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Forums > Windsurfing General

Camera mounting spots

Created by BSN101 > 9 months ago, 11 Jun 2018
WA, 2336 posts
11 Jun 2018 5:36PM
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hi everyone. Sorry about a rehash of this topic but does anyone have recent experience with Clewview for mounting their gopro on the boom end, underside.
I'm looking at this and a fly mount as they both appear solid. A mate recently lost his gopro whilst using another brand of mast mount which gave a more central option but was obviously not up to slam dunks.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
11 Jun 2018 5:46PM
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I just did SUP paddle tube clamped on to the boon end arms and gopro on that..... advantage is u can get it rearward more, even with wide angle I find the clew is too close on anything under 7m

My mate did hangers off each side then a cross piece with old TV aerial tube (I think...)

Way cheaper than the exorbitant price they charge for mounts.

VIC, 873 posts
11 Jun 2018 7:51PM
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I used the Clewview recently and have had no problems with it moving and like the the way you get a good veiw on both tacks.
It dose cop a fair bit of spray so you need to apply Rainx to keep things clear.
I prefer it over the flymount for mounting on the boom, much easier to setup.
Only negative would be that the horizon is on an angle with the Clewview but with the flymount you can set it to compensate for the angle of the sail when sailing.

Orange Whip
QLD, 1056 posts
11 Jun 2018 7:56PM
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I bought a genuine Clearview from Jerry at Chatham in Feb. Very happy with the quality, value for money and ease of use. Its specifically designed to be used with a GoPro, so the camera mounts perfectly and solidly, although I do use a zip tie as insurance just in case. I bought it to help with technique and the shooting angle is perfect for that. Highly recommend.

joe windsurf
1481 posts
11 Jun 2018 5:59PM
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no matter which mount you use ...
ideally need to put a safety line to somewhere else solid
as OP said - slam dunks, catapults, etc shake it up good
i too have lost a GoPro - when rushing to help a kiter

QLD, 4867 posts
11 Jun 2018 8:05PM
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joe windsurf said..
no matter which mount you use ...
ideally need to put a safety line to somewhere else solid
as OP said - slam dunks, catapults, etc shake it up good
i too have lost a GoPro - when rushing to help a kiter

Go Pro , kiter , Go Pro , kiter , it's a tough one

WA, 2336 posts
11 Jun 2018 7:09PM
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Orange Whip said..
I bought a genuine Clearview from Jerry at Chatham in Feb. Very happy with the quality, value for money and ease of use. Its specifically designed to be used with a GoPro, so the camera mounts perfectly and solidly, although I do use a zip tie as insurance just in case. I bought it to help with technique and the shooting angle is perfect for that. Highly recommend.

Thanks OW. I'll put it on my 8.2 & US for you next time out. Lol

VIC, 6155 posts
11 Jun 2018 9:29PM
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After reading this thread a did a search and found this. Looks pretty simple and seems to work!

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
11 Jun 2018 9:06PM
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Yup same deal as mine pretty much.
Virtually free......

WA, 2336 posts
11 Jun 2018 11:38PM
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Mark _australia said..
Yup same deal as mine pretty much.
Virtually free......

Mark, how far beyond the clew have you made yours?

joe windsurf
1481 posts
12 Jun 2018 5:16AM
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this was the mount that cost me my GoPro when trying to save the kiter
do NOT use wood ...
i do like the view for filming windsurfing ...

here is another home-made mount that has NOT been tried on water yet
i need to aim camera a little higher to get the horizon on film

WA, 2446 posts
12 Jun 2018 5:39AM
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I used the Clew-view for years and still do. It has held up very well, taking plenty of abuse in hundreds of sessions. Definitely highly recommended.

I happen to know Jerry, the maker of the Clew-view, and windsurf with him occasionally. He still makes every single Clew-view himself on his CNC machine. He has also made windsurfing trophies for a lot of events in the US (not that there are that many). He's definitely not in it for the money, rather to share the stoke. Some shops have approached him about having the Clew-view manufactured in larger quantities in China, but that's not something he's interested in.

VIC, 17518 posts
12 Jun 2018 9:55AM
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If you pause my vid at the 2sec mark you can see how I did mine.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
12 Jun 2018 8:35AM
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^^^ Yea mine similar with a checkout on one side of SUP shaft tube and just clamped and taped to boom.

BSN101, about 250mm past boom end and angled to look at the end of the batten below the boom (angle is pointing a lot more downwards than you think)

NSW, 8094 posts
12 Jun 2018 11:17AM
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Jman said..
I used the Clewview recently and have had no problems with it moving and like the the way you get a good veiw on both tacks.
It dose cop a fair bit of spray so you need to apply Rainx to keep things clear.
I prefer it over the flymount for mounting on the boom, much easier to setup.
Only negative would be that the horizon is on an angle with the Clewview but with the flymount you can set it to compensate for the angle of the sail when sailing.

Dur.. The slanting horizon really annoys me..Thanks.. Now I know I can compensate for it..
Just attach a leash no matter what system you use.. no worries with losing it then..
I googled a diy leash. I was going to post a link but I can't find the right one now..

NSW, 8094 posts
12 Jun 2018 11:45AM
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sailquik said..
After reading this thread a did a search and found this. Looks pretty simple and seems to work!

So how does the pole attach to the boom? Is it split or?? Or is it only half/ one side of a tube?

VIC, 873 posts
12 Jun 2018 8:40PM
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Agree with boardsurfr the clew view is a quality mount and in my opinion dosn't get in the way when sailing.
I was pretty happy with the results from 4 to 7 m sails

1st pic is a 4.0 M 2nd is a 7.0M

You can even still duck gybe with the Clew View!

Max Phunn
19 posts
12 Jun 2018 7:55PM
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BSN101 said..
hi everyone. Sorry about a rehash of this topic but does anyone have recent experience with Clewview for mounting their gopro on the boom end, underside.

I've been using the ClewView for a couple years now. No issues yet. I like how easy it is to move from one boom to another if I have more than one rig set up, or put it on a friends rig.

Mark _australia
WA, 22881 posts
12 Jun 2018 9:07PM
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still seems like a lot of work compared to a bit of pipe with a checkout.

688 posts
15 Jun 2018 11:20AM
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WA, 2336 posts
15 Jun 2018 1:09PM
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MagicRide said..

MR can you show a close up and also what sort of pix you get.

QLD, 2456 posts
15 Jun 2018 4:33PM
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BSN101 I run my gopro on a Flymount. Similar position to Magic. Just forward of clew reinforcing panel. Misses most of the spray n looks along the board thru the sail on opposite tack. Good pics from either tack.

688 posts
15 Jun 2018 2:47PM
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WA, 1121 posts
15 Jun 2018 2:59PM
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its nice to have you back Mr Ride.

688 posts
15 Jun 2018 11:27PM
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Sparky said..
its nice to have you back Mr Ride.

QLD, 2456 posts
16 Jun 2018 2:31AM
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Sparky said..
its nice to have you back Mr Ride.

You guys are snoozin. Magic has been back for ages.

SA, 4098 posts
16 Jun 2018 7:54AM
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Don't like the clew view makes my hips and stomach look twice the size

WA, 2336 posts
16 Jun 2018 7:32AM
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choco said..
Don't like the clew view makes my hips and stomach look twice the size

Try one of those nano siszed memory cards.

45 posts
18 Jun 2018 7:14PM
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MagicRide said..

Is there a reason why you have the front strap so tight? Perhaps that's why you're taking your front foot out of the strap to gybe?

688 posts
19 Jun 2018 12:13PM
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Capie said..

MagicRide said..

Is there a reason why you have the front strap so tight? Perhaps that's why you're taking your front foot out of the strap to gybe?

Yeah, that strap needs to be bigger, especially with booties. It's the dakine primo strap, not a fan of it. I have it set as big as it is. Going to get the regular dakine strap, when I go to Hood River this Summer.

As in previous posts, I have mentioned my knees are not the best so I wear those braces for stability. Having my front foot in the strap when I gybe puts a lot of stress on my knee, so that's why I take my front foot out, I have more freedom to move my front foot around on the board when gybing to accommodate my knee. If I had better knees, the front foot in the strap is the way to go. Yeah, I understand I can only get so much leverage to carve my gybe the way I do.

45 posts
19 Jun 2018 5:32PM
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Ah, good to know that you can reduce the knee pressure that way. You certainly have the technique down pat!


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Camera mounting spots" started by BSN101