Every time after windsurfing,this night I can not fall asleep.I feel extremly tired but I can not fall asleep,so I stay awake all the night (5 morning) traying to sleep.
This make me crazy and exhausted.
(otherwise ,allways I am too tired I cant sleep that night)
I dont know why this happend to me,is this adrenaline rush,or my body recogonizes windsurfing like dangerous/stress excerise so my body is too upset or mybe problem with heart,poor condition ..?
I seriously think about stop windsurfing for ever,because I cant hold this problem anymore.
Does some one of you has these problems?
Windsurfin is the BUZZ sport. The first 12months back i found it hard to sleep. Tired aching muscles, hands dont work. Reliving all the overpowered moments. But all thru the pain my brain was wanting that rush of planing. Kind of flying, kind of skimming. THE MOST ADDICTIVE RUSH IVE EVER ENCOUNTERED. GO WINDSURF EVERYDAY n You will become more adjusted. Nothing wrong with windsurfing consuming your WHOLE life. ITS ALL ABOUT THE 'RUSH'.
That's strange Wing 11, I'm with steve charles -overthinking on anything , usually negative , does me damage.
Does this happen after other forms of physical exertion ?
I had the same problem, after a real good day, just couldn't sleep.
Don't sail any more... now I can't sleep !!
i have the same problem after a intense sailing session of a few hours or more. body tired but brain stays awake when trying to sleep, red eyes for the next day or so, looking like a few cones in the car with the windows wound up
Yes, magnesium and lots of water should really help. Its a bit like when you drink a lot of booze and you have a bad nights sleep. The alcohol paradoxically dehydrates. So lots of water in the arvo and evening before bed. I remember in the early days windsurfing all afternoon and then getting terrible hamstring cramps when I sat in the evening.
Wing11, yeah I had that to. A good session normally accompanied beer and bad food afterwards. Over the past 3 years, discovered much of that food I was allergic to and caused sleep apnea. I didn't know condition was walking me up. Just felt like I was laying there all night. Good luck.
I am glad that I am not alone!
Problem is I dont have time so I wsurf maybe 3,4 times a year and my body is not prepare for this torture!
Sea tired people on diffrent way,when I play football also been exhausted but I never had problem with insomnia.
Every night after wsurf session if I am not drunk I cant fall asleep,so I must be drunk if I want sleep!!
Have some kids, sleep deprivation will then be normal, youll realize sleep is over rated and this windsurfing not sleeping thing wont be an issue anymore........fixed!
Never happends to me. After a real good session, I'm usually ready to fall a sleep when the night approaches. I lay in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how good the session was and then I'm out like a light. If there were any hot girls on the beach that day, I may occasionally dream about them. Makes for a wonderful nights rest!!
I also have had great success in taking Melatonin before going to sleep.