Considering developing some board repair skills. I think it would be a handy skill to have.
As most videos on repair are around surfboards, silly question, but when one does a repair, and uses glass as the layer after your Q cell foam, then you pour your epoxy over your glass and smooth out..... then sand....
Is the process for windsurfing boards the same? Since our boards aren't fibreglass....
General question - I know its not as simple as ABC..... but wonder how well the materials mesh on windboards.... verse surfboards... or if the materials need to change....
Treat epoxy with great respect, it can be very bad for you.
Don't get sensitised - this from the website of one of the best brands of epoxy to use (because it is the least toxic):
'Allergic dermatitis is a more serious problem, but less than 2% of epoxy users are likely to get it.' .... ie. one in 50 people.
'You may become sensitized to epoxy after many exposures or just one. It could take ten days of exposure, a month, or even years. It is best to avoid all exposure because you cannot know ahead of time how much you can tolerate before you become allergic.'
Don't get the stuff on your skin, and don't inhale the sanding dust.
I new to this posting forum stuff. So I've done this out of order.
See my post I just made. Very easy repair.
My brother used to repair boats and carbon Porsche parts. He gave me the tips