i am not a racist.
White, brown, yellow - colour is unimportant to me. It's the contents of the envelope, not its colour that matters.
If your the-president-of-a-corrupt-world-sporting-organisation-who-deliberately-mislead-investigators-and-receive-millions-of-dollars-of-bribes-from-governments-which-are-funded-by-tax-payers clap your hands
The Beautiful Game - Run by a crook who knows nothing and supported by administrators feathering their own nests
As you can see here I have a cast bronze replica of one of my balls. Yes it is big. They have to be.
I have been accused of running the most morally corrupt sport in the world.
Well, let me tell my friends...
Now just before I leave for the airport, can someone here confirm which Countries don't have extradition agreements with the USA! I've rung the Ecuadorian embassy in London but all their beds are taken.
I'm going to call it. 3rd place goes to Richiefish. Equal 2nd to Albers & Carantoc with some bonus points for the poker dot cup.
... but the winner is...Terminal with "There's a FIFA this and a FIFA that". Take it away matey...