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Forums > Windsurfing General

Caption Comp #380

Created by AusMoz > 9 months ago, 9 Jul 2015
QLD, 1479 posts
9 Jul 2015 7:52PM
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Go for it!

1421 posts
9 Jul 2015 5:57PM
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Your's might work for a zebra mate, but sharks don't get to see many zebras!

QLD, 5610 posts
9 Jul 2015 8:23PM
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Kiter Kev was sick of being ridiculed for wearing his boardies over his wetsuit so he came up with this...

QLD, 7428 posts
9 Jul 2015 11:48PM
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Testing the theory that sharks wont eat turkish delight or licorice allsorts.

da vecta
QLD, 2514 posts
10 Jul 2015 10:34AM
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Honestly, prison recreation is getting far too lenient these days.

WA, 4263 posts
10 Jul 2015 9:31AM
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"Dude, is that your kite resting on the sand over there to the right ... the one with the stripes ?"

QLD, 1496 posts
10 Jul 2015 3:27PM
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Leeroy was confident his new suit and stripy board camouflage would work just as well repelling crocodiles as he went to surf the Zambezi riptide....

QLD, 99 posts
10 Jul 2015 7:02PM
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Stripe guy says, "Your a wa**er"
Blue guy replies, "We're both wa**ers"

TAS, 301 posts
10 Jul 2015 10:21PM
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AusMoz said...

Next moment, after rerequesting a frontal pose, the shocked female photographer realised it was body paint...

TAS, 452 posts
12 Jul 2015 8:57PM
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Derrick recognised Jonah's passion for mammals, but could never understand why Jonah requested his surfboard be decorated with his two favourite animals - the zebra and the beaver

NSW, 1739 posts
13 Jul 2015 6:43PM
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After giving up tennis and Australia, Bernard Tomic represented Croatia in surfing and was often seen with his best mate Nick Kyrgios by his side

VIC, 230 posts
14 Jul 2015 11:18PM
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Just tell me honestly Underlay - does this make my thighs look big?

VIC, 569 posts
16 Jul 2015 11:36PM
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AusMoz said...
Go for it!

Black and white stripes are just so 1994 no sharks will go anywhere near you darling.

NSW, 8094 posts
17 Jul 2015 11:08PM
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AusMoz said..
Go for it!

Here sharky sharky -now you see me, now you don't!

VIC, 230 posts
17 Jul 2015 11:49PM
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"Do you ever feel like it's time we stopped getting Mum to make our wetsuits?"

VIC, 230 posts
18 Jul 2015 12:13AM
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Despite 30 years in the making, Ken Done's entry into the surfwear market, launched at Maroubra Beach, was short lived.

Mark _australia
WA, 22878 posts
17 Jul 2015 10:20PM
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Marty from Madagascar meets Avatar was not much of a success, much less as a surf movie

QLD, 5610 posts
18 Jul 2015 9:40AM
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Richiefish said..
Kiter Kev was sick of being ridiculed for wearing his boardies over his wetsuit so he came up with this...

Kiter Kev and his friend Boogieboard Barry, scanning the water for Barry's lost board...?

WA, 7019 posts
19 Jul 2015 4:12PM
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When Timm heard a rumour that Cobra gear was going up by 40% this year he stuck to the bargain bin.

Oh how he wished he hadn't listened to rumours.

NSW, 169 posts
19 Jul 2015 10:47PM
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terminal said..

Your's might work for a zebra mate, but sharks don't get to see many zebras!

Didn't make Eurovision in this year, nah no beard and dress, better go for a surf, eh...

QLD, 4873 posts
20 Jul 2015 8:00AM
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Mick Fanning and Julian Wilson get ready for the rescheduled jbay final.

QLD, 3254 posts
20 Jul 2015 2:50PM
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^^ Snags, that didn't take long!

Seriously, if they work then anyone surfing, kiting or windsurfing in shark teritory should wear one

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
20 Jul 2015 3:02PM
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AusMoz said..
Go for it!

I thought this was the Neil Pryde 2016 thread..

WA, 4017 posts
21 Jul 2015 9:59AM
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John340 said..
^^ Snags, that didn't take long!

Seriously, if they work then anyone surfing, kiting or windsurfing in shark teritory should wear one

I have seen video of the trials for these wetsuits. They weren't allowed to use human shaped dummies, but they used drums filled with fish. The drums were plain, or covered with neoprene in these patterns. Sharks have poor visual resolution but good contrast recognition. This means they have trouble discriminating broken outlines. They mostly attack from below and the "prey" is outlined against the blue sky above. From below, a surfer on a board in a black wetsuit looks remarkably like a fat seal. Anyway, back to the experiment - the drums coated in the patterns confused the sharks. They swam up to them but did not bite them. It was like the shark knew there was something tasty there but couldn't quite see where it was. They attacked the plain drum. Research done At UWA by Shaun Collin

NSW, 8094 posts
21 Jul 2015 12:53PM
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Windxtasy said..
John340 said..
^^ Snags, that didn't take long!

Seriously, if they work then anyone surfing, kiting or windsurfing in shark teritory should wear one

I have seen video of the trials for these wetsuits. They weren't allowed to use human shaped dummies, but they used drums filled with fish. The drums were plain, or covered with neoprene in these patterns. Sharks have poor visual resolution but good contrast recognition. This means they have trouble discriminating broken outlines. They mostly attack from below and the "prey" is outlined against the blue sky above. From below, a surfer on a board in a black wetsuit looks remarkably like a fat seal. Anyway, back to the experiment - the drums coated in the patterns confused the sharks. They swam up to them but did not bite them. It was like the shark knew there was something tasty there but couldn't quite see where it was. They attacked the plain drum. Research done At UWA by Shaun Collin

sboardcrazy said..
AusMoz said..
Go for it!

Here sharky sharky -now you see me, now you don't!

I'd watched the shark deterrent research video too - hence this post..

QLD, 1479 posts
22 Jul 2015 12:17AM
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sboardcrazy said..

Windxtasy said..

John340 said..
^^ Snags, that didn't take long!

Seriously, if they work then anyone surfing, kiting or windsurfing in shark teritory should wear one

I have seen video of the trials for these wetsuits. They weren't allowed to use human shaped dummies, but they used drums filled with fish. The drums were plain, or covered with neoprene in these patterns. Sharks have poor visual resolution but good contrast recognition. This means they have trouble discriminating broken outlines. They mostly attack from below and the "prey" is outlined against the blue sky above. From below, a surfer on a board in a black wetsuit looks remarkably like a fat seal. Anyway, back to the experiment - the drums coated in the patterns confused the sharks. They swam up to them but did not bite them. It was like the shark knew there was something tasty there but couldn't quite see where it was. They attacked the plain drum. Research done At UWA by Shaun Collin

sboardcrazy said..

AusMoz said..
Go for it!

Here sharky sharky -now you see me, now you don't!

I'd watched the shark deterrent research video too - hence this post..

After this weeks events at J-Bay, I will call the winner tomorrow and put this thread behind us.

QLD, 1479 posts
22 Jul 2015 6:09PM
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brady said..
Derrick recognised Jonah's passion for mammals, but could never understand why Jonah requested his surfboard be decorated with his two favourite animals - the zebra and the beaver

Brady your the WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

QLD, 177 posts
22 Jul 2015 7:03PM
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Now that marriage equality is legit someone has to wear the stripes in the relationship.

TAS, 452 posts
22 Jul 2015 9:12PM
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AusMoz said..

brady said..
Derrick recognised Jonah's passion for mammals, but could never understand why Jonah requested his surfboard be decorated with his two favourite animals - the zebra and the beaver

Brady your the WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh! I've come over all miss congeniality.

World peace!

(I dare you to juggle the word order for that first bit)

Number 381 on its way


Forums > Windsurfing General

"Caption Comp #380" started by AusMoz