Dates Friday 22 January to Monday 25 January 2016
Organising authority Windsurfing Qld in conjunction with Yachting Qld
Venue Paradise Point Sailing Club
Address The Esplanade, Paradise Point, Qld, 4216
Registration Online - online entry will be available Friday 22 January 0900 -1000 PPSCGC Clubroom
Entry fee To be advised* - general entry
To be advised* - those who are sailing in their first WCAA National Championships To be advised* - those who have not competed since 2005 in the WCAA Nationals *A late fee may apply after 31 December 2015
Briefing Friday 22 January 1030hrs PPSCGC
Welcome event Friday 22 January 1800hrs Paradise Point locality
Competition 22, 23, 24, 25 January 2016
First warning signal not before 1100hrs on Friday 22 January
Conclusion of racing no warning signal will be made after 1630 on Monday 25 January 2016
Prize Giving after conclusion of racing on Monday 25 January
Class Windsurfer One Design; Original Windsurfer
Competition disciplines course racing, freestyle, slalom and marathon
Competition divisions Men*- weight divisions: lightweight <75kg, mediumweight 75kg <85kg, heavyweight 85+kg *the super-heavyweight trophy may be awarded in group, 95+(tbc)kg; Women; Pentathlon; Youth <18yrs; Junior <16yrs; Master; Grandmaster and Ancient Mariner trophies will be awarded. Age group divisions shall be the competitor's age on 22 Jan 2016.
Transport of boards Transport available for boards from Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney to PPSC.
Charter boards Limited quantities available for sailors from other areas Enquiries - Phone Boards, Event - 0422 735 010 - 0429 910 081 Enquiries - Email Boards, Event -
Hope to see you there!
Online Entry for the Australian Championships for Windsurfer One Designs is now available at The wcaa committee hopes that everyone who would like to attend can make those dates. If you have any queries please let us know and we'll help out as much as possible.
More importantly right now!!! - the RaceBoard Nationals are nearly here! Get those Wallys down to RQYS or hire a board through DaVecta and the guys and support the event.
The Windsurfer One Design Nationals are on at Paradise Point Sailing Club, Gold Coast in 6 weeks time.
There's divisions for everyone, entry fees for new competitors, or those who haven't competed for years. There's even an entry fee for people who don't want to race
More info and entries online at
Good one da vecta
Be great to see you at PPSC. Great results all round at the RBs! Maybe you can do a demo.
cheers, wcaa
Happy New Year!
The nationals are on in Queensland in a couple of weeks time! Hope you can make it.
Gear Transport Please let me know if you want your gear transported from Victoria, ACT or NSW.
Need to know in the next couple of days.
Loan Gear We still have some loan boards available. Please let me know if you'd like to jump on a board for some or all of the event days and are from interstate or don't have a Wally board.
You can register for gear transport, loan boards, non-sailing ticket, etc online at
Special thanks to those who've already registered! There will be racing suitable for all skill levels and there are plenty of activities for any family members or friends who aren't sailing. Latest forecast is for good winds across the four days of the event. Our weather guru at the Gold Coast said 'Statistically speaking the Gold Coast has great winds for windsurfing every Australia Day Weekend, year after year', There was a good turnout for the Rye Nationals last season. Let's try and build on that! The guys in Queensland especially, have been working towards this event for ages.
Roger (president)