Can anyone suggest an adhesive for sticking a polyurethane centreboard gasket to an F2 lightning??
Preferably a product available in Australia.
Any tips on the application would also be appreciated.
Yep use a polyurethane sealant adhesive you can get from bunnings we used this at seawind to fix the windows in place and I also found that it was the only thing that would seal the rocker cover on my ktm 640 because of its great gap filling qualities. Just coat each side of the gasket with your finger prior to assembly.
When I used to work in a windsurf shop, in the days when people knew what a centreboard was, we would use a McNett product called "Aquaseal" to re-glue centreboard gaskets. Aquaseal is a high quality polyuretane sealant. It can be very messy, so tape up all adjacent areas very well prior to application. This will prevent the goo getting onto the board where you don't want it.
The McNett product called "Seamgrip" is (to the best of my knowledge) the same formula, but marketed to outdoor applications (inflatable sleeping mats etc). Last time I checked Seamgrip came with a screw-on brush tip applicator that goes straight on the tube. That would make application a lot less messy I imagine.
The centreboard gasket is a 95a duro, 1.5mm polyurethane.
The only one I could find long enough to suit an old F2 Lightning was from a site called in the states.
We always used super glue because that is what the Mistral and F2 factories used. It's the only thing that sticks to the polyurethane
I would think ordinary contact cement, it's a clear thick liquid applied with a dauber, can be messy. I used it to glue a foam nose protector on a board and it is not going anywhere, ever I think.
Essentially nothing works for very long. A fix that has proven successful is a slight redesign of the flaps using sail material cloth folder on itself, same as how speed board flaps were done, then instead of glueing run the material underneath the insert strips and then srcew down with stainless screws. The material is slightly overlaped to created a good waterseal to the casing area but the centreboard will still happily slide through.
Thanks for the tips.
From what I can find on the net chasing the above suggested products, the Hot Stuff/Super glue options sound OK, however I'll need to order from the US.
Does anyone have a reliable supplier of Hot Stuff or Hot Stuff Super T in Australia?? I couldn't find it on the Bunnings catalogue.
Yeah, the Super T glue from the place Doug has mentioned is the best I have used. Great if you can get it at Bunnings too.
Thanks fjdoug, the "Woodsmith" link is a big help!!
I also tried Bunnings and they don't have Hot Stuff/Super T.