Flamability index = 10
Smoke production index = 0
VOC emissions index = weapons grade
FRL -/5sec/0
SAA fire tests provide good empirical justification for the harsh legal sanctions against the smuggling of budgies.
Most inventions came from accidental discovery...and jet propulsion is one of them Right now, the human jet is orbiting the earth, wondering how to get back to earth
He left his manual behind
The most popular entries were Mark_australia with“all good fun until somebody farts” and Vinno with “Not so slow roasted chicken nuggets”.
And the winner is ........... Vinno!
So over to you for the next instalment of this ongoing saga of merriment
It's been three days since I sent Vinno a PM with regards the Caption Comp.
Maybe Mark_australia could kick the next one off if nothing eventuates by tomorrow.