This is not what I had in mind when I asked for a raise.
Hey Rami, have you seen the safe work method statement.....I don't think I signed on this morning.Clarence
That Trump fella. He funny. He want us to build a wall after we finish this.
How to get over mountains...The Wright way The Wong way
Totally unsafe! They should have hi-Vis vests on!!!!!
The recent "Stairway to Heaven" legal case was shown this as evidence as to the real inspiration behind the Led Zeppelin song
The road to Rio
Starboard R & D testing new lay-ups at the cobra factory
Extreme planking - 3yrs late and you're doing it wrong
Arent you supposed to put the formply down before you start pouring the concrete.
It had a big steep face and a gnarly bottom turn.
Disneylands new Space mountain roller coaster was coming along well.
The real fun starts when you remove the falsework and formwork
^^^ no, they leave that and call it structural
hard hats are an essential safety item on construction sites.
The end of the world is approaching, and we are building a structure to survive the flood.
That one pole sticking up ...... that's the safety grab handle if something goes wrong !
The Chinese take global warming/sea level rise seriously.
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