As you can see kids, using the convection method instead of the conventional method, if we place the heat source here - below the opening - convectional air currents slowly transfer the heated air upwards inflating the receptacle or in this case the rubber glove.
It was at the company bonding retreat that Gordon discovered the inspiration for the Fanny Flambeaux.
Customs man Big Bill said to the wildlife smuggler:
"If you don't let that long-suffering budgie out quick smart, I will apply the other torch I don't care if you are the Queen of Austria... PM of Australia my ass"
Gerry Harvey was having to use ever-more extreme motivational techniques to get A-grade performances from the annoying voice-over guy for the Harvey Norman ads
Most people are surprised when then first find out that the wind forecast is based more on art than science.
Here we see the forecast for September being made.
Important life skills ...understand the differences between expected behaviour online and in real life......getting flamed online is worth ignoring and turning the other cheek. In real life its best to ........RUN!!!!!!
Waken up to the fact that not many folks can afford the $250,000 for a mere few minutes if weightlessness, Tricky Dick Branson decided to give every brave soul the chance to experience space travel.
"No frill, self drive, unlimited Kilo-Metres adventure." It is the "Cattle-Class" of space travel.
After a couple of hours on/in the cold winter water it's possible to experience "shrinkage" and testicular withdrawal.
If you are embarrassed by the visual aspect of this you can either wear boardshorts over your wetsuit or do THIS.