latest news.
some fantastic news just in that in addition to running raceboard course races at burrum 2014 will also host the Windsurfer One Design QLD State titles!!!
a big thanks to Windsurfer Class Association Australia and to Windsurfing QLD for helping make this happen. In addition to the raceboard action out on the water for those registering for burrum 2014 please remember your registration provides an access all areas pass and provides access for course racing, gps speed sailing, freerace, end of event bbq, entry pack, lucky draws and eligibility for any relevant prizes.
a big thanks also to "WCAA" for providing trophies for the OD state titles.
introducing course racing to burrum enables us to take advantage of the morning high tides. what does this mean?
it means the usual setup and process will apply for the gps speed sailing that has been adopted over previous years. when it's low tide the speed course will open and when it's high tide the race course will open.
whether you have a Windsurfer OD or a raceboard we want you to come along.
please see for more program details.
course racing will be mixed fleet handicapped course racing. if more than 5 of any class register class racing will apply.
please spread the word!!!! this is the first year we will run course racing at burrum and we intend to develop this format during future events and make it a permanent part of the event program.
No worries jas. We'll aim for a 30kn 5x10. At burrum that means you'll be needing 32-33kn peaks. all depends on wind so time will tell. Most people new to burrum gybe to soon and lose a knot
32/33knots sounds good to me, there are 2 or 3 of us from the gold coast speed team coming.It will be nice to put faces to the names.
look forward to catching up and i'm sure you guys will enjoy yourselves.
last couple of years we also have had a few come along to free sail during the event. it's a great spot for windsurfing full stop and for those that don't want to compete but hang out, sail every day and share a drink at night it's a good event to get along too. one of the reasons the event is timed to include a weekend is to encourage those that want to come along for some fun.
New Event Major Sponsor for 2014.
Hot Sail Maui join Windfest as major sponsors.
Hot Sails Maui have joined Windfest as major sponsors for 2014. we are stoked to have Hot Sails supporting the event. They are offering a ton of support and we are very much looking forward to their continued involvement with future events.
hot sails have offered a list of prizes for the prize pool and will also be making available a new GPS sail for the Event Lucky Draw. this is awesome news!! a big thanks to Jonathan at Hot Sails !!
More Burrum Windfest Sponsor News.
along with Hot Sails Maui, the 2014 event will also see corporate sponsor involvement grow. we welcome support from :-
Fraser Coast Regional Council
Foodworks Burrum Heads
Elders Realty Burrum Heads
We also want to mention and thank our continuing major sponsors,
Caloundra Wind And Surf
Burrum Sands Holiday Units
and the continued silver sponsors
surf fx
sunshine coast sailboards
ka 72 speed reader
mv burrum river quest
jordans boat hire
lastly, I would like to thank windsurfingsales whom closed doors this year, for all of their support over the past 7 or so years with the event. Bud has also attended the event and helped out on the water with logistics. it's a shame to see you guys leave the industry and we wish you the best of luck.
Burrum Prize Pool
2014 prize pool is enormous!!! the prize pool consists of trophies, cash prizes, windsurfing gear, accommodation vouchers and more.
GPS - new for this year are custom made trophies for 1st place, a perpetual event trophy for open division 5x10 and the introduction of the red and yellow rashie category. we have also increased the number of gps categories able to be competed in.
Course Racing - trophies and prizes are up for grabs in longboard division and trophies for the One Design QLD State Titles.
Free Race will also see prizes available.
Additionally, the event lucky draw is available to all registered competitors.
2014 lucky draw prizes are
Windsurfing Board from Caloundra Wind And Surf
GPS sail from Hot Sails Maui.
to be eligible for the lucky draw prizes all you need to do is enter the event.
Hi jas,
definitely take all your kit. we have a board width limit of 85cm max. so slalom gear is accepted. to be honest it's always safest to attend events with a good selection of gear.
wind wise it's impossible to tell. even the forecasts can be a little off the money from time to time during the event. the good news is generally we get 15-20 knots at least 4-5 out of 7 days and sometimes sometimes we get more wind in the 25-30 range.
so over the last several years, there has only been one event where no-one sailed during the event. that's also back when it was a 3 day event. fingers crossed for this year. one thing we are really hoping for is a return of the clear blue waters.
currently the water is crystal clear up there and the banks are in really good shape with lots of new sand on them.
we've got lots planned for when the wind is on the light side, barge, bbq, beer, fishing, supping...........
only one and half months to go till burrum 2014!!!
please don't forget to sign on early.
ye, and I'm getting excited as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
viva las burrum!
Just worked out the mega drive, its not very far when its broken up into lots of 4hrs blocks
I also have space in a house for two people. Just have to share with a few wayward Victorians. Pm me if interested
May have to install traffic lights and a stop go sign at the top mark lol gonna be busy on the water.
I'm sure a couple of the other guys that t-bag will also have theirs. same guys as last couple of years.
I tried to include kiters in the second year the comp was run. it became impossible because both associations have different insurance policies. the idea was subsequently dropped.