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Forums > Windsurfing General

CC #428

Created by N1GEL > 9 months ago, 19 Oct 2016
NSW, 861 posts
19 Oct 2016 11:33AM
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So, you like the Caption Contest? You think it is the bee's knees, the Elephante's instep or the cat's pajamas?! It is your ultimate goal on Seabreeze to win it?! Wow. Okay, calm down...

As a winner of the Caption Contest, I am here to give you some useful tips and advice. I am not saying after you read this guide you are a shoo-in to win or anything of the sort. This is simply what I have learned and have decided to share with you all.

Lately, I have had a good amount of people mail me asking for advice on this very subject. So I really hope everyone who reads this gets some ideas and maybe some new hope of winning.

People say you just need luck to get green thumbs, but you are mistaken. Like any other contest, it requires great skill. I think we all can be funny in our own ways and we all should have confidence in our humour.

I never in a million years thought I would ever win the Caption Contest! I would envy those who made it in and secretly wish I was them. Sometimes I would even stab a voodoo doll with their name on it.

I would sulk and sigh and think, 'Why oh why do my captions never get green thumbs? Am I cursed? Does everyone hate me?' then sob quietly in a corner of Seabreeze. After all this drama was over, I did not send in a caption for a long long time. It was probably over a year or something extreme like that.

So one day I decided, okay, I am going to submit captions every week and I do not care if they get picked or not! I am going to be stubborn and try, try, try.

Then, lo and behold, I won!!! I was shocked and amazed. Me? I made it in? Is this right? *checks again* Yep!

I was jumping for joy as I screenied this momentous event and told my family what happened. They really did not get why I was so happy, but then again they just think I'm just some crazy dude who goes windsurfing when it's pouring rain, freezing cold and trees are being uprooted.

After this surreal moment, I started to understand that it wasn't that I could not be funny. It was just that I finally started to hone in on my caption skills.

I thought longer about what my entries would be on and also sat and edited them before I sent them in.

It always makes me smile when I see one of my captions green thumbed :) along with being shocked, amazed and excited!!! I sometimes even give myself a pat on the back. *blushes* Yes, I'm a nerd. Okay, okay, enough about me...

Here are my top 10 suggestions upon entering the Caption Contest:

1. ALWAYS use proper English. Do not use chat speak! I know this is said a lot, but there is a reason for that.

2. Try and think of something unique, that not everyone would think of when they look at the caption picture.

3. Submit more than one caption! This way you give the Caption Contest judge a variety of options to choose from.

4. Look at the captions that have won in the past. See how well they put together their idea. (But don't copy them, obviously!)

5. If you find the entry funny, use it! It is always favourable to go with your instincts.

6. Make sure you have the Seabreeze names correct. Like if you call that Ixi, a Kau (or saying that Faellie is an Eizzil Etc.) you might not get in.

7. Sometimes putting a current Seabreeze event into your Caption helps. Like if there is a plot going on? Try using a plot character in your caption.

8. Do not get discouraged if you do not get in the first time. Keep trying. :)

9. Ask a close Seabreeze friend what they think of your caption. If they laugh, maybe the judge will too.

10. Lastly, have fun with it! If you are not having fun, then I suggest you move on to another contest.

Finally, if you have won the Caption Contest?:Grrreat job! *hugs* But personally, it's not about the green thumbs for me… it's a big accomplishment to triumph in a creative contest. It gives you pride and it shows that you can be funny.

How cool is that? Super cool in my book!

QLD, 1496 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:48AM
Thumbs Up

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N1GEL said...

So, you like the Caption Contest? You think it is the bee's knees, the Elephante's instep or the cat's pajamas?! It is your ultimate goal on Seabreeze to win it?! Wow. Okay, calm down...

As a winner of the Caption Contest, I am here to give you some useful tips and advice. I am not saying after you read this guide you are a shoo-in to win or anything of the sort. This is simply what I have learned and have decided to share with you all.

Lately, I have had a good amount of people mail me asking for advice on this very subject. So I really hope everyone who reads this gets some ideas and maybe some new hope of winning.

People say you just need luck to get green thumbs, but you are mistaken. Like any other contest, it requires great skill. I think we all can be funny in our own ways and we all should have confidence in our humour.

I never in a million years thought I would ever win the Caption Contest! I would envy those who made it in and secretly wish I was them. Sometimes I would even stab a voodoo doll with their name on it.

I would sulk and sigh and think, 'Why oh why do my captions never get green thumbs? Am I cursed? Does everyone hate me?' then sob quietly in a corner of Seabreeze. After all this drama was over, I did not send in a caption for a long long time. It was probably over a year or something extreme like that.

So one day I decided, okay, I am going to submit captions every week and I do not care if they get picked or not! I am going to be stubborn and try, try, try.

Then, lo and behold, I won!!! I was shocked and amazed. Me? I made it in? Is this right? *checks again* Yep!

I was jumping for joy as I screenied this momentous event and told my family what happened. They really did not get why I was so happy, but then again they just think I'm just some crazy dude who goes windsurfing when it's pouring rain, freezing cold and trees are being uprooted.

After this surreal moment, I started to understand that it wasn't that I could not be funny. It was just that I finally started to hone in on my caption skills.

I thought longer about what my entries would be on and also sat and edited them before I sent them in.

It always makes me smile when I see one of my captions green thumbed :) along with being shocked, amazed and excited!!! I sometimes even give myself a pat on the back. *blushes* Yes, I'm a nerd. Okay, okay, enough about me...

Here are my top 10 suggestions upon entering the Caption Contest:

1. ALWAYS use proper English. Do not use chat speak! I know this is said a lot, but there is a reason for that.

2. Try and think of something unique, that not everyone would think of when they look at the caption picture.

3. Submit more than one caption! This way you give the Caption Contest judge a variety of options to choose from.

4. Look at the captions that have won in the past. See how well they put together their idea. (But don't copy them, obviously!)

5. If you find the entry funny, use it! It is always favourable to go with your instincts.

6. Make sure you have the Seabreeze names correct. Like if you call that Ixi, a Kau (or saying that Faellie is an Eizzil Etc.) you might not get in.

7. Sometimes putting a current Seabreeze event into your Caption helps. Like if there is a plot going on? Try using a plot character in your caption.

8. Do not get discouraged if you do not get in the first time. Keep trying. :)

9. Ask a close Seabreeze friend what they think of your caption. If they laugh, maybe the judge will too.

10. Lastly, have fun with it! If you are not having fun, then I suggest you move on to another contest.

Finally, if you have won the Caption Contest?:Grrreat job! *hugs* But personally, it's not about the green thumbs for me… it's a big accomplishment to triumph in a creative contest. It gives you pride and it shows that you can be funny.

How cool is that? Super cool in my book!

High on endorphins from the win, N1GEL accidentally left out the mandatory rule about short captions....

QLD, 4867 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:50AM
Thumbs Up

Hes DEAD ? , not cool.

NSW, 1104 posts
19 Oct 2016 11:52AM
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Select to expand quote
Imax1 said..
Hes DEAD ! , not cool.

How do you know? (just curious)

QLD, 4867 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:53AM
Thumbs Up

Seeing how they do it in China

QLD, 4867 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:53AM
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PhilSWR said..

Imax1 said..
Hes DEAD ! , not cool.

How do you know? (just curious)

No bubbles.

NSW, 1500 posts
19 Oct 2016 11:54AM
Thumbs Up

I dropped my fin bolt - I know its here somewhere.

QLD, 1496 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:56AM
Thumbs Up

Celebrity Plumber Steve's rise to fame as the Septic Whisperer wasn't without its drawbacks...

NSW, 3082 posts
19 Oct 2016 12:51PM
Thumbs Up

"That bloody woman puts another sanitary napkin down the dunny again and she's doing this!!!"

QLD, 3254 posts
19 Oct 2016 12:07PM
Thumbs Up

Nobel Laureate, Bob Dylan, "Knock, knock, knocking on heavens door"

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:45AM
Thumbs Up

"Do all the plumbing you like Frank, but don't get your new jeans dirty, they cost over $50 nowadays...."

WA, 23 posts
19 Oct 2016 11:34AM
Thumbs Up

Snides is really looking forward to retiring on the proceeds of a Mistral 91.

QLD, 4867 posts
19 Oct 2016 1:40PM
Thumbs Up

Hes only half the man he used to be , thats a puddle not a hole.

WA, 1121 posts
19 Oct 2016 1:25PM
Thumbs Up

I finally installed the new bike rack.

WA, 1121 posts
19 Oct 2016 1:26PM
Thumbs Up

Sure, it was a s**t job, but I carried on undeturd.

WA, 1121 posts
19 Oct 2016 1:28PM
Thumbs Up

I had no idea about plumbing so I just went through the motions.

NSW, 1739 posts
19 Oct 2016 4:53PM
Thumbs Up

N1GEL's verbal diarrhoea finally caught up with him

WA, 8779 posts
19 Oct 2016 1:59PM
Thumbs Up

Just park your bike here

NSW, 1104 posts
19 Oct 2016 5:38PM
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Select to expand quote
Imax1 said..

PhilSWR said..

Imax1 said..
Hes DEAD ! , not cool.

How do you know? (just curious)

No bubbles.

You might be right, he hasn't moved all day too...

QLD, 1496 posts
19 Oct 2016 5:17PM
Thumbs Up

Faced with the prospect of no wind, no tide and a baying mob hungry for blood, sailquick goes to extreme measures to validate the GW-60 for use in this season's GPSTC...

NSW, 3082 posts
19 Oct 2016 6:26PM
Thumbs Up

Effing gold ^^^^^

QLD, 1479 posts
19 Oct 2016 6:45PM
Thumbs Up

A good set of foot straps would help him out!

NSW, 5784 posts
19 Oct 2016 9:08PM
Thumbs Up

"Dad!, Dale dug a hole"

NSW, 74 posts
19 Oct 2016 9:35PM
Thumbs Up

Select to expand quote
N1GEL said..

The driveway underpinning project was more than a little hampered by the burst sewer main.......sheeeeeet!

QLD, 1496 posts
19 Oct 2016 9:21PM
Thumbs Up

It was only his first day on the job as a plumber's TA, but O'Shannessy couldn't help but wonder whether "checking the head pressure in the mains" was a little above his pay grade...

QLD, 4873 posts
19 Oct 2016 10:39PM
Thumbs Up

After sweating so much in the same spot, Daryl creates a sink hole on day 19 and fails to complete the 22 day push-up challenge.

Magic Ride
719 posts
19 Oct 2016 9:17PM
Thumbs Up

This is the new way to get baptized.

WA, 372 posts
19 Oct 2016 11:40PM
Thumbs Up

The consultant was hired to take a deep dive.

1972 posts
20 Oct 2016 12:42AM
Thumbs Up

Yes, I did have sex with that woman.

1421 posts
20 Oct 2016 2:09AM
Thumbs Up

"We're gonna need a bigger pool!"

QLD, 5610 posts
20 Oct 2016 7:24AM
Thumbs Up

N1gel couldn't face the prospect of never winning another caption competition so he decided to end it all. He did however get someone to take a picture for the caption competition.


Forums > Windsurfing General

"CC #428" started by N1GEL