Anyone know what era these are from, I assume they fit in the constant curve class. Do they work on modern sails?
the vario system allowed you use a fibreglass top with the aluminium bottom for smaller sails.
in 1992 i had a carbon top/alu bottom for my raceboard sail.
they could be much thicker than a modern mast.
I had one up until late last year... was propped up in the corner of the garden with a colourful wind sock at the tip.
I agree with above. That system first came out in late 1986 or some time in 1987 from memory. Definitely prior to 1988.
One thing you will probably notice is that the diameter is a good 3-5mm MORE than a standard mast.
Even back in the day there were some sails that simply wouldn't accept the larger diameter of the north masts.
Maybe put some calipers over it and see what the diameter is. The diameter may be the restricting factor.
You would need to sleeve out a SDM base to make it fit in this one I reckon.
Is it two piece?