Jbshack, inspired by Caitlyn Jenner, tries his luck as a shark.
"Goodbye old life. Tell mum I'm sorry but it just had to be."
In 1982 Neil showed his mum and dad his idea for the 2024 Olympic windsurf class.
They may have mocked him then, but fast-forward to 2016 and who is laughing now ?
At the "beach with NO sand", on the "bay with NO fish", the "shark with NO body" pleads for some FOOD!!!
Jack thought family holidays couldn't get any worse until his father told him they were going to learn how to kite surf next year
Fred and Betty employed the shark decoy to keep the crowds away from their lovely beach with all its wonderful rocks and 2deg C grey water.
The lesser known "Meme Shark" ....not particularly dangerous but quite annoying....his was a tale that grew with the telling..