"You can't park here mate. You'll have to move or I'll book you."
Hitler made good use of his experience as a parking inspector when it came to ruthless world domination later on.
Hitler said to his chief engineer:
"According to your computer printout, Hans, this poor excuse of a car can reach 200 kph. Consumes 1 litre/100 Km of petrol with near zero emission. I can see great potential for your software, in 70 years time!"
"...and who vould think ze Japs make a WRX motor that fit in it 40 years later ....."
"Fritz, sign zem up for our side"
When Adolf first saw it he punched Goebels, thus beginning the long-standing tradition of the "Slug Bug"
Hitler said to his chief engineer, Hans...
"My dear comrade, Hans, I really like this little beauty. It has good look A powerful engine
Uses no water
Over and above, it has a wind cheating shape. I bet those guys in the year 2015, over the US, would dearly love to learn about how to cheat !"
Drumroll and the winner is
i was banned for insulting the Auzzies on their "special" gambling day
butt i guess Germans are fair game
like Rammstein says "Bueck Dich"