Brilliant vid, just brilliant. Going to have to watch it again for the 3rd time.
Oh the humanity troppo . Nice stack tripping the rail on that piece of chop.
One of the best windsurfing videos I've see for a long time. Captures the essence of the speed Slowey is going at and fantastic close up shots.
i watched that twice and i don't even like windsurfing :P
Awesome clip, fan****ing tastic camera work .
those windsurfers were getting some nice speed going .
Good one
shoulders all good, back to normal. Chris was pushing me up towards the sand so I took my eyes of the water for a second to check where I was and and paid the price. It happend so quickly. just glad col got it so it can be replayed over and over in glorius slow motion.
I would'nt recomend rail riding a speed needle.
Amazing to see closeup footage of "Slowboat" in action. He hardly moves even in that chop but the board surely does! What a master.
Would love to see what he could do at Luderitz!
I think I'll watch it again...