Although Winston never publicly criticised Switzerland's neutral stance, relations soured after he chose their attire for the conference...
As you gentlemen knew...we Americans like our fried chickens...So I brought my own genetically modified chicken with me.
So there's an Englishman, American and Russian sitting at a bar and a chick walks over to them and asks for a double they all give her one.
Little known fact that KFC in fact stands for Kiev Frankfurt Cologne for 3 of the most famous battles of WWII
At last.....meeting Colonel Sanders had always been on Henny Penny's bucket list....
Unfortunately for Henny Penny, she was also on Colonal Sander's bucket list.....
Ta Daa, and another caption comp draws to an end and there was no way i wanted to call this one on Anzac day so without further ado, the winner of Caption Comp 371 is John340 with his splendid recall of Plucka Duck and his wheel. Take it away John!
Stuthepirate was a bees dick away though.
Churchill- I smoke cigars
Roosevelt- I smoke cigarettes.
Stalin- I chew Viagra gum.
Whoops too late....