and now, returning to something with a windsurfing flavour.....
(courtesy of our 'funny images' thread)
It's good to see everyone adhering to the compulsory PFD's (personal flotation device) legislation. Some PFD's seem a little bulky though.
Before discovering her singing voice, Rihanna started out as an overweight girl trying windsurfing for the first time, she failed, but her screaming was beautiful, so now you know the rest of the story. Now days she a successful recording artist who won't even stand up on a board anymore.
Extreme Ninja training. If he can pass the no look test he can accomplish anything !
( its the deleted scene from the Karate Kid , " always look in di eye Danialson ")
Coming to a new country to start afresh, Shenequa makes her first mistake with the local lingo....
"Yeah,, ...all that asymmetrical foil stuff is kinda interesting and all, but what has that got to do with the pole dancing training I signed up for???..."
Took me a solid 30 minutes of staring at this photo to realise it's been photoshopped... that guy's wearing boardies over his wetsuit so there must've been a kiteboard instead of a windsurfer in the original photo.
Not a caption, but a pondering. Do you think the suit could actually do up? Where's Macroscien? Any structural engineers? Physicists?
On this occasion, our friendly windsurfing instructor decided that providing his instructee with a harness was pointless...she would have no way of seeing if she was hooked in or not...
To avoid any trouble the resort got a kitesurfer (note boardshorts over wetsuit) to instruct this particular student.
Instructor -
"...and you'll notice, it's got a lot of double concave through to vee, to iron out the bumps,
umm, hang on, should I rephrase that...?"
After giving Sarah her first windsurfing lesson, Antoinne knew that she had big things in front of her
I'll draw a map in the sand, meet me in the apartment on the top floor opposite the cafe. I get of at 4
And then... hum, if you want to go up wind, hum... hum, you need to pull on these, hum... what was I saying again?
Great Moments in Windsurfing History - Prototype testing of the original waist harness:
After unforeseen problems started to surface with the ubiquitous chest harness, a prototype waist harness was developed as a potential replacement.
The original test pilot, shown here preparing for her historic moment, reported the harness staying in place and not riding up to the armpits, so the concept was rushed to the marketplace.
To this day, manufacturers are at a loss to explain why the final product couldn't match the rock solid performance of the test sample...