gump gump gump gump (lovely evening )
gump gump gump gump,. (I said beeyoutiful evening )
(hello) gump,.. (hello) gump,.. (hellooooo,..)
But Tubby just sat there.
"Hey Freddo, did you just see Lotofwind get ragdolled up the beach?"
"*** yeah Kermit, still p****** myself!!"
Meanwhile, back at Coodanup Foreshore Reserve, the debate still wages over who has the best Nanna chair
....and then the one on the left pursed his lips and squeaked to the crocodile..."well you don't see many of those around here".....
meanwhile, back at the Playschool studios....
"Lah Dee Dah Dee Dah......Lah Dee Dah Dee Dah.......Lah Dee Dah Dee Dah"
Or if they were motorbike frogs,.. where he had left the keys to his bike.
Kermit: "Freddo...Why are you carrying on with mouth wide open like that ?"
Freddo: "I am getting ready for the EuroVision Song Contest."
Kermit: "I know it is always good to aim high...But there will be a bit of a challenge for the make-up personnel, don't you think?"
Freddo: "Nah, not to worry. Who knows what hide under those outrageous costumes at the competition."
Kermi: "Well, I don't know...I suppose you are right. About that Conchita lass..."
And then he said "I eat big mouth frogs"
Ooh gosh, what did you say?
I couldn't get much out with my mouth shut.