I have a JP 54 speed needing some minor cosmetic repairs to the bottom. Can anyone recommend an off the shelf spray paint to match the JP silver grey finish?
Iy you want to do it well, go to an auto paint place like Premier Paints in Malaga and they will match it in 2pac, then find somebody who can spray.
Or alternatively (cheaper!) same deal with a place that makes up sparaycans to order, but you will have to go thru all their sample colours from a hundred cars to get a paint code
Silver is a metalic and unless you are painting the entire silver panel you need to blend the color by adding more thinners as you go wider with the paint repair,but as mark said start with the closest match possible,it might pay to clear coat as well.you can also hold the can further back and mist the coverage to disguise the paint mismatch.if you get it wrong wash it of with thinnersand go again,but be careful you don't damage the original surface
^^^ could never be as bad as the silvery blue on an old Carve that I did once with a can of silver and a can of blue simultaneously, trying to apply more blue than silver
Don't try that
Thanks Mort, I am not after a professiona,l never to be detected repair, just to try to improve the current repair of silver grey worn off showing the primer underneath.
The 2 colours blending had me laughing Mark. I can onluy imagine how that felt as you could se the wrong result appearing before your eyes. More silver, more blue aaaghhhhhh.
I noticed the other day that my local supercheap auto has a paint mixing setup. Maybe you can match your colour there. I am not sure if they match colours or if they just duplicate them from the range of automotive colours.
They seem to do spray cans, and then different volumes of paint. I assume its acrylic, but I didn't take enough notice.
The JP's have a directionally rubbed(sanded) finish. An 'off the gun' result is achievable though it needs a dark/Matt black base and it requires a deft touch. A Matt clear over and light wet and dry to blend.
Note that rubbing into the silver spray can darken/blacken it and make it patchy.
If you want to have some fun playing with it get a can each of anchor acrylic enamel matt black, silver, clear 5% gloss(matt).
My advice is to ensure you have sanded the repair area as finely as possible to at least 320g otherwise the silver pigment/flakes will separate into grooves and rough areas and form patches. Mask anything within 700mm to avoid overspray, though you can blend and clean up the whole bottome with 800g directionally when full cured..ideally 24hrs of good drying time.
Have fun!