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Forums > Windsurfing General

Build project #2 - 105L Freeride/Style

Created by Dar > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2017
203 posts
4 Oct 2017 5:51PM
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My next project - going to use a cork sandwich on this one.
Rocker is flat from back to around 1200mm

Layup will probably be:

160 GSM Glass T spines x 4
160 GSM Glass
2mm Cork
200GSM Carbon
160GSM Glass

Reinforcements 200GSM CF and PVC inserts
160 GSM Glass
2mm Cork
200GSM Carbon
160GSM Glass

Blank is CNC Cut - Still need to remove it from packaging.

WA, 2336 posts
4 Oct 2017 7:28PM
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The beers detail keeps it all in perspective. Great to know.

BTW, is that how many you will consume on the build, cost comparison or volume in beer? It shouldn't be weight unless it's the empty cans.

203 posts
4 Oct 2017 7:51PM
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I wish I could drink that amount of beer!

WA, 378 posts
5 Oct 2017 12:37PM
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Where and what does it cost to have a blank cnc cut ?

203 posts
5 Oct 2017 2:24PM
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Hi Col

I am in south africa but the blank cost me about 120 us dollars. I am sure you will get a similar price in Aus or maybe even cheaper as the industry is MUCH bigger there. The Surfblanks, thats who I used here and I believe they are based in Aus. I also designed the board in akushaper which costs 19 usd pm.

Did some cleaning up of the cnc marks and fine tuning after work.

203 posts
9 Oct 2017 2:59PM
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In the bag! Round 1.

1979 posts
10 Oct 2017 5:33AM
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Hi Dar,
How have you found the cork to work with? Does it soak up much resin when you laminate?
I imagine it would be fairly flexible , making it easy to do the deck wrap.
Looking forward to see the rest of your build pics for this board.

Cheers, Hoops

203 posts
10 Oct 2017 4:15PM
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Hi Hoops

Its great but you need to be careful with a few things.

- Firstly, my rocker spine left marks in it ....Not sure if it pulled a dent or if it lifted the cork slightly which may result in a delam down the line. 5mm is a lot stiffer so it would not have lifted along the spine. I should maybe have glued a 3mm mdf speader on the edge of the rocker support to spread the load and give a bigger surface area.

- Secondly, as you said it probably soaks resin so I used microballoon resin mix and squeegeed onto the glass and dropped the cork onto that.

I also used three 160gram T-spines down the board to help with stiffness and strength.

I just want to weigh it after I have shaped the rail edges to see where I am at. It will definitely be a pleasure to do the deck with because it is really flexible and bends like a dream. I should maybe have stuck with 5mm PVC on the bottom though.

1979 posts
10 Oct 2017 9:33PM
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Select to expand quote
Dar said..
Hi Hoops

Its great but you need to be careful with a few things.

- Firstly, my rocker spine left marks in it ....Not sure if it pulled a dent or if it lifted the cork slightly which may result in a delam down the line. 5mm is a lot stiffer so it would not have lifted along the spine. I should maybe have glued a 3mm mdf speader on the edge of the rocker support to spread the load and give a bigger surface area.

- Secondly, as you said it probably soaks resin so I used microballoon resin mix and squeegeed onto the glass and dropped the cork onto that.

I also used three 160gram T-spines down the board to help with stiffness and strength.

I just want to weigh it after I have shaped the rail edges to see where I am at. It will definitely be a pleasure to do the deck with because it is really flexible and bends like a dream. I should maybe have stuck with 5mm PVC on the bottom though.

Hey Dar,
I think your problem there is too much vac pressure. I've had that problem before using 5mm PVC . Just remember when you're vacuuming the bottom on you hardly need any pressure. So long as the 2 surfaces are pressed together it's all good. When I vac the bottom of my boards on I only use about -15 KPA. More pressure only causes distortion, twisting and other problems.
When I vac the top on I use about - 25 KPA. I also make sure I have a very well fitted, heat formed top shell.
I'm looking forward to seeing the top being laminated.
You going to do a clear lamination over the cork? I think that would look pretty cool :)

Cheers, Hoops

203 posts
10 Oct 2017 10:05PM
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Do you think it will delam?

203 posts
11 Dec 2017 2:49PM
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Finally got busy again as my mate and I were busy with some kiteboards we are making...

So I inserted the PVC reinforcements for the plugs and mast. 200GSM carbon for the pads and up to the mast with a 100GSM glass to seal the blank. Topped that with a 3mm layer of cork.

QLD, 4867 posts
12 Dec 2017 2:22PM
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U can really see that cork vacuumed down onto the blank.
Watch out that cork is like a sponge. It could suck start a Harley .

203 posts
12 Dec 2017 2:09PM
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Haha... suck start a Harley! Hopefully not.

WA, 1463 posts
12 Dec 2017 2:37PM
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I'm really curious about weights. How much did the blank, inner bottom glass and just the bottom cork weigh?

203 posts
12 Dec 2017 2:51PM
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Heavy.... its currently 4.5kgs with both deck and hull covered in cork. I am hoping to come out under 8kg.

QLD, 4867 posts
12 Dec 2017 7:18PM
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When cork is resin infused it is very impact resistant and solid. When I just had the one layer 4oz carbon and bare cork and just rolled minimum resin over the top it was very hard . I could only slightly depress it with my hands . With the two top layers of 4oz glass over the top it was bastard solid . Filler and top coat , Its near indestructible.
On my next board I will definitely use it on the deck from in front of the mast track back. I would think one layer 4oz glass on blank then cork with a lot of resin and one 4oz on top , one layer 4 oz from mast track back and patches under heels and that would be plenty for a heavy guy like me. Cork is probably overkill on bottom. PVC on bottom for me next time.
ps : Although cork is very impact hard it would have no tensile strength , so I'm not sure how much glass is still needed for that.
Disclaimer : This knowledge is from an old gumby that has no idea of modern board making skills and experience of only one way over engineered board.

203 posts
12 Dec 2017 5:20PM
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Thanks Imax.... you ordered a vacuum machine yet?

QLD, 4867 posts
12 Dec 2017 7:29PM
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Its on my mind , but I don't know what I want to build next . How many boards can I have before they commit me ?

203 posts
12 Dec 2017 6:47PM
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ah man .... there is nothing like putting your board in the "bag" and whats even more exciting is taking it out.... its like christmas!

203 posts
30 Dec 2017 6:15PM
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Progress........... just the hull lamination and finishing to go.

203 posts
12 Jan 2018 9:57PM
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DONE!!! Just in time for my annual vacation at Witsand, South Africa.

QLD, 4867 posts
13 Jan 2018 12:07PM
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Good stuff , how heavy is it ?

203 posts
13 Jan 2018 1:01PM
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Forums > Windsurfing General

"Build project #2 - 105L Freeride/Style" started by Dar