Stumbled on this sale if anyone is after a cheap kids rig:
Interesting find! maybe it's just the way the took the photos but the boom looks crazy long for a kids rig.
Thanks for alerting us to that - we just bought two.
The boom length looks good for little rigs, since the short-boom small sails don't exert enough leverage to make tacking easy a lot of the time.
Good work folks. It would appear these are sold out- I was seriously thinking it would be a great buy for a beginners rig to teach. It would be great if the buyers of this kit, could please post a test report on the gear.
I purchased one these five days ago. Just got an email from Decathlon saying "sorry, but we're out of stock" . Anyone else get one of these? Pretty sh!tty inventory system that allows them to sell out of stock items....
Same. Purchased one off their website. They emailed me yesterday and said sorry out of stock.
I noticed a few months back they had mast bases around $39, they haven't come back on, so not real hopeful that kids rigs will be back in stock in Australia any time soon.
Mind boggling they can't manage their inventory in real time. Mine arrived today.
I have never looked at decathlon for windsurfing but it looks like they aren't restocking at the moment.... Maybe the rush on the kids rig may change their mind, it would benefit the sport if beginner gear was cheaper.