the back strap and then be prepared for WAY better upwind angles. Build your platform out of foam core and glass to make it lighter.
For quick removal and installation of hinges without alteration of mortgages. I'm thinking of using a self-tapping screw or screwing in a mortgage for furniture.
Back in 2017 some course racers in San Francisco experimented with platforms on the sterns of their formula boards so they could stand further back relative to the finbox. This was necessary with the popular F4 foils they were using, since the F4 was famous for having a very aft wing.
That has all changed by now, three years later, especially since race foils typically run the wing further forward.