Julien V was coming 3rd in his first heat of Elim 2 and put it down on the second mark but recovered brilliantly to get 4th.
Sean O'B 2nd in his heat so looks like Julien and Sean into the quarters.
Some wicked crashes too.
(Sh1t I'm trying to work - thanks Stu!)
Julien V had a horror quarter heat and ended up dislocating his shoulder (I think)
Sean O'B sailed brilliantly and was in 4th but just got pipped at the finish line.
Yes indeed Julien dislocated his shoulder....
All good now
Sean O was really unlucky, but is doing alright.
The crash of the tahitian rider was just spectacular !!
Wouldn't worry too much about A², we are going to run 8 more races in the next 3 days. Cedric Bordes is leading the event tonight.
Dunky was pissed about his pms too...
For those who were following the event on the livestream I apologize for the guy commenting with Ben Profitt, his accent is just bloody terrible.... :-)
best event ever !!!!
Watched for a bit yesterday afternoon... really good action, commentary, etc. Local riders seem to be doing very well.
How big have the catapults been
Hope everyone is ok but keep them coming - very entertaining.
Ben Proffit's stoke on commentating the crashes is classic.
Some of the best racing action all year. Taty Frans leading the race in heat 10 and duck gybe's around the mark, Rouys doing forwards over the finish line on slalom gear.
Bjorn was so impressed by the amount of young riders here he suggested that they run a youth race.
So this afternoon after race one, 10 of our best under 18 were fortunate to run with pwa stickers and lycras under the scrutiny of official judges !!
How good is that !!
Yeah great stuff, probably the best slalom PWA event of the year. So with 2 or 3 races left tomorrow who is gunna win the mens overall. I think AA is 3.4 points in front of Cyril. Go Cyril
there will only be two races tomorrow so Cyril must really be consistent and finish in each winners final
Watched the youth race Sean. Thought it was a fantastic idea. That little tacker on the handkerchief size sail, wasnt' the fastest but he nailed all the gybes. They must have been stoked!
Well what a finish. The PWA slalom men's title came down to the last race and Albeau took the 2014 title (again) coming second in the final with Moussilmani 5th. Probably the best PWA slalom event for a long time and hopefully Noumea will be on the circuit next year.
Choco, Benny van de Steen won the event with albeau second. Nobody cares who came third or second of the losers.
pwa media crew is only 5, three cameras, a director and an editor + ben Profitt
Event organizer has to pay for all expenses of those guys.(airfare/accomodation/food/transport) + provide the broadband
All looked very impressive to me.
Plenty of wind.
Tropical location.
Friendly, windsurf addicted locals.
What more could a windsurf event ask for?
Assuming the tourist board and the sponsors come up with the dollars a must have event every year ,I think.
Certainly on my bucket list now to visit.
Wonder how much it cost to stage.
The entire gig looked great, was nice to be able to watch some live action (all be it very budget) at a decent hour here in Aust. Great conditions also, amazing what happens when you run windsurfing events in windy locations, the sport looked like high speed action!.
Will be interesting to learn what sort of 'flow on' effect is had and will have for tourism and business in the region.
Agree some better quality footage (especially from the air) would do enormous things for getting picked up by mainstream media.
Would be great to see it in NC again next year, well done NC on making it happen
What happened to you at the start of the Elim 9 quarter final heat. You seemed to be well placed at the pre-start but then it looked like a spin out or big gust dumped you in the drink just as the flag dropped?
I assume there would have been some great deals with all the pro's selling off their gear at the conclusion?
Well, I reckon it all looked pretty good from my PC. I really enjoyed it and am not usually one for watching sport on TV. Good continuous action that now has my psyched to get more into the slalom/freerace windsurfing.
Actually not Brian, as it seems they all had received an email warning them that if they sold their gear they would be "blackmailed" to the customs and would have to pay fees....
Apparently a local dealer didn't want gear to be sold second hand here...
Didn't stop a few pros to still do it, and they were right !!!
I'm still trying to get my hands on a JOB fin...... ;-)
I already have half an enigma boom !!!