You're s%#ting me !!!!! Just booked accommodation . Anyone got a spare , I've only got impact vests with 50kg float. Looks like I'm watching
Thanks Bender, I'll hit up bcf on the way through. But if I strike out I'll grab it . I'm interested to see how the wave and freestylers go wearing buoyancy vests
Looks like I'm out anyway, entry's have closed but I didn't see any closure time. Arr well I ll be there anyway for a sail and catch up
Registration is still open until the morning there shouldnt be any cutoff in registration.
We will sort it out at the point etc if need be.
As for flares, if you have them, please wear them. Lifejacket will be minimum requirement. Practice for LOC
Should be open again we had a little IT issue.
Kato we will register you on the beach as there is no way to hack the web site to recognise an interstate membership. Job for the off season.